Slow or difficult to use functionality. Fuzzy Search

Hello all. I used to use 'Fuzzy Search' in Logos 3 to find a quote like this (see below). It would show in rank the hits that contained as many words that could be matched to such a search entry. In Logos 4, even after isolating the possible collection (Post Nicene Fathers 1) and/or the book (Confessions of St Augustine) - which is not in this collection but is a stand alone text- I cannot seem to get much more than isolated words in the hits called up. Is this a feature that Logos 4 cannot do so well or am I missing something? This quote comes from "366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions". I even tried a three word search extract from the below quote, which still did not yield anything more than one word hits.
"O Lord, grant that I may desire Thee, and desiring Thee, seek Thee, and seeking Thee, find Thee, and finding Thee, be satisfied with Thee forever." • —Augustine •
There isn't currently a fuzzy search in Logos 4, but you can simulate it to some degree if you're willing to type a little extra. (I know this isn't the greatest solution, but it's something to play with in Beta 1; we'd be interested in knowing if it generally helps you find information, or is not generally helpful.)
If you search the Entire Library (or a specific collection) by relevance, you may be able to get good results by putting in all your search terms separated by the OR operator. (For improved speed, omit common words like "the", "of", "a", "in", etc.)
I picked the first few words from your phrase and the first couple of hits seemed pretty relevant (when searching my entire library).
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Thanks for your suggestion, Bradley. I will try that and let you know if it helps.
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And Bradley might I add...
THAT'S SICK! 500,000 articles searched in 14 seconds!!
PS: I did it in 8 seconds.. [:O]
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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I just remove punctuation as the comma = OR search operator, and then search for a small part:
"Lord grant that I may desire Thee"
In Entire Library I found the origin of your quote very quickly!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Did you notice this "phrase" was quick but your other search with two terms separated by "OR" took 6 minutes +?
I wonder why the huge disparity...?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Dave, the original source of the quote itself is found in Augustine rather than the "Holy, Holy, Holy" source you found. The same search in the 'Entire Library' does not find this quote in the primary resources that I have which are: "Confessions of St. Augustine" and "Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers-Series 1". Perhaps it is a translation difference from the Homepage entry under "Holy, Holy, Holy", (which I used as the original search phrase) and the primary source translation. I simply loved the quote which I discovered while browsing the Logos 4 Homepage. Can someone help me find the primary source location, please.