Personal Book Structure

I've built a Personal Book from 3 .docx files. The First has a page title followed by an outline using Word Headings, the last two files have a page title using the Title or Book Title Style followed by general text. The Table of Contents in my PB shows the Title from the Add Book dialogue, the outline in the first file, and nothing else. All content builds correctly, the ToC is missing information I would like to have for organization and navigation.
Are multiple files supposed to have their own 'section' in the PB ToC?
Are the only styles the builder will see Heading 1, Heading 2, etc? No Title or Book Title, etc.?
Are there special 'tags' to use to start new sections in the ToC?
I've looked at the Wiki and other resources, I get conflicting information (Using Book Title, for example)
I have numerous PBB's with as many as 15 separate doc's involved.
I use the title on the first section with introductory material set at Heading 1
Each page after that is in accord with the TOC- each separate docx has heading 1- then the subheadings as needed.
They all appear in order with in the PBB when it is built. see example
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I have a PPB made of 72 docx files, About 750 pages total.
What works for me is to have the text in New Times Roman 12.
Each file is one chapter with the chapter title as Heading 1 [new times roman 24] as one of the first lines in each chapter file. The book builder sets up the TOC from the Heading 1 lines found in each chapter file. Have kept it simple in this book.0 -
Thanks for the Replies, they help.
Whyndell, I notice in your screenshot (thank you) you have Division I, A., 1., 2., ..., B. ... After the Heading 1 for the first section of a file do you organize the rest of your content with heading 2, etc. Do you start an outline with heading levels? Or do you have a Custom outline created for this purpose?
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Andy Williams said:
do you organize the rest of your content with heading 2, etc.
I'm not WG, but that's what I do. I use Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. in order to generate a usable TOC.
I've never outlined in a PB, but would think using headings would be counter-productive, since your entire outline would show up in the TOC. Personally, I'd use a Heading 1 for the title, then move on. That way, the title of the outline would show up in the TOC but not the entire outline.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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Andy Williams said:
Thanks for the Replies, they help.
Whyndell, I notice in your screenshot (thank you) you have Division I, A., 1., 2., ..., B. ... After the Heading 1 for the first section of a file do you organize the rest of your content with heading 2, etc. Do you start an outline with heading levels? Or do you have a Custom outline created for this purpose?
I choose the heading appropriate to the format of the original document- but also consider what is best for the structure I'm looking for.