How do I print out a notebook with all the verse notes I have put in the notebook?

I am using Logos 8 on a Windows 7 PC
I have created several notes based on individual verses and placed these notes in a notebook for the passage I am studying
However, I can't figure out how to print the complete notebook with the notes I have created
Second, I can't figure out how to organize the notebook so it prints out with the first verses I studied and created note
I used to use the note feature in Logos 7 and had no problems putting all my notes for the verses in a passage I was studying....I could easily edit the notes once they were pasted
Any suggestions?
Frank said:
However, I can't figure out how to print the complete notebook with the notes I have created
First you will need to select display by Notebook
In the center column, shift-click to select the desire notes. Then initiate the print command. Is that what you wanted?
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Made two replies to keep my suggestions separate: The little arrow beside By Notebook will give you the sort options. Unfortunately, we do not yet have sort by reference, which is FL's #1 priority for addition.Frank said:I can't figure out how to organize the notebook so it prints out with the first verses I studied and created note
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You've selected the Filter view (Funnel icon) in Notes. Select the icon to the left and then select your notebook there.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Thanks for your quick reply and help.....
I am still having a problem printing all the notes in my selected notebook
I did as you instructed...shift clicked on the notes I wanted to print...went to the notes menu and did print/export and it still prints only 1 page....
Where are you selecting print from?
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Frank said:
Where are you selecting print from?
I did a shift-click in a notebook to select 5 notes. From the L8 print screen, clicked on my printer, and it printed the 5 notes in 2 pages. This is with Mac OS 10.13.6
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Thanks for your reply..I a running Windows 7..
I can shift click and highlight the notes but when I choose print/export from the Notes only prints 1 page
Thanks for trying
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Hi everybody,
Thanks so much for all your help....I think I found the problem....I had to delete all the anchors and add notes for each verse and paste from my resources into the notes without using anchors..
I can print out all my notes which I shift click on them..
I am not quite sure what anchors does but will wait until I get more information!
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I too have no ideas what anchors are/do. Going to try to print a notebook notes now. Was hoping to take it a step further and print the notes in a notebook filtered by color.
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Frank said:
I am not quite sure what anchors does but will wait until I get more information!
Anchors show where the note is attached/shows/applies to. They can be either to a specific piece of text e.g."Jesus wept" or to a reference e.g. "John 3:16). When applied to a piece of text they appear only in that specific resource. When applied to a reference they may be shown in any resource containing that reference.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."