Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly for the 1st Quarter 2015 ready.

Until we have proper Logos versions of the quarterly, we are currently providing them in the documents section of the faithlife group Adult Bible study Guide (Seventh-day Adventist).
You may have to join the group first.The lesson book, cover and Read Me file are zipped up into one file. The main file is in .docx format ready to be used to produce a Personal Book. You do not even need MSWord to do that as the file SHOULD be ready to go 8-) . If you have problems of any sort then scream loudly on the faithlife group!!
Thank you again John. I have been using these for several quarters and they are great.
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They are a study of Proverbs.
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Thanks again John.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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While many books of the Bible are filled with deep spiritual and theological truths, the book of Proverbs is filled with practical and down-to-earth advice for daily living. Brief, well-balanced, poetic, salty, and often humorous, the proverbs are universal, easy to memorize, and make their points well, sometimes even more efficiently than do eloquent speeches and rigorous argumentation.
For instance, “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise” (Prov. 6:6, NKJV). Or, “It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman” (Prov. 21:19). Or, “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you” (Prov. 25:21-22, NIV). Who is going to forget those types of images?The book of Proverbs is a witness to the wisdom that had been accumulated over generations. Its human authors are referred to as King Solomon (Prov. 1:1–9:18, 10:1–22:16, Proverbs 25–9); as unidentified “wise men” from the ancient Near Eastern world (Prov. 22:17–24:22, 24:23–34); and as the non-Israelite Agur (Prov. 30:1–33). The book even acknowledges King Hezekiah’s editorial contributions (Prov. 25:1). In some cases, too, the book reflects other ancient Near Eastern texts, especially those from ancient Egypt.
Yet, the book of Proverbs is the Word of God, because it was under divine inspiration that the authors pulled their materials together. Although God is rarely explicitly mentioned in the texts, He is always present: wherever we are in the marketplace, or as we speak, eat, drink, work, buy, sell, socialize, and love, the Lord is there. The God of Proverbs is not just the God of a religious person, whether a priest or a worshiper in the pew. Godliness is here put into working clothes.
The book of Proverbs also teaches about what it means to fear God (Prov. 1:7, 31:30), not just in church but as we go about our daily lives, because the way we live speaks louder than the way we preach, pray, or even sacrifice (Prov. 28:9, 15:8).In Proverbs, “wisdom” is revealed when you acknowledge the Lord “in all your ways” (Prov. 3:6, NKJV); that is, wisdom is living in faith and in obedience; it’s about what it means to be human before the God of Creation.
From the book of Proverbs, we will learn how to be wise, but concretely, in practical ways. The book answers such questions as, What and how should I teach my children? How can I be happy and successful? Why do I have money problems? How can I get a promotion in my job? How can I resist sexual temptations? How should I cope with my anger or my tongue?
Finally, wisdom isn’t necessarily intellectual might. On the contrary, the one who is sure of his or her brainpower is in the most danger of playing the fool, because even the smartest person knows so little. One may think of oneself as already wise and therefore as having no need to seek more knowledge. The prerequisite for wisdom is, instead, to be humble, to feel our need, and then to ask for wisdom.
Proverbs is deep and rich, and it deals with many topics. Because of the limitations of space, we’ve had to pick and choose which material we could cover. We can’t cover it all, but all that we have is, indeed, worthy of our prayerful study.
Jacques B. Doukhan is professor of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis and director of the Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University. A French citizen (born in Algeria), Doukhan has a doctorate in Hebrew from the University of Strasbourg and a doctor of theology degree from Andrews University.
General Conference Sabbath School, Proverbs, n.d., 2–3.Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Here is the link for the faithlife group.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Hello There,
Where can I find the quarterly in .docx format to lost as a personal book please?
Thank you
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Welcome to the forums To get that quarterly first click on the link in Lynden Williams’s post.
That gets you to the Adult Bible Study Guide group
[[You may have to join the group – been too long for me to remember how to do that]]
Click on Bible Study
Click on Documents
The study for 1st Quarter 2015 Was the one on Proverbs.
Search for 2015 and scroll down to find
Teachers Lesson Study Book for 2015 1st Quarter on Proverbs
Click on title as a link – should download
BUT did not download for me – I got the 2015 Q 4 but could not get the 2015 Q3 [[May be too old a file]]
Year Quarter Subject of other lesson documents - enjoy! [T is the teacher version - Recommended]
2015 1 Proverbs
2015 2 Luke
2015 3 Biblical Missionaries
2015 4 Jeremiah
2016 1 Rebellion and Redemption
2016 2 Mathew
2016 3 Community
2016 4 Job
2017 1 Holy Spirit and Spirituality
2017 2 1 and 2 Peter
2017 3 Galatians
2017 4 Romans
2018 1 Stewardship
2018 2 Preparation for the Time of the End
2018 3 The Book of Acts
2018 4 Oneness in Christ
2019 1 Revelation
2019 2 Family Seasons
2019 3 Ezra/Nehemiah
2019 4 Social Justice
2020 1 Daniel
2020 2 How to Interpret Scripture
2020 3 Gifts of Ministry and Mission
2020 4 How to Interpret Scripture
2021 1 Isaiah
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And as I went that far might as well go further
Future Lessons Planed as of Dec 2020
2021 2 The Promise: God's Everlasting Covenant
2021 3 Rest in Christ
2021 4 Deuteronomy
2022 1 Hebrews
2022 2 Genesis
2022 3 In the Crucible with Christ
2022 4 State of the Dead
2023 1 Stewardship
2023 2 Ephesians
2023 3 Bible Characters as counter cultural and mission minded