OK, All-Forgiven has been Withdrawn. Bizzaro page turning.

I'm on the latest version (Biblia specifically, 4.4.0 >> 4.4.2489). I like the new scrolling, which is great for just reading.
However .... if you're reading something that has a number of notes (and the scrolling option is off), turning BACK a page (to check a point), and then turning FORWARD a page is bizarre.
If you try it, you won't see a problem. But go ahead and highlight something. Then turn back; then return to where you are. You won't be where you were. I've had my highlighting to end up on the page AFTER returning. You really have to scan around to pick up where you were.
Now, I'm confident this thread will slide into the netherworld, as Thanksgiving proceeds. But I'm also fully confident anyone using the new app version and studying up a storm, is going to wonder what exactly was the algorythm employed? I thought it might be paragraphing, font mis-calculation, or something related to text-chunking.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
Denise said:
Now, I'm confident this thread will slide into the netherworld, as Thanksgiving proceeds.
James has been working on smooth scrolling for several months now, and he's really concerned with getting it done right. It sounds like this is a valid bug, so it would probably be helpful if you wrote it up a little more clearly (i.e. straightforward reproduction steps and "BUG" in the thread title). I'm completely confident that the team will care enough to get it fixed, but I can say from experience that it's frustrating trying to interpret a bug report like this.
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Well, Drew, no offense, but it's kind of hard to miss. A book with a decent amount of notes (bottom of screen), make a highlight, page back, page forward ... take a look. Sometimes the text is re-positioned a paragraph plus or minus. Often after a single 'back', 2 'forwards' are required due to the re-positioning.
Same behavior for Biblia, Vyrso, and Noet. Bible! also does this (older version) but it's not so bad. So, the behavior's been there for a while; just not so obvious.
Anyway, James did a nice job on the scroller. This issue involves the non-scroller (page turning).
For the record, I'm on latest iOS 8 (a couple days back it updated). Using an iPad Mini (not the retina version). No unusual settings (standard font, etc). Internet turned off (Bible! was pretty much 'locked' with internet turned on when highlighting). Highlighting is basic (yellow); single file; not book-based, etc.
Again, the key characteristic is a book with a solid set of notes at the bottom of the display.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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Hi Denise
I think I see the same thing but am not sure it is a highlighting issue - just that highlights make it more apparent. Does that make sense?
I took the screenshot below
Then I swiped forward and back and took the next screenshot
The section heading for chapter 11 has moved downwards (and all the other text has moved as well)
This was with Verbum 4.3.7 but the same is true in Bible! 4.4.0 so this behaviour has not just been introduced.
Denise, is this effectively what you are seeing or do you see something different?
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Yes, Graham. Backward, then forward. Contra your observations, I have not seen it 'miss a beat' absent me highlighting. Also it's pretty exact (bac/forward), if no notes. So, your observations add to mine.
And true it's been there a while; I was using some of its flukiness, to re-position page-starts in the older version. But the new 4.4 really takes the behavior to town. I think what got me wound up, was a good book. Flipping back and forth on the details in the notes. Good books are so good!
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן