I've made a huge mistake (bug-related)

Soooooo... There are a ton of free Christian novels and other ebooks on the Faithlife ebooks site that I didn't want cluttering up my search results when looking for other freebies that might appeal. This morning, I decided that I would just "buy" all of them and then hide them in Logos, so I'd be able to skim through the site and identify books I might be interested in more easily.
So I bought them all - an additional 66 titles from the last time I did this - and when I went to hide them... well, it's not working. I drag them to the "hidden resources" box, the "updating your library" message appears and then... nothing happens. The library update message disappears and I still have a long list of ebooks that I don't want.
The title above is mostly jokey hyperbole - it's not a huge problem in the grand scheme of things - but it does mean that my Mobile library (with the sort-order defaulting to "most recent" as it does) makes it look like I have a penchant for Christian romance novels - it feels like it diminishes my gravitas, somewhat.
TLDR: Hiding resources isn't working for me.
James McAdams said:
TLDR: Hiding resources isn't working for me.
Are you sure that everything has had time to sync, etc?
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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In Library select all the resources you want to hide, then use CTRL-Right Click (CMD-Right Click on the Mac) to see a menu that will say "Hide this resource" or "Hide these resources" Click on that and you should be done.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Well, the "updating your library" message disappeared and normally my library updates within a few seconds after that, but I have discovered that I can remove them individually and it works - just not when I dragged the full list.
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Mark Smith said:
In Library select all the resources you want to hide, then use CTRL-Right Click (CMD-Right Click on the Mac) to see a menu that will say "Hide this resource" or "Hide these resources" Click on that and you should be done.
That worked straight away - thanks!
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I definitely used to drag them before and get them to successfully hide, though - and as I say, that was working on individual titles.
Not the most efficient way of doing things anyway though - appreciate the help everyone!
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James McAdams said:
I definitely used to drag them before and get them to successfully hide, though - and as I say, that was working on individual titles.
IIRC, dragging to hide has always been limited to 10 resources and the Ctrl/Opt+right-click method was introduced after the Perseus Collections were added (when lots of people wanted to hide lots of resources!).