Liturgy of the Hours

Now that the forum is up and running, let's get some movement on needed Catholic products. My first suggestion:
If not, then what about the Monastic Diurnal from LancelotAndrewesPress?
YES for Liturgy of the Hours!
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How about Benedictine Daily Prayer?
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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Sounds good to me!
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Oh, Yes! Divine Office in Verbum (fast becoming my go-to for almost everything app). 👍
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Ken McGuire said:
How about Benedictine Daily Prayer?
I have recommended it in the past would snap in up in a second if it was offered...
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A thumbs up for Benedictine Daily Prayer.
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901 days since I ordered the Pre-Pub of the LoTH. Still "gathering interest." Posts elsewhere suggest that delay pending revisions of the translations is not a factor, since scriptural text will be drawn from licensed versions in the user's library. Is it that there are simply too few customers asking for or ordering the pre-pub?
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Scott G. Michael said:
... Is it that there are simply too few customers asking for or ordering the pre-pub?
That would be my understanding.
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Perhaps a little promotion would help. I've no idea of the overall Verbum customer base size or composition, but this would seem a comparable "liturgical experience enhancement" situation to the Lectionary, with some higher-than-average proportion (though perhaps well under half) of daily Mass participants praying the Office or priests who may want to better use the LotH for homiletic and personal benefit.
I realize a lot of Office pray-ers have invested in one or four-volume hard copies (as had I, though I've since moved to digital versions on my mobile), but they often have missals or Magnificat issues for Mass as well, yet there was enough interest for the Lectionary to become available in Verbum.
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Thanks for joining in , Scott.
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St. Joseph Guide for the Liturgy of the Hours (Yearly) ISBN: 9781953152367 Handy guide that facilitates use of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS (exactly as the one Logos/Verbum has by providing clear, accurate hyperlinks for each day of the period specified. This will make the work already done on LOTH be worthwhile.