Introducing the New Logos Notes

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802
edited November 2024 in English Forum

We’ve been building a brand new notes system, and after beta testing it with hundreds of users for most of the year we’re excited to share it with you as part of Logos 8. We’re rolling it out as a cross-platform system on desktop (Windows and macOS), mobile (iOS and Android), and the web at It’s also available to use free of charge on the Logos 7 web app and will be included in the free versions of our Logos 8 desktop and mobile apps in early 2019.

All your notes and highlights are in one place, automatically organized, and instantly accessible. The new system is fast, scalable, secure, and ready to handle your note-taking and highlighting needs.

Since it’s one of the most significant changes in Logos 8, we want to provide you with as much help as we can so you can learn the new system and adapt your workflows to take advantage of all that it offers.

We’ve prepared a variety of articles and videos to help you navigate the transition:

As you explore Logos 8 and the new note system, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and let us know how we can help to make your transition as smooth as possible. We’re available to assist you through the following channels:

We’re looking forward to serving you.



  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭

    Love the new notes tool. Can't wait for some of the other features (like labels) to be brought over.

  • Steve
    Steve Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Hey Phil!

    I love using Logos, and really appreciate the work put into keeping this tool so productive! Thank you!

    I have two requests.

    The new format for notes only seems to sort based upon date created or date modified. Is there a plan to allow us to sort alphabetically? This is a big deal for the way I use the notes.

    Also, the desktop version used to have an export feature where I could choose the "expand" option, and then export all my notes at once into an editable text file. I used that feature quite a bit, and would love to have it in the online and/or iOS applications. Any plans to add that feature?


  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    Phil, in another post (can't find it now) you had asked about wanting to know what's important to us. For what it's worth. I can't see myself upgrading to Logos 8 until these issues are resolved:

    • Integration of notebooks in Your Documents search section in Everything search
    • Integration of notebooks in My Content section of guides Copy
    • Paste from resources with citation links

    These three things are essential to my daily work and usage of Logos and it would be a significant drawback to not have these. I know there is planned integration of them on the FAQ page, but there is no timeline given as to when that would be (e.g. 6 weeks or 6 months) and these features are too important to me to go for very long without them.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Hi Ryan

    Ryan said:

    For what it's worth. I can't see myself upgrading to Logos 8 until these issues are resolved:

    I totally understand that.

    But are you aware you can upgrade to Logos 8 and continue using the Logos 7 style notes until the new Notes Tool has the functionality you require?

    Could be useful if there are other features in Logos 8 you want to take advantage of, or if you want to make use of the current discounts.


  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    Hi Graham,

    Thank you for reminding me about that. I remember having read that somewhere earlier (so many forums and websites [:D]) but if I recall correctly there was a warning. Something about using one system and then using another could have adverse effects on the notes or something like that. I have thousands of notes and am a bit paranoid about doing something that would cause me to mess them up. There are some other features I like but I'd feel more confident once these main sticking points are resolved. (I'm also hopeful that they'll have the bulk de-notebook-izer tool done by that time as well). Thanks again for chiming in. I always appreciate your help and advice.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Ryan said:

    but if I recall correctly there was a warning. Something about using one system and then using another could have adverse effects on the notes or something like that

    Yes, continually switching between the two systems is not recommended. provides some useful information here.

    If you use mobile devices - then upgrading to Logos 8 will, by default, cause the L8 mobile apps to be installed and these only use the new system. So that could be another reason to hold back on the switch

  • Tom
    Tom Member Posts: 1,913 ✭✭✭

    It’s also available to use free of charge on the Logos 7 web app and will be included in the free versions of our Logos 8 desktop and mobile apps in early 2019.

    Phil, love the web app!   

    Our you saying that this feature be available (in early 2019) to any one who has already upgraded to Logos 8?

    Or just to people who buy the feature sets? 

    I went the "library only" (more books) route when I updated, did I make a mistake? 

