Tyndale Commentary Download



  • LO
    LO Member Posts: 67

    Dear Dan,

    On the one hand I appreciate your explanation. On the other, from the perspective of a customer who has already invested substantially in an upgrade, your conclusion is a non sequitur and raises an underlying question:

    If you want to help us reach this perfect world sooner rather than later, please encourage everyone you can to upgrade to Logos 4 and life will be good for all.

    In actuality it is Logos, not the customers, who needs to upgrade (a) its products, (b) its licensing agreements, and (c) its current advertising and product distribution methods in order to account for the "interim" period which Logos created and in which Logos is asking customers to live.

    Case in point: as a L4 user I need the old Libronix program in order to use the Tyndale CD Logos just mailed me. (BTW, telling customers that the CD is "for backup purposes" is another example. The advertising for L4 explicitly claims no need for backups....)

    For us Mac users especially, Logos has asked us to run two programs (i.e. the old version and the new version). Ok, that's fine for the interim. I've been willing to go along (again, I've invested heavily with my checkbook). But, from the customer's perspective, the underlying question is this: If Logos wants its customers to upgrade, then customers want to know first whether Logos itself is fully committed to upgrading its products and processes--especially during this interim period?

    I'm sure you will say "yes." However, it is somewhat disconcerting that your answer to Ted Hans' question is not a straight "yes," but "we're working on it."

  • Dan Pritchett
    Dan Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 215

    In actuality it is Logos, not the customers, who needs to upgrade (a) its products, (b) its licensing agreements, and (c) its current advertising and product distribution methods in order to account for the "interim" period which Logos created and in which Logos is asking customers to live.

    Laurence, I am sorry if my message came across the wrong way. I am a marketing guy, and I was simply trying to encourage people in a friendly way to do word of mouth advertising for us, there was no deeper message other than to say "we love it when you spread the word for us! Tell your friends!"  

    As far as saying "we're working on it." to Ted Hans' question instead of a straight "yes" I figured I was just being more conversational than robotic. I basically understood the question to be "are you aware of all the issues and are you working on them to make sure the situation will be addressed?" Since I had already addressed the question before it came up I could have said "Yes" and left it at that, I was simply trying to be more conversational and reassuring. I am sorry it came across the opposite way.

  • Joe Heng
    Joe Heng Member Posts: 25


    I would like to check what is the file name of the Tydnale Commentaries.  My order has moved from Pre-Pub to my order, thus I assume that if I do License Sync I will be able to use the books once I am able to download it.

    I am in Australia so that CD may take a while to arrive.  In the mean time I am hoping to be able to use some of the commentary for my sermon preparation.

    Please advice.


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,951

    Check they are in your L3 licence by doing Tools | Library Management | Account Summary. You should readily find them under the name LLS:TNTC* and LLS:TOTC*  (where * is any sequence of letters/numbers).

    You can download from FTP site ftp://ftp.logos.com/lbxbooks/. They are:-

    TNTC*.lbxlls   (20 volumes)

    TOTC*.lbxlls   (29 volumes)

    Total 63 MB

    Don't copy them direct to L4. Download to a folder (which could be L3 resource folder) and use the scan <Tyndale folder> command in L4 + restart L4.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭

    I could have said "Yes" and left it at that, I was simply trying to be more conversational and reassuring.

    Thank you Dan for your "yes" and even more [:)] It sounds promising for all of us who are trying to avoid paying unnecessary shipment fee in the time when Logos operates completely in the download way. I know it is not possible to change all the products at once. I appreciate your hard work to make it easier for us. Thanks.


  • Dan Pritchett
    Dan Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 215

    The system to convert all of your existing CD/DVD Pre-Pub orders to the download option at the same price you locked in is ready! If you haven't seen today's blog post, go check it out:



  • LO
    LO Member Posts: 67