Android Suite 4.3.9 Stable Release

The Android team is pleased to announce the 4.3.9 stable release of the Bible, Biblia, FSB, Verbum, Vyrso and Noet apps.
The apps should be available soon in the Google Play and Amazon Stores.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This release still supports Android 2.3.x and Android 3.x. As mentioned in a previous thread, support for these versions of Android will be ending very soon.
If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
- Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred.
- App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
- Device Info – (Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic, Kindle Fire (1st gen))
- Android Version – (2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
Versions in this release:
Biblia 4.3.9 (Build 287)
Bible 4.3.9 (Build 287)
Faithlife Study Bible 4.3.9 (Build 287)
Noet 4.3.9 (Build 287)
Verbum 4.3.9 (Build 287)
Vyrso 4.3.9 (Build 287)
Google Play direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Vyrso -
Verbum -
Noet -
Amazon Store direct download links:
Logos -
Faithlife Study Bible -
Biblia -
Verbum -
Noet -
- Updated resource display driver
- Fixed crash caused by opening an empty note
- Resource updates no longer download automatically
Thank you for the continual work on these products. I feel like they are coming along very nicely.
Is there any chance I could get feedback on my request here?
Bible search would be very useful if it remembered all settings of a search when you went back to it.
Thanks again!
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- Description – Navigation Failing - see below
- App Info – Which app you are using: VERBUM
- Device Info – Samsung Galaxy Pro 12.2
- Android Version – 4.4
Earlier in the day, certain resources would not open. With the new 4.3.9 update for Android, they open, but the navigation does not work.
For example, Catholic Lectionary links to the NABRE do not work When you select them in the Lectionary, the bubble opens correctly, but when you select "Jump to Reference" it opens the NABRE but to the wrong section with the message "Navigation failed." This also happens within the New Interpreter's Bible (12 volume) set - the navigation to the bible fails. When I substituted NAB as the preferred Bible, the same problem occurred. When I selected King James, it worked - but I would not use this Bible for Catholic Bible Study.
Also, within the Roman Missal, when you select an internal cross reference (indicated by a page number within the Roman Missal), the same message appears: "Navigation Failed." This happens within the resource, not across others!
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PK Fitz said:
- Description – Navigation Failing - see below
- App Info – Which app you are using: VERBUM
- Device Info – Samsung Galaxy Pro 12.2
- Android Version – 4.4
Earlier in the day, certain resources would not open. With the new 4.3.9 update for Android, they open, but the navigation does not work.
For example, Catholic Lectionary links to the NABRE do not work When you select them in the Lectionary, the bubble opens correctly, but when you select "Jump to Reference" it opens the NABRE but to the wrong section with the message "Navigation failed." This also happens within the New Interpreter's Bible (12 volume) set - the navigation to the bible fails. When I substituted NAB as the preferred Bible, the same problem occurred. When I selected King James, it worked - but I would not use this Bible for Catholic Bible Study.
Also, within the Roman Missal, when you select an internal cross reference (indicated by a page number within the Roman Missal), the same message appears: "Navigation Failed." This happens within the resource, not across others!
I am unable to reproduce this issue but expect it is related to cached resource information on your device. First, please reproduce the problem and then navigate to the Help menu and tap Send Support Info so we can take a look at your log information.
Second, I suggest deleting the cache information for the Verbum app in the Android Settings menu, and then opening Verbum again and making sure all resources are updated (from the Home Page) and see if the problem still exists.
If the problem still occurs please delete the app and perform a fresh install.
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Please describe the issue: PK Fitz:
- Description – Navigation Failing - see below
- App Info – Which app you are using: VERBUM
- Device Info – Samsung Galaxy Pro 12.2
- Android Version – 4.4
Earlier in the day, certain resources would not open. With the new 4.3.9 update for Android, they open, but the navigation does not work.
For example, Catholic Lectionary links to the NABRE do not work When you select them in the Lectionary, the bubble opens correctly, but when you select "Jump to Reference" it opens the NABRE but to the wrong section with the message "Navigation failed." This also happens within the New Interpreter's Bible (12 volume) set - the navigation to the bible fails. When I substituted NAB as the preferred Bible, the same problem occurred. When I selected King James, it worked - but I would not use this Bible for Catholic Bible Study.
Also, within the Roman Missal, when you select an internal cross reference (indicated by a page number within the Roman Missal), the same message appears: "Navigation Failed." This happens within the resource, not across others!
Verbum 4.3.9
Android 4.4.2
samsung SM-P900 v1awifi FROM LOGOS:
I am unable to reproduce this issue but expect it is related to cached resource information on your device. First, please reproduce the problem and then navigate to the Help menu and tap Send Support Info so we can take a look at your log information.
