Reading View
Reading view currently does not work with all books. For example, Trying to open Spurgeon's morning and evening devotions in reading view does not work. Can anyone confirm this with this or other resources?
Also, it would be great if we could format how reading view looked. For example, it would be nice if we could narrow the "width" of the reading view so that it more closely resembled a "page" of text. The extra screen space could be black, as in the mock-up below. This would make for a more book-like read on the screen.
David B Phillips said:
Trying to open Spurgeon's morning and evening devotions in reading view does not work. Can anyone confirm this with this or other resources?
Morning and Evening works fine for me in Reading View.
By doesn't work, what do you mean? What happens? Nothing?
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works perfectly for me..nice feature.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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It doesn't work for me either... the screen flickers and then remains the same.
Oddly, if I select Reading View for another resource I can use the Reading View for Morning and Evening.
I also think that some other options for Reading View would be nice. On a widescreen display, 2 pages could be displayed side by side. Long lines that stretch the entire width of the screen are difficult to read.
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My problem is the same as Tim's. The screen flickers and starts to resize, but then it goes back to normal and nothing changes. It looks like it is trying to move to reading view, but the pane remains in the same place. Interestingly, the Reading View check box will be checked.
A second quirk. If I "float" the panel, then reading view works. But in my current layout, it does not.
Third, it seems the problem has to do with my layout. Any new books I open in my saved layout will not open in reading view. Any books already in my layout will. Spurgeon easily opens in reading view if I restart the program and do not load the layout. Any suggestions?
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Passed along to devs.