    Tom, a little more confused then normal this morning :)  Solo a Dios la Gloria   Apoyo

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,822

    Tom said:

    Our you saying that this feature be available (in early 2019) to any one who has already upgraded to Logos 8?

    Or just to people who buy the feature sets? 

    Phil said:

    will be included in the free versions of our Logos 8 desktop and mobile apps in early 2019.

    Free for everyone who runs L8 by early 2019.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Tom
    Tom Member Posts: 1,913 ✭✭✭

    Free for everyone who runs L8 by early 2019.

    Thanks Mark,  I just though it was too good to be true. :)   

    I think I will be very happy with the books and wait for the upgraded notes :)  Solo a Dios la Gloria   Apoyo

  • RyanB
    RyanB Member Posts: 686 ✭✭✭

    If you use mobile devices - then upgrading to Logos 8 will, by default, cause the L8 mobile apps to be installed and these only use the new system. So that could be another reason to hold back on the switch

    Good point. I hadn't thought of this. I just checked the app store for my iPhone and it is telling me to update my Logos mobile app to the new version. If I am staying on L7 desktop, would there be a problem if I upgrade my iPhone and iPad to the new Logos app or should I hold off until I upgrade to L8 in the future?

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Ryan said:

    Good point. I hadn't thought of this. I just checked the app store for my iPhone and it is telling me to update my Logos mobile app to the new version. If I am staying on L7 desktop, would there be a problem if I upgrade my iPhone and iPad to the new Logos app or should I hold off until I upgrade to L8 in the future?

    If I understand Daniel's post at correctly then you don't get access to the new Notes system in the mobile apps until you go ahead and purchase a Logos 8 base package. So you should be fine.

    But it may be worth questioning this in that thread in the mobile app forum just to be sure.

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,822

    Tom said:

    Free for everyone who runs L8 by early 2019.

    Thanks Mark,  I just though it was too good to be true. :)   

    I think I will be very happy with the books and wait for the upgraded notes :) 

    Considering how much work Faithlife has put in the new notes system (and will continue to do so), it is very generous of them to give us this tool. Free software upgrades for life isn't just marketing talk.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Little Ike
    Little Ike Member Posts: 27 ✭✭

    In my old notes system, I had notes for each book of the Bible.  When I added a new note to the notes for a particular book, the new entry would insert itself in the proper chapter/verse order.  When labels are added to the new system, will new notes in a note book transparently insert themselves in chapter/verse order?  if not, will a new sort option be added that allows me to sort notes within a notebook in chapter/verse order?

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,822

    will new notes in a note book transparently insert themselves in chapter/verse order?  if not, will a new sort option be added that allows me to sort notes within a notebook in chapter/verse order?

    Not at this time. Sorting by Bible reference will be coming in a later release. You can find what is present and what is planned here.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Steve
    Steve Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I have used the notes feature on Logos for nearly twenty years. I add notes on specific bible study topics, and title each note so that I can go back whenever I need to review my study. I sorted the notes based upon the topic title. I usually have dozens of bible verses in each note. I suppose that I have thousands of hours invested in these notes. 

    About three years ago I replaced my laptop with an iPad. the iOS version is awesome, and can nearly do everything I needed to do. The one significant feature it was missing was the ability to export notes to an editable text file. I have been concerned about not backing up my notes, but it looked like future development would add that feature.  I’m still hoping it will come  

    The brand new note feature sorts by date only. After using the new system for a while now I can say that my notes are almost useless to me. I like the quick response of the search feature, but it searches the whole note which produces so many responses I can’t find the note I’m looking for.  Unfortunately the online version does the same thing.

    I realize more development is coming. However, I have waited for years for export features. The thought of waiting years before I can use my notes again in a meaningful way is depressing. 

    If anyone knows of a workaround I’m not seeing I would love to hear about it. I’m getting desperate enough that I’m considering using my last notes export from three years ago to import to another bible software, and just lose the last three years of work. since notes now sort by date, I guess I could hand type those new notes, but the editing I’ve done on old notes would be nigh impossible to capture. 

