CPU usage - Logos
I've had Logos open for an hour or so, just sitting at the home page, while I was working on some other things. I noticed my MacBook getting pretty warm, so I checked Activity Monitor, and Logos is using around 77% of the processor just sitting there. It's not indexing, and the Library is not updating anything, so there isn't any reason for it to be hammering away so hard.
Ideas, anyone?
It's hard to determine without logs. Indexing, downloading updates, sync problems are the usual behind the scenes actors. A screenshot might show something, but doubtful. Best would be to enable logging and post the logs if the problem shows up again.
Enable Logging: https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015776171-Report-a-Problem-in-Logos-Mac
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I upgraded to the latest beta, and it settled right down