Anyone like to share a Layout?

Christopher Powell
Christopher Powell Member Posts: 104 ✭✭
edited November 20 in English Forum

I'm in the process of migrating my workflow into Logos 4.  In L3 I used lots of workspaces, and I'd like to do that again.  I was a prolific user of workspaces in L3 but I understand they can't be imported.  For the moment I'm using the "type a text" box in L4 but I'd like to develop some layouts for my personal use. Anyone got some whiz-bang layouts they would like to share and upload to the board?  I did this on the old newsgroups several years ago and it was quite helpful and educational in its own way. 





  • Allen Browne
    Allen Browne Member Posts: 1,892 ✭✭✭

    Chris, if you haven't seen Mark Barnes' video series on preparing a sermon yet, you might enjoy his layouts.

    I tend to use really simple layouts for Bible study: 2 wide columns -- bibles + commentaries/dictionaries, plus a narrow column for Information/copy bible (top) and power lookup/cited by (bottom.) And a different layout for reading books (narrow highlighter left, narrow information right, the rest = the book.)

    Bear in mind that Logos 4 uses multiple windows and some of us have multiple monitors, so layouts that suit one machine may not be relevant for everyone.

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    I don't use a large number of layouts; but here are a few that you might find helpful. Several are versions of those I have seen others use on the forums. I also tend to save a layout for the passages I am studying each week for sermon prep.

    Greek Syntax Layout


    Hebrew Syntax layout


    Study Layout


     On this one: My Passage Guide and My Exegetical Guide are both link set B. I have six bibles open in the upper right and five of them are linked are Link set A. The sixth is set to "send all hyperlinks here". The open commentaries are Link set A as well

    Reading Layout


    Note Taking Layout (Courtesy of someone on the forum, I think Mark Barnes. If it is not Mark sorry to whoever I got it from)


  • LaRosa Johnson
    LaRosa Johnson Member Posts: 603


    This is my general reading layout. In this one shown, I'm reading through Chafer's Systematic Theology. I have the highlight pane on the left, the main text to the left of that, then a Bible window (for longer Bible passages or to get a better context), a notes pane for jotting down thoughts & ideas, and finally Power Lookup to save on hovering & opening passages & footnotes, with an Information window behind it just in case I need it for definitions.

    Urban Scholar - 
    Christ-centered Hip-Hop -

  • Room4more
    Room4more Member Posts: 1,730


    well it appears to me after viewing these uploaded layouts that the 'wide screen' seems to prevail, but all i have is a laptop, so i would suggest that if you do not have a wide screen then play with different layouts and save them, after you feel comfortable with some delete the others from the history --wiz-banger of an idea, eh!!

    But all i have the Original Languages, so i guess the commentary routine is out of the question for me, sorta puts me on the short end, eh, I created a wordstudy layout using one base window(tab) then just go through the resources in that layout, should i need to look at another i can open it from the library. Also, you can create your own exegit and passage guide templates to siut your needs.

    Just some thoughts, the best layout is your own..........

    DISCLAIMER: What you do on YOUR computer is your doing.

  • Richard
    Richard Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    I am going through the book of James at seminary.  Here's my book study layout:


    -- Richard

    Logos 6 Mac (always the latest beta)

    MacBook Air Mid 2011 (Lion)  |  1.8GHz Core i7  |  4GB RAM  |  256GB SSD
    Samsung Galaxy S5

  • LaRosa Johnson
    LaRosa Johnson Member Posts: 603

    all i have is a laptop

    mine is a laptop, although admittedly it is a 17" wide screen with a resolution of 1440x900

    Urban Scholar - 
    Christ-centered Hip-Hop -

  • Christopher Powell
    Christopher Powell Member Posts: 104 ✭✭

    Thanks everybody!  This has stimulated the thinking.

  • Christopher Powell
    Christopher Powell Member Posts: 104 ✭✭

    Hi Allen,


    Thanks I had not seen this - very interesting.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 8,977

    This is the one that I have been using lately.


    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Nate Atkins
    Nate Atkins Member Posts: 24 ✭✭

    Fred, but how do you setup the layout?  Is there something I need to do to arrange the boxes or are they somewhere on the menu?






  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    There are some very good videos on the Wiki and on the Logos site that will show you each step in setting up a layout. It is very simple; bascially just a drag and drop feature. I can't really explain it, but you will find the videos very quick and easy to learn. What you may want to play with is the linking of resources (this is explained in the videos as well. What I have found is that some people like to set the links up different ways. Here is a link to the video tutorials on the Wiki, I would start there. 

  • Keith Brich
    Keith Brich Member Posts: 34

    Looking at some of these there any way to save/export them to import into another user's LOGOS?   How cool would that be?    That would be a huge time saver.  

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 4,756 ✭✭✭

    how do get a layout into this "description" box?