Send to Kindle - And an Article
Hi... This morning I was reading an article that is quickly making the rounds among those who preach and teach. FWIW... Here it is:
Anyway, while reading the article in a "reader's mode" there was a link to send the article to my Kindle. It showed me how to go to Amazon and set up my Kindle to receive documents. It has been a while since I had done this and I noticed I had two approved document email senders... and
Can someone remind me why I entered these "approved" send-to-Kindle document providers years ago? Is there a feature/option I'm overlooking or have forgotten about!
Probably because Logos used to support exporting to Kindle. But that stopped awhile back. I believe it was due to licensing issues
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As Phil said, it used to be possible to export a Logos book directly to Kindle. This was a really great feature since the formatting and hyperlink notes came out great.
Amazon killed this feature, since if you're buying books on Logos and exporting them to Kindle that means you likely aren't buying the books on Amazon.
In regards to the article you link, it looks like it has some really good observations... but religious belief in American and its relationship to politics is very complicated.
The following articles try to untangle some of that, if you're interested in digging deeper into this area:
The problem with the 81% claim
Here's a problem with the term "evangelical" in polls -
And the link between Trump support and religiousity -
I published an article on a related issue for ArcDigital a few months ago Voting For Trump =/= Trump's Behavior or something like that (the editors chose a different title of course).
Potato resting atop 2020 Mac Pro stand.
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Ahhh, that's right. Now I remember - Amazon was the "reasin for the ceasin."
And this article is going viral. Spot on analysis. Not just with politics, but with social justice, with progress, and with the church as well. Incisive. Well, at least imo. Thanks for the links. Blessings.