Bug: Reading plan not advancing when it's the next day
I've been experiencing this issue for a while. It seems a bit worse with v8 of the app. Most days, when I go into the app and go to the Home screen to see the panel for my reading plan, the panel says that I've completed my reading for the day. But that message is from yesterday.
Here's an example, the panel says I've completed it:
In this second screenshot, if I go to the resource (CSB), the navigation bar reads "Tomorrow."
The way I fix this from within the resource is to go into View Settings and turn Reading Plans off. Then turn it back on, and the navigation bar within the resource is now correct. This screenshot was taken just after doing that, only a few seconds after the above screenshot was taken.
I can't figure out any way short of killing the app for the panel on the home screen to get updated. Even turning wifi off and then back on doesn't cause it to get refreshed. I think both of these behaviors need to be corrected. Thanks,
I'd appreciate a reply from FL on this issue.
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Donnie Hale said:
I'd appreciate a reply from FL on this issue.
I have the same problem in reverse, I cant get my phone to syc with my desktop. When Faith Life replies to Donnie, I would also like a response.
http://hombrereformado.blogspot.com/ Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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Mine does not update at all on the Homepage, so I don't know what day I'm on, if it's a catch up day, or anything until I click it and find out in the resource. Frustrating.
For instance, the homepage says "Today" but it's grayed-out and when I click it, the bar in the resource says it's the reading for Thursday. I guess I read ahead at one point when the bar wasn't showing up in the resource....
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Bump. FL???
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At this time, the app attempts to refresh the cards at midnight every night.
We will explore more reliable ways of updating reading plan cards specifically.