Quick Start Layout choosing commentary issues

Alan Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

On my mobile app, the quick start layout for bible and commentary keeps defaulting to a commentary that is way down my priority list.  

I am not sure how to fix this.  I have restarted and cleared the cache but still the same thing

Any ideas?



  • Martin Denham (Faithlife)
    Martin Denham (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 42

    Hi Alan, are you using Android?  If so can you check your preferred Bible has been downloaded.

  • Alan
    Alan Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    Yes. android. (same issue on two devices)   The default Bible is downloaded.  Also, I noticed  it will not let me link the commentary and the bible which seems odd. When I try the interface just unlinks them.

  • Martin Denham (Faithlife)
    Martin Denham (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 42

    Commentary selection in the Homepage card attempts to find the highest priority Commentary that is relevant to the passage you last read in your preferred Bible.  So if your highest prioritised Commentaries do not contain content for the passage most recently read in your preferred Bible then they will be skipped over.   Could this be what is happening?

    I have never seen the unlinking issue you mentioned.  Which Commentary and Bible you are attempting to link?

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,186 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm having this same issue on iOS. Can I change this to specify which commentary?

    Can a Bible and study Bible card be made as well?

  • Martin Denham (Faithlife)
    Martin Denham (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 42

    To open a specific Bible and Commentary (or Study Bible) from the Homepage you can save a Layout and add a Layout card for your new Saved Layout to the Homepage.

    Saved Layouts are a new feature in Logos 8.  Save a Layout by first selecting the new Layouts button in the Workspace Editor.  When you have saved a Layout go to the Homepage and add a Layout card for your Saved Layout.

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,186 ✭✭✭✭

    To open a specific Bible and Commentary (or Study Bible) from the Homepage you can save a Layout and add a Layout card for your new Saved Layout to the Homepage.

    Saved Layouts are a new feature in Logos 8.  Save a Layout by first selecting the new Layouts button in the Workspace Editor.  When you have saved a Layout go to the Homepage and add a Layout card for your Saved Layout.

    Wow that sounds great!  Can I do that in the web app or do I have to do that on desktop and wait for it to transfer over?

  • Alan
    Alan Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    I solved the commentary issue.  Or maybe it is better to say I deleted and added things a few times and it seems to solve itself.    It was bypassing several prioritized full bible commentaries and trying to link to The New Testament use of the Old.

    The linking issue is strange.  No matter what I try to link, even just two Bible version, it allows me to select them to link, but then when I press on "done" it unlinks them.  

    It seems that if the items are in a layout already it still syncs them, but outside of that no.

    Not a huge issue at the moment, just something that it unusual.

  • Martin Denham (Faithlife)
    Martin Denham (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 42

    You would need to save the layout and add the card on your mobile device. 

  • Alan
    Alan Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    So even if I just wanted to link to Bible versions together temporarily I would need to create a layout?

    I have linked items together on Android previously but now it does not seem to work ( at least for me :) 

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,037

    Alan said:

    So even if I just wanted to link to Bible versions together temporarily I would need to create a layout?

    I have linked items together on Android previously but now it does not seem to work ( at least for me :) 

    I've just linked a couple of Bibles together on my Android phone (not using any layout) and they keep in step as before.

    So we need a bit more information as to what is happening.

    What Android device, what version of the OS, what version of (which) Logos app?

    Ideally some screenshots of settings up the link in the tab management menu

  • Alan
    Alan Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    Sure.   It will be a little later today.   If things are like normal for me it will suddenly start to work as expected right before I take the screenshots . [:D]

  • Todd Diehl (Logos)
    Todd Diehl (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 322

    Mattillo said:

    Can a Bible and study Bible card be made as well?

    We do plan to add this in the future.

  • Alan
    Alan Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    Sorry about the screenshots not being great.   The linking seems to actually work ok, just the GUI doesn't reflect the linking.

    In the first screenshot on the left, I am linking the NIV and the ESV.   The middle shot shows the links selected.   The final screenshot shows the interface after I click "Done"

    The linking gets unselected and goes back to the original linking screen. As I mentioned, it does seem to actually create the link, it just doesn't show it.   

    Not a big issue, just a bit confusing trying to figure out if the linking actually took place

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,186 ✭✭✭✭

    I cannot find workspace editor. I can click on the plus sign and add a card but how do I edit and create my own? I can open a stock layout but how do I create a card?

  • Ron Ferguson
    Ron Ferguson Member Posts: 89 ✭✭

    Great question, I can’t figure that out either. So I created a layout with two resources and it shows up on the homepage. But if I happen to have five resources I’ve got open, then if I go to the homepage and click on the layout it closes the other books I had opened, then I have to go back and reopen them.  Need to be able to creat a card.  I like the card concept it needs to be tricked. 

  • Todd Diehl (Logos)
    Todd Diehl (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 322

    Sorry for some of the inside-baseball lingo. The "workspace editor" button is the button in the bottom tab bar that looks like a stack of papers with the number in it (see below). The screen that launches, where you can add/remove new "tabs", split tabs, re-order tabs, we internally have referred to as the "workspace editor".

  • Ron Ferguson
    Ron Ferguson Member Posts: 89 ✭✭

    Thank you Todd, after I posted my comment last night, then messed with the program further, even tho when I make a layout and then open it, it closes other sources I have open, I began to understand and like how that works.  If I have several resources open but only want to use a certain linked set, instead of swiping across the resources, I can go to the home page and pick the layout and they open.  It's just getting used to the changes and as normal, change can be challenging.   While L8 has a complete different look, the enhancements and appearance are great, you guys did a bang up job with L8.

  • Chris Garrett
    Chris Garrett Member Posts: 54 ✭✭

    I think I have figured it out.  Here's what I did on Android, Logos 8 mobile:

    1. Open several tabs of the Bible and commentaries that I want linked.

    2. While viewing one of the tabs (Bible for me), Click on "workspace editor" which is little stack of books with a number on it, bottom of screen.

    3. When tabs minimize, Click on bottom right of screen, which is 3 boxes arranged in a cube (the layouts button).

    4. When that opens, click on the "plus" sign at top.  That yields a dialog, "Save your open tabs as a layout." 

    5. Once you save it, go back to your Home page. Click on "plus" sign at top right of page. Click "layout" and then presto, your recently-saved layout is now an option. Click on that newly-created layout and it will be added as a card to your home page.

    Hope that helps someone as it's a powerful new feature. I am very pleased with how Logos 8 mobile works, now that I'm getting the hang of it.
