Help with long standing problem please...

I have on multiple occasions attempted to create a “copy Bible verse” style that will allow me to insert text into my sermon outline without destroying the outline formatting. I have, on many occasions, search the forums seeking a “plain text” style that will accomplish what I need but every solution I have found so far have failed to simply paste the verse or verses into the outline without destroying the outlines formatting. To help you understand my dilemma I have attached a picture showing the results of almost every style I have attempted to use.
In the 1st part of the picture you the outline and where I would like the scripture inserted.
The 2nd section of the picture shows the result of clicking on the “copy to Microsoft word” button.
The 3rd section illustrates that, even while using an intermediary like Notepad++ the resulting text will still, at times, modify the spacing below and/or above the area into which it is pasted causing one to have to go back and correct the outline spacing again.
There is probably a simple solution that I lack the acumen to figure out and I am hoping that someone in this community can share it with me.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
Your fellow servant in Christ, Jon
I tried that. It wanted a url... My desktop does not have one and pasting the link created by "One Drive" resuled in no image...
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[VerseText]This is what I used when I was using a PC. It worked fine at the time. Can't test it now. So... maybe this will help
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Part of the problem might be the word processor you're using. Here is how to do it in Microsoft Word:
You can do this with keyboard shortcuts too, but it's probably more awkward than simply using the right click on mouse:
Step 1: Press CTRL + V (this will paste the verse into Word with the messed up formatting)
Step 2: Press CTRL and then release (this will bring up the drop down menu)
Step 3: Press T (this will remove the messed up formatting)
This is what it looks like:
PS. This is how to switch to insert files from your PC via the attachment button:
Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.
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Thank you...
You helped me with three problems in one post!
God Bless..