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,822

    Steve, you are probably someone who needs to revert to the old notes system until the new notes system has these critical functions. How to do this is found here.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Steve said:

    After using the new system for a while now I can say that my notes are almost useless to me

    I'd be interested in hearing what causes it to be unusable, or perhaps better, what would make it a dream come true?

  • Joe Mayden
    Joe Mayden Member Posts: 320 ✭✭

    Two questions about notes in Logos 8 - Desktop

    Is the range of data types limited or unlimited - for example under the facet browser there are Highlights and Notes.

    Is the range of Anchors limited or unlimited - 

    I have attempted to outline how the note taking system is organized - am I thinking correctly?


  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Is the range of data types limited or unlimited - for example under the facet browser there are Highlights and Notes.

    There's a "Types" facet which is limited to Notes and Highlights.

    There's a datatype facet which will support any datatype that Logos supports (e.g. Bible, Josephus, TDNT, etc.)

    Is the range of Anchors limited or unlimited

    This supports several options: Text Range (you've selected text then highlighted or added a note), Reference (you've right-clicked and added a highlight/note to a reference), or Unanchored (you've added a note but not attached it to any resource). There are other options for notes anchored to workflows and headwords. There may be others I haven't discovered yet.

    Referring to the attached document

    Your document is mostly correct — apart from:

    • "Each highlighting style creates a notebook". Each highlight palette (not style) is linked to a notebook. But there's no reason that all the palettes can't link to the same notebook if that's what you prefer. You can also create arbitrary notebooks if you wish.
    • "If a selected text in a book has been highlighted it becomes a notebook" — this isn't correct. Hopefully the answer above makes this clearer for you.

    Is the range of data types limited or unlimited - for example under the facet browser there are Highlights and Notes.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Steve
    Steve Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Thanks Mark,

    It looks like that would be a great solution if I still used the desktop. I didn’t see how to revert back for iOS or online use. 


  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Steve said:

    It looks like that would be a great solution if I still used the desktop. I didn’t see how to revert back for iOS or online use. 

    You can revert back on iOS by re-installing the older version.

    You can revert back on the web by going to but the web never supported 'old' notes so that won't help.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Steve
    Steve Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Hi Reuben,

    After reading some more (especially the link Mark provided), I think my main issue is not having the labels. I labeled all my notes so that I could easily go back to review and edit them. For example. I have a note labeled “Anger”. In that note I have a lot of scripture references with some thoughts by each verse. I also have quotes about anger from various authors. If I am in a study group and the topic of anger comes up, I can go to my note and have instant access to years of accumulated study on the subject. I have hundreds of such topics. With the new notes I have all my notes, but they won’t sort by the labels. So if I want to find my note on anger, I search anger and dozens of notes pop up. Then I have to scroll through until I find the right one. It is usually in the top twenty results, but not always. 

    The biggest thing that would help me is to add a sort feature that alphabetized the notes based upon the first letter of the first word in the note. Which so happens to be the old label. iOS sorts my iPhone Notes App in this way. It doesn’t need labels, it just sorts on that first letter. It seems like that could be a simple solution for my needs. 


  • Steve
    Steve Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Thanks for the idea Mark. I’m still researching to see if I can do this. I back up to the cloud since I don’t have a laptop/desktop. Not sure it’s possible based upon what I’ve seen so far, but it’s a great thought. 

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Steve said:

    I labeled all my notes so that I could easily go back to review and edit them.

    How did you label notes? This is an option on the desktop - using labels with highlights - but as far as I know that particular feature never came to the mobile apps.

    So just wondering what mechanism you used - to try and work through possible options.

  • Steve
    Steve Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I guess I’m not sure. I used the desktop version for years. When adding a note I would put a topic title like “Anger” into the top section. Then I would type my note in the section below. When I went back to look for my notes which I had in the collapsed list, I would have an alphabetical listing of all my notes.  I could click on the single line that had my “title”, and that one note would show in the side panel  

    When the iOS app came out our Notes didn’t transfer over right away, but eventually they were available. I could add or edit notes the same way I could on the desktop. That is when I started using my iPad so much I eventually ditched my laptop. 

