Your top 5 wish list items.
Each poster may have some wish list items. How about sharing our top 5? (items do not have to be actually available in Logos, FL e books, or Noet).
1 society of biblical literature dissertation series: 19 and 61. [not available in L8]
2 Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament: Studies in Tools, Methods, and Practice. S. Porter [not available outside US n Canada].
3 Exploring Christian Doctrine/ A Guide to What Christians Believe Faithlife Ebooks. [not distributable to my region]
4 Catechism of the Catholic Church (either English or Spanish). [not deliverable to my region although bought in different bundles]
5 Hebrew Matthew. [it was available in "Gospel Parallels" or similar harmony, and in an upgrade it was taken out without warning].
Sacred Bridge (not in logos)
Bloomsbury Bundle (a little too expensive for me)
More from Baylor University Press (especially but not limited to Amos Yong's systematic theology)
Michael Holmes Apostolic Fathers (only an old edition is available in Logos, why don't they have the latest version? Brannan's literal translation is fine, but Holmes' collection is the most usually cited)
Modern publications from presses that are often cited (e.g. Harvard). Is it a case they don't want to be in Logos or Logos doesn't want them? I mean, lately it feels like every other theology book I read quotes Charles Taylor's A Secular Age, it might be time to have it in Logos? No different than all the philosophy bundles already present (I have Hegel and Kierkegaard etc)
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Hamilton Ramos said:
4 Catechism of the Catholic Church (either English or Spanish). [not deliverable to my region although bought in different bundles]
Hamilton, I can get it (the international version) for 30 dollars (dynamic price) along with a mess of other books (no feature option)
As you said, it is bundled, but it may be the only way you will get it, sooner then later.
Tom Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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Thanks Josiah for sharing with us the Sacred Bridge, Amos Young, and other resources.
Bloomsbury: I cannot believe the price. If I recall well, it was in offer at some time way cheaper.
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Hi Tom:
You are totally right, the international version did download. Finally I can see the content when hovering over a reference to it in Catholic topical index (CTI).
I do not recall ordering the international version, so it must have come with a bundled deal. The collections, etc. keep showing a restriction of the US CCC so that is not deliverable to my region.
How do you go about analyzing the CCC contents? Do you look for principles for application? or do you use the CTI?
So with that clarification a new list item:
4 Evangelical Theological Method: Five Views (Spectrum Multivew) [hope this one will eventually be in the pipeline].
kind regards.
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- Sacred Bridge
- Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer
- Quest Study Bible
- Archeological Study Bible
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Hamilton Ramos said:
Hi Tom:
You are totally right, the international version did download. Finally I can see the content when hovering over a reference to it in Catholic topical index (CTI).
Glad you finally got access to the CCC. Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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Thanks Tom:
The link you put under your posts take to a reformed page. Yet you know about CCC, is that because you do comparative studies?
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Excellent Michael.
Hope they get in the Logos pipeline some time.
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1. Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley (not currently available in Logos)
2. Sacred Bridge (not currently available in Logos)
3. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - Romans (not currently available in Logos)
5. Acts: An Exegetical Commentary by Craig Keener
4. The volumes of Luther's Works that I do not have.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Hamilton Ramos said:
Thanks Tom:
The link you put under your posts take to a reformed page. Yet you know about CCC, is that because you do comparative studies?
Hi Hamilton, I got the CCC when it first came out, then the "catechism collection", then a low level Verbum library, and then just keep going because a lot of the Lutheran and Reformed commentaries I own link to the CCC or earlier confessions.
I like to got to the source when ever I can. I don´t want to misrepresent the view point of any domination or branch of Christianity if I can prevent it by just reading their own view point, in there own words. [Y]
Take care, Que Nuestro Dios Te Bendiga, Tom Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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Bendiciones hermano Tom:
Thanks for your input. It is important to try to get the non mischaracterized doctrine of a particular denomination, but sometimes there is not an agreement even within the same denomination.
Are there any threads in the forum in which you detail your way of going about searching the correct doctrinal affirmation by tradition / group / denomination? (using Logos of course).
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1. Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS) journals plus dreaming of BAS mobile education courses. Thankful for older BAS archive (Libby CD's) that is still useful today. This week a BAS donation request arrived, which will receive prayers (but no money) while BAS stands alone from Faithlife.
2. The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) Capstone Curriculum - workbooks, mentor guides, and text books. Awesome would be TUMI mobile education courses (Capstone modules already have videos) => (has 9 votes)
- Amazon Unlimited partnering idea is enabling Faithlife apps/applications to be authorized devices for Amazon Unlimited rental content. Awesome would be Library search of rental resources. Caveat: Unlimited has mixed bag of content.
3. One New Man Bible edited by William J. Morford along with companion commentaries => (has 6 votes)
4. Series 33 Authentic Manhood => as Mobile Education courses
5. Online certificate/degree programs using Faithlife apps/applications: one dream is Christian Leadership University (not like individual pdf's for course textbooks)
Keep Smiling [:)]