Second, I suggest deleting the cache information for the Verbum app in the Android Settings menu, and then opening Verbum again and making sure all resources are updated (from the Home Page) and see if the problem still exists.
If the problem still occurs please delete the app and perform a fresh install.
I have attached the support information as requested. Before doing so, I (1) deleted the cache information from the Verbum app in the Android Settings menu – two resources were updated (Catholic Lectionary and a Bible I do not use) – but problem continued. (2) I deleted the app and performed a fresh install, but problem persists.
Thank you.
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Don't forget the direct download link. I had to hunt around for it a bit
I just got a Blackberry Z30 and installed the apk from that link. I'm quite impressed with how well it works. I don't even have Blackberry version 10.3 which is supposed to handle Android apps even better.
One thing - when it downloaded the version showed as 1.0.0287. Is that the installer or is the internal version number off?
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PK Fitz,
Just so you know, this forum stores what everyone has previously written so you don't need to copy/paste what you've said (or my responses to it).
Thanks for the update, I'll take another look tomorrow.
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Tom Reynolds said:
One thing - when it downloaded the version showed as 1.0.0287. Is that the installer or is the internal version number off?
1.0.0287 seems to indicate the build number (287) is getting picked up, but not the app version (4.3.9). We don't officially support our apps running on Blackberry devices but I'm glad the app seems to work well for you.
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- Description – Using NABRE trying to navigate between readings.
- App Info – Verbum 4.3.9
- Device Info – Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0
- Android Version – 4.2
The books downloaded in the thread here:
are now accessible, but no longer can be navigated. Bookmarks are broken and Trying to go from one book of the Bible to another takes me to the last verse read with the message "navigation failed."
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
David Wanat said:
- Description – Using NABRE trying to navigate between readings.
- App Info – Verbum 4.3.9
- Device Info – Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0
- Android Version – 4.2
The books downloaded in the thread here:
are now accessible, but no longer can be navigated. Bookmarks are broken and Trying to go from one book of the Bible to another takes me to the last verse read with the message "navigation failed."
Can you be more specific about which books you are referring to? I am unable to reproduce the issue with the ISBE, Bible Knowledge Commentary, NABRE, NAB, or the Roman Missal.
Have you tried deleting the app and reinstalling?
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Deleting and Reinstalling seems to have done the trick. Some odd things. When I reinstalled, the app immediately began downloading books i previously had on the tablet.
The Oxford english Dictionary failed to download though.
As far as I know it's OK, but I'll report back if it breaks again.
God Bless.
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
David - please let me know if it still works after awhile. I tried uninstalling and installing yesterday (Wed) on two different tablets, and the navigation still would not work on all the Catholic books (NAB, NABRE, Roman Missal, etc.).
I called technical support today and they said they could not replicate the problem on their tablet, but while we were speaking their tablet updated with the most recent update and they then had the same problem. I am told they are working on it, but time will tell. I have been VERY HAPPY for a year with Android Verbum until 48 hours ago. I hope they can fix it.
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We *think* we have identified the problem as a resource versioning mismatch. If any of the problematic resources are downloaded locally to your device, could you please remove them and see if the problem disappears?
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OK, just want to say that it is broken again:
App: Verbum 4.3.9Tablet: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.Android OS: 4.2.2Problem: In Verbum, certain books will not allow navigation (no bookmarks, no go to function. When I try to go elsewhere, the message is “Navigation failed.” I simply return to the last part in the book before these downloads happened. (For example, the NABRE is stuck on Acts 10:1, regardless of what I moved it to before closing.The Books: NABRE, CCC, NNPF 1.7, Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vatican II, Orthodoxy, Heresies.
Steps taken:
- Clear all data.
- Reinstall the problem books
- (BUT, after I did that, these books updated themselves again automatically)
- Reinstalled b
- Uninstalled Verbum from Android.
- Reinstall Verbum App
- Signed In
- Checked for surviving Bookmarks (none found)
- Tried to download NABRE (Kept getting a choice to “remove all” even though they were not downloaded
- Suddenly got a message for 21 downloads happening automatically (These were books I had previously had stored on my device)
- Bookmarks reappeared.
- Downloads finished.