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Steve said:

    I guess I’m not sure. I used the desktop version for years. When adding a note I would put a topic title like “Anger” into the top section. Then I would type my note in the section below. When I went back to look for my notes which I had in the collapsed list, I would have an alphabetical listing of all my notes.  I could click on the single line that had my “title”, and that one note would show in the side panel  

    Understood - that was using the note "title", something that isn't included in the new Notes Tool.

    The nearest equilvalent in the new Notes Tool is tags - allowing us to add as many tags as we want to any note

    You can then filter on those tags to get the ones you want.

    Some issues that would need to be addressed:

    • Currently adding tags isn't supported in the mobile apps. It is on the webapp and you can filter on tags in the mobile apps
    • All your labels currently use "titles" and moving them to tags would be quite a process
    • Tags are sorted by count as opposed to alphabetically at the moment - so you would need to use a search box to find the tag you are interested in.

    So just some thoughts - but no real solution I'm afraid.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Phil - would it be possible to make this note "sticky" so we have easy access to the FAQ etc?

  • pk47
    pk47 Member Posts: 119 ✭✭

    One of my favorite features was the abilitiy to highlight books and then search the highlights for key words or ideas. With the new note system, that has been temporarily disabled. I just came across the upcoming features that Logos plans on working to implement in the future. Could someone assist me with what that feature is called-- is it number 5 or 18? I hope its 5. 

    1. Notebooks in the Docs panel

    2. Sorting notes by reference

    3. Integration of notebooks in the Your Documents search section in Everything search

    4. Integration of notebooks in the My Content section of Guides

    5. Highlight search extension searches

    6. Labels

    7. Quotes view (currently supported for single resources in Notes & Highlights resource sidebar)

    8. Compact (i.e., one line) view (which will enable a comparable Split view)

    9. Full view

    10. Corresponding Notes & Highlights visual filter

    11. Send to sermon document

    12. Export to/save as word list/passage list?

    13. Previous/Next Annotation in the Locator Bar

    14. Remember your icon, color, and style preferences

    15. Guide notes

    16. Bible reference anchored notes on mobile

    17. CTRL+F  on the desktop to find in Notes

    18. Search hit highlighting

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,764

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • pk47
    pk47 Member Posts: 119 ✭✭

    Thank you. Looks like it will be available sooner rather than later :)

  • David Paul
    David Paul Member Posts: 6,056 ✭✭✭

    I watched a video that introduces the new Notes design...and there wasn't a single example shown of what a note pop-up window looks like when the cursor hover over the note icon. A staggering oversight. I am left having to ask:

    Can Logos 8 do this?

    Notice how the pop-up window of the note shows the whole contents of the note. This is accomplished without a single mouse click, just by hovering over the Note icon. Notice also how BIG the pop-up isn't one of those tiny and extraordinarily annoying 2x3 in. keyholes that Logos started sporting in L4. These new, post-L3 Notes pop-up windows are so limited they are almost functionally worthless. In contrast, how big can one of these L3 (that's what you are looking at) Note pop-ups be? As big as the screen itself...

    For the record, what L3 notes are capable of can't be replicated in L4, L6, L7, (and I guessing) L8, either. Why not??? Am I the only one who sees how valuable this function is? This allows pretty much any pertinent content (from your Library or elsewhere) to be pigeon-holed in the precise spot in your Bible where that information is relevant. For instance, in the screen shot below, I am about to hover over a note in verse 16...

    ...and when I do, this is what I see.

    Isn't this 10000000000 times better than what L8 (or any L-not-3) does? But it's not just the ability to create alternate marginal references. You can include pretty much any useful info for instant reference WITHOUT A SINGLE CLICK NEEDED, such as...

    ...or this...


    ASUS  ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti

    "The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not."  Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,764

    Isn't this 10000000000 times better than what L8 (or any Lnot3) does?


