Mobile Note Editing - Hyperlink Creating/Editing Removed?

I am not sure how many people use this feature, but when I am creating mobile notes I like to add hyperlinked verse references (If I am doing my devotion on my mobile, or note taking when I don't have my computer). Scripture references in the Desktop version are always automatically hyperlinked (they work even better in the note tool of Logos 8 - Great job on that), but on the mobile it was always that you would have to go into the further settings and create a hyperlink. I am not sure, but it seems that the ability to make hyperlinks has been removed from the updated mobile app. Is that a permanent removal? Or is there a plan to bring it back?
By the way, I do like how it is a little more streamlined with regards to editing on the mobile. it makes it easier to edit and create notes in general on the mobile.
Michael Farrar said:
Great job on that), but on the mobile it was always that you would have to go into the further settings and create a hyperlink. I am not sure, but it seems that the ability to make hyperlinks has been removed from the updated mobile app. Is that a permanent removal? Or is there a plan to bring it back?
I've just checked on 8.0.2 of the Logos app on iOS and Bible hyperlinks are created automatically.
Are you not seeing this?
If not, which version of which app on which platform are you using?
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Graham Criddle said:
I've just checked on 8.0.2 of the Logos app on iOS and Bible hyperlinks are created automatically.
Are you not seeing this?
If not, which version of which app on which platform are you using?
I am on Android 8.0.1. Maybe the android app hasn't yet received its full compliment of features? My phone just received all the notes and highlights, as they had not been showing up for the past several days since I updated. But this is not content, but part of the app, so it should be there if it is there. Would you mind showing me a screenshot of how you do it on iOS 8.0.2 so that I can see if I am just missing where it is at?
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Michael Farrar said:
I am on Android 8.0.1. Maybe the android app hasn't yet received its full compliment of features?
I've just tested on Android 8.0.1 and it doesn't automatically link there.
On iOS i just type in the reference and it links.
We need someone from Faithlife to comment on when / if this will be available on Android.
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I'm not sure this has ever existed on Android, but I created a case to address it.
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Roy Dammarell said:
I'm not sure this has ever existed on Android, but I created a case to address it.
You are correct, there has never been an automatic creation of hyperlinks in Android, though that would be great. The problem is that the manual way to create a hyperlink was taken away. It was painful to create a hyperlink in previous versions, but at least I could actually do it. Now, I am less and less prone to create notes from my mobile because I cannot make hyperlinks. If I do create on my Android phone or tablet then I will have to later correct it from my computer.
Is there still a manual way to create hyperlinks in Logos for Android?
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This is actually a feature that I most look forward to. I used both my laptop and mobile to take notes during seminars / sermons. The PC's ability to create hyperlink to Bible verses is extremely useful, as I can jump between the notes & Bible tabs. It would be great if the mobile app (I am using Android 8.0.5 at the momen) can have this function as well, as I have my mobile on me all the time, and carrying the laptop everywhere may not be convenient at times.
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Hello Logos,
Any updates on this feature? We in the Android environment have been waiting for some time. Thank you!
(and while iOS may be more popular in the US, remember that Android is far more popular globally. i.e. think about the market opportunity!)
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mj strand said:
Any updates on this feature? We in the Android environment have been waiting for some time. Thank you!
The feature is being shipped with the next major update to our Android app (8.11), but I am not sure how soon that will be released.
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Beautiful!!! Thank you!
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We're aiming for Monday for the next major (stable) release. It's also in the most recent beta.
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