- Problem reoccurred. I cannot go to a different location in my books without getting a "navigation error." Bookmarks break again
- New American Bible Revised Edition
- Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers 1.7
- Collegeville Bible Commentary
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Constitution of the United States
- Heretics
- Canons and Decrees of Council of Trent
- Catechism of the Council of Trent
- Imitation of Christ
- Sources of Catholic Dogma
- A Miscellany of Men
- God, Pharoah and Moses
- Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Declaration of Independence
- Catholic Lectionary
- Vatican II Documents
- Concise Oxford English Dictionary
- Nelson Bible Map Collection
- Decrees of the Vatican Council
- Douay-Rheims Bible
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
I think I can confirm that doesn't work.
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
No, it quit working shortly after I finished downloading.
Like you, it was working great until 48 hours ago.
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
David Wanat said:
I think I can confirm that doesn't work.
If you remove those local resources does it fix the issue?
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David Wanat said:
No, it quit working shortly after I finished downloading.
Like you, it was working great until 48 hours ago.
Please remove any downloaded book resources from your library and see if the problem still occurs.
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No, it just automatically downloads them again.
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
Once more, I removed the app and all the books and reinstalled. Once more, the navigation feature does not work. Even within the NABRE and NAB, among others, there is no way to navigate to chapter and verse even within the resource. The King James Bible works fine, but I wanted the Catholic resource so I purchased Verbum.
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I think you're right here. My main trouble seems to be the NABRE more than anything else.
EDIT: Still testing, but it to clarify, it seems that it is the NABRE that cannot navigate (get a navigation failed) and the bookmarks automatically take me to the last place opened (last night it was Acts 10, tonight it is Wisdom 5.
But when I type in a book and chapter, it *seems* to work for now.
Does this help track down the problem?
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
AcLually, I think the Catholic Lectionary might be a big part of the problem because it is "part of the application and cannot be removed". Other resources can be removed separately. The Catholic Lectionary cannot.
The non Catholic lectionaries navigate, but the Catholic Lectionary does not. How can we get Verbum to fix this? I have called them three times about this. It is getting very frustrating.
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Downloaded resources are automatically downloaded again after a new install, as part of mobile resource management. This is nearly always a good thing as it means you don't have to manually download every resource again when performing a fresh install of the app.
In this case it's a bad thing because the problem only occurs when the resources are downloaded locally. If you deselect the problematic resources in Logos Desktop, they won't be automatically downloaded to the mobile apps, and if they're not downloaded locally the problem won't occur.
If you are not sure how to do that (or to determine whether a resource is downloaded to your mobile device or not) let's discuss it tomorrow.
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Yeah, I think I will need a walkthrough on that tomorrow
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
Kevin - when will I be able to use the full functionality of the Catholic resources in Verbum: NAB, NABRE, Roman Missal, etc.? I need to be able to navigate. Are there plans to correct this so that they work as well as they worked 48 hours ago?
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PK Fitz said:
The non Catholic lectionaries navigate, but the Catholic Lectionary does not. How can we get Verbum to fix this? I have called them three times about this. It is getting very frustrating.
The Development team is aware of the problem and we hope to have a solution soon, but the fix will most likely require a new version of the Verbum app and it might take a few days before that is available (hopefully sooner).
This problem doesn't affect just you but potentially lots of customers and resources; you are not the only one that is frustrated (please believe me)!
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PK Fitz said:
Kevin - when will I be able to use the full functionality of the Catholic resources in Verbum: NAB, NABRE, Roman Missal, etc.? I need to be able to navigate. Are there plans to correct this so that they work as well as they worked 48 hours ago?
Please read my previous post on this thread.
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Well, thanks for keeping us informed that they are working on a solution. I recall yesterday that they hadn't been able to reproduce it, so it sounds like progress is being made.
For purposes of research, I'm still OK, because I have full access on my Mac. I just hope tohave the tablet back soon for reading purposes.
Thanks for all the efforts and I hope I didn't come across too critical.
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
David Wanat said:
Well, thanks for keeping us informed that they are working on a solution. I recall yesterday that they hadn't been able to reproduce it, so it sounds like progress is being made.
For purposes of research, I'm still OK, because I have full access on my Mac. I just hope tohave the tablet back soon for reading purposes.
Thanks for all the efforts and I hope I didn't come across too critical.
We (Faithlife's Customer Support and Development team working together) were only just today able to reliably reproduce the issue. The issue only happens with certain resources, and only if those particular resources have been downloaded locally in the last few days.
I will keep this thread updated with our progress and no, you didn't come across as too critical. This is a serious bug - thanks to you and PK for helping us track it down!
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For those experiencing the resource navigation problem - we believe we've fixed the issue.
If you have a downloaded resource that exhibits the problem, please remove it and download it again, then let us know how it goes.
Sorry for the frustration you might have experienced.!
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Yes, it is working now. Thank you.