    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • David Paul
    David Paul Member Posts: 6,056 ✭✭✭

    ASUS  ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti

    "The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not."  Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,764

    Because I don't want my notes covering the text that they are annotating.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • David Paul
    David Paul Member Posts: 6,056 ✭✭✭

    Then expend the .00000000000001 of a joule of effort and move the cursor 1-2 mm.


    Besides, how are you going to read your notes if you can't see them?

    Honestly, your rejection sounds a whole lot like, "I hate those darn wheel things! They keep rolling away!"

    ASUS  ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti

    "The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not."  Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,764

    That doesn't resolve the problem - text and notes should work politely side by side with predictable alignment. But I have no problem with your working your way and my working my way. I won't ask for changes for you nor evaluate the value of your way. Just don't ask me to pretend that one way is the only way or the right way or the best way.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • David Paul
    David Paul Member Posts: 6,056 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    That doesn't resolve the problem - text and notes should work politely side by side with predictable alignment. But I have no problem with your working your way and my working my way. I won't ask for changes for you nor evaluate the value of your way. Just don't ask me to pretend that one way is the only way or the right way or the best way.

    Um, pretty sure you are doing what you are suggesting I'm doing, when I'm not doing it. [&]  L3 does what you insist it should do...

    ...which I think you know. But I CAN'T do what I want with Notes because the functionality I use constantly was removed from the program FOR STUPID REASONS.

    I'm not saying Notes must be used my way or not at all...which ought to be obvious. But having the functionality I demonstrate above is EXTRAORDINARILY FUNCTIONAL and HELPFUL...not to mention FAST and EASY (because NO CLICKS ARE REQUIRED to read the note contents).

    ASUS  ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti

    "The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not."  Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.

  • (because NO CLICKS ARE REQUIRED to read the note contents)

    Provided Note Contents fit in pop-up window (otherwise scrolling is needed). Noticed a variety of note color icons in Genesis 1, which could become different Notebooks in Logos 8 (implies if Note content was too big for one icon, then another one was used so to see all contents of all Notes moving mouse is needed plus remembering stuff across variety of pop-ups).

    Logos 8 Notes Tool can be in its own floating window, which is much larger than pop-up when hovering. Facets include count per Bible Book reference.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Jim Erwin
    Jim Erwin Member Posts: 278 ✭✭

    I used the old note system and it was effective for me. I would organize a sermon plan, make the note icon silver circle for sermon prep notes. Then I would write out the entire manuscript in Logos. I would take previous notes i wrote and add them all onto a word processor document, footnote what was necessary, post to my blog on Patheos, and then copy and paste that post back into Logos. I would make that new note a gold circle (for the completed sermon). I put it in a certain folder where I knew sermons were going. 

    All my notes would show up in the Passage Guide, I could work with them, and my workflow became simple. I would just add notes and thoughts to a certain note and then write my sermons out. 

    I used the search function to find all I needed and used my Scripture verse as my connecting search. 

    However, now with this notes system, my searching has changed (and it doesn't do what I want it to do). I can't find my notes so easily and it seems that tagging is the way to sort most of my notes. My problem with this is that I have over 3000 notes and I will probably have to spend a week to tag them all. 

    I wish there was a way for Logos to help tag and make it easier for me. 

    The fact that my notes don't show up in the Passage Guide is a serious misstep. This should have been ready when Logos 8 was made public. I also don't like that I have to go to another menu to find my notes. 

    I will adapt to this new system. But it reminds me of going from writing my sermons by hand to typing them out. It also reminds from going from odl school searching to searching digitally on Google. It just changes the way I have to work. I hope it cuts my time down. But I wish Logos would not make me have to do additional work just to make something that was already workable function properly in its own new system. - a postmodern pastor in a digital world

  • John Sheeley
    John Sheeley Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

    I see a lot of people love the new notes in 8. Put me down in the camp that hates the new format. I've tried watching the tutorial video and it just confuses me even more. I've had Logos for 9 years now and most upgrades I've liked, this one is the first I loathe. It makes no sense to my brain and I can't figure out how to just make notes for a particular sermon anymore.

