A few more suggestions!

Mark Nolette
Mark Nolette Member Posts: 508 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

1) New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law (Paulist Press). There are resources in the works for the 1917 Code, but the 1983 Code could use some love, too.  

2) New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Others have mentioned it, so I'm seconding it.

3) Desert Christians by William Harmless. (also, Mystics by the same author)

4) The Solace of Fierce Landscapes by Belden Lane.

5) C.S. Lewis - Narnia, the Space Trilogy, Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce - you name it.

6) GK Chesterton - The Everlasting Man

7) Catholicism -Robert Barron

8) The Beatitudes - Simon Tugwell

9) John Cassian - Institutes and Conferences (the Boniface Ramsay editions)

10) Michael Casey - Sacred Reading, Toward God, and Fully Human, Fully Divine

11) The Spirit of Early Christian Thought - Robert Wilken

12) Elizabeth Johnson - Quest for the Living God, Ask the Beasts

13) Denys Turner - Thomas Aquinas, Julian of Norwich, and Faith, Reason, and the Existence of God

14) Charles Taylor - A Secular Age

That's enough for now!