Lutheran Authors

William Member Posts: 1,152 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

1. Melanchthon, Philip 1497–1560

2. Chemnitz, Martin 1522–1586

3. Heerbrand, Jakob 1521–1600

4. Chytraeus, David 1531–1600

5. Hafenreffer, Matthias 1561–1619

6. Hutter, Leonhard 1563–1616

7. Meisner, Balthasar 1587–1626

8. Gerhard, Johann 1582–1637

9. Hunnius, Nikolaus 1585–1643

10. Brochmand, Jasper 1585–1652

11. Hulsemann, Johann 1602–1661

12. Friedlieb, Ph. H. 1603–1663

13. Dannhauer, Konrad 1603–1666

14. Koenig, J. Friedrich 1619–1664

15. Calov, Abraham 1612–1686

16. Musaeus, Johann 1613–1681

17. Quenstedt, Johann Andreas


18. Baier, Wilhelm 1647–1695

19. Schertzer, Joh. Ad. 1628–1683

20. Hollaz, David 1648–1713


  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    One problem is that very little of this has English translations that are in the public domain.

    Some works of Melanchthon, Chemnitz and Gerhard are available in Logos from Concordia...

    I wish that Logos could get in some agreement with Repristination Press, since they have privately made relatively recent translations of our Orthodox Fathers.

    I am aware of only two 19th century editions...

    1) Wm. Loehe had an edition of Hunnius's Epitome translated into English, printed in Germany, and shipped to Lutherans in the US.

    2) In the Predestination Controversy an edition of Pfeiffer's Anti-Calvinism was published by Ohio Synod...

    Of course, if you are comfortable with Latin texts, quite a bit is available.  Heck - if your German is pretty good, more is available.

    To your list I would like to add that Logos should have an edition of the Sermons of Luther.  The American Edition only has selections.  About a century ago there was an English translation of both Postil's by Lutherans of all Lands, and in pawing through my congregation's library, I saw that there is a more recent translation as well...

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