Workflows and Notes requests

With the new notes and features, like workflow, I am finally hopeful to see my content much more organized in Logos, so I am taking some time to clean things up and take advantage.
In doing so, I see that Workflows create a Notebook of all notes created as that workflow is worked through. That makes sense. I have 3 questions/suggestions.
1. I want to be able to tag/anchor my old notes with the Workflow Anchor, even though the notes may have not expressly created in the workflow screen.
To me "Workflow" = "Study steps" or "Work I have done" and I have already done lots of work in Logos, that I would like to designate as such. I had workflows before Logos did, so I think it would be nice to be able to update those old notes to show them as they are -- Notes created as I worked through a workflow.
2. Is there a tag for each Workflow that will find all notes created from a particular Workflow Template? i.e. all my "Exegetical Workflow" notes. After clicking the Workflow facet in notes, I don't see where there is a way to narrow it down by Workflow template type, only by particular instances of that workflow tied to a passage already.
3. How about an option to compile notes created in a single workflow instance into a single Note instead of a new Notebook? I think for now I am ok with a new notebook being created for every time I work through a workflow, but that will get unwieldy eventually. Or just a "dont create notebook" option?
For example, for daily devotions. I dont need 14 notes for every day, nor do I want 700+ notebooks (which is what I would have after just 2 years) just for devotional thoughts. But one notebook with 700+ notes would be perfect. It could be something that I could easily share with an accountability partner too.
Another example, friends that want to sharpen one another by automatically sharing (via a single notebook) their expositional work.
Philip Bassham said:
...a new notebook being created for every time I work through a workflow, but that will get unwieldy eventually. Or just a "dont create notebook" option?
I agree that creating a Notebook each time is not a viable long-term option. Due to other needs, I'd suggest having a "project name" field in the Workflow. This field would have auto-complete suggestions from previously entered names (much like the tags field in Notes). If this (optional) field contained a value, all notes would get assigned to a Notebook with the corresponding name. If the field were left empty, no notebook would be created.
This would allow the user to choose how broad or narrow the Notebook would be. For instance, I might choose to have a "Weno Genesis" project (I would run the workflow 50 times (once per chapter) and definitely don't want 50 notebooks for Genesis exegesis workflows alone!), or I might even go as broad as "Weno OT" or "Weno Translation".
I'm planning to flesh this idea out a bit in a dedicated post.
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I would very much like the option of have one notebook per Workflow type, rather than one notebook per Workflow instance.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!