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    I see a lot of people love the new notes in 8. Put me down in the camp that hates the new format. I've tried watching the tutorial video and it just confuses me even more. I've had Logos for 9 years now and most upgrades I've liked, this one is the first I loathe. It makes no sense to my brain and I can't figure out how to just make notes for a particular sermon anymore.

    The new Notes system actually makes lots more sense than the old one — but I guess if you're used to the old one then the new one can be confusing. If you have a specific question, or are able to explain what you're trying to do, then I'm sure forum users would help.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Houseonarock
    Houseonarock Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    You are correct. tried that suggestion and had duplicate note icons in the resources and duplicate visual filter entries. 

  • Bill & Gail
    Bill & Gail Member Posts: 7 ✭✭


    My wife and I have been owned logos through many product cycles, we are still very beginning users and have not been through the many available tutorials or read the plethora of forums on your site.  Frankly, for us, it's like drinking from the proverbial fire hose.  Therefore my question here may be too basic, (or because I am lazy... if I worked just a little harder I could find the answer on your site myself.)

     But here are two questions.

    #1.  As my wife begins to use Logos more frequently, she will highlight something important for her... but when she does it shows up on my note/bible/commentary as a highlighted note.  Question:  What do we have to do to separate her notes/highlights from my notes/highlights?

    #2  Is there a way to set my "preferences for highlighting" to one or more "default preferences".  I find it cumbersome to "hunt" for the correct tool each time I want to use the highlighter tool.  I would like to "set" the tool to my individual preferred default preference.  (I hope that makes sense to you?)

    Thanks for any input you may have

    Bill & Gail

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Bill, I'm not Phil but here's my take on your questions.

    What do we have to do to separate her notes/highlights from my notes/highlights?

    I'd say the best way to achieve this currently would be to use Notebooks. If this is the only reason you (or she) would use notebooks, a single (e.g. "Gail's Note") notebook for each of you would be sufficient. My recommendation would be to go through each of your highlighting palettes and set them to "Most recent notebook", then while you're using Logos open the notebooks tab in the notes tool and select the desired notebook. With this in place, you can highlight to your heart's content and highlights will automatically get assigned to that notebook. Of course, the same is true for when your wife is using Logos.

    One of the reasons for this approach is that Notebooks are currently the only way to hide/display notes on a granular level.

    Is there a way to set my "preferences for highlighting" to one or more "default preferences".

    If I'm understanding you correctly, are shortcut keys not what you're looking for (these are persistent across sessions)? To use these (once you've set them) simply select the text you're interested in and hit the relevant key on the keyboard. You have a total of 36 keys to choose from. Once these are set you won't need to open the highlight tool until you need to make a change!

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,459

    #1.  As my wife begins to use Logos more frequently, she will highlight something important for her... but when she does it shows up on my note/bible/commentary as a highlighted note.  Question:  What do we have to do to separate her notes/highlights from my notes/highlights?

    I can answer the first of your questions Bill (and Gail). Logos is sold as a single user product. There are no facilities for multiuser operations.

    Faithlife, however, recognise Christian marriage and that when two are joined they become one flesh. Hence they allow use of a single system by a married couple (providing that they are not both in professional ministry employment).

    Of course being 'one flesh' the highlights of one will be just as important to the other so it would be 'unChristian' to separate them.  ;-)

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    Game, Set and Match Mike! A biblical response to a software question - who says the Bible is old fashioned and outdated?

  • DavidS
    DavidS Member Posts: 74 ✭✭

    It seems like you could use separate folders to solve some of the issue, with more than one user.

  • DavidS
    DavidS Member Posts: 74 ✭✭

    Might be better to tag each note with first name of user.

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    DavidS said:

    Might be better to tag each note with first name of user.

    The disadvantage to this (at this point) is that we can't auto-tag. The setup I described above allows for rapid, hassle-free highlighting that gets added to a particular notebook. At the end of the reading session (or the end of the month!) you could bulk-edit all the notes in that notebook to add the tag of your choice.