Notes Issues, statements, & Questions

A new post for a new update (8.0.8). Working on iPad 6th gen.
- After the new update, I am still not seeing the anchored (i.e. highlighted) text in my notes from non-downloaded works. Is this functionality coming? Apart from downloading my entire library or having to navigate to each of 100's/1,000's of notes, is there a workaround?
- I might be missing it, but I still don't see a way to add tags to notes? How about an inline #tag option?
- Some notes are not displaying the entirety of my note text. I have to swipe left or right to a different resource and then swipe back into my notes, and then the rest of my text will usually appear.
I think that this is all for now; thanks in advance.
Chris Lane said:
- After the new update, I am still not seeing the anchored (i.e. highlighted) text in my notes from non-downloaded works. Is this functionality coming? Apart from downloading my entire library or having to navigate to each of 100's/1,000's of notes, is there a workaround?
When you say anchored notes, you mean attached to a verse, correct? If so, we had that feature in 8.0.8 but observed a few crashes and so remotely disabled the feature while we fix that issue.
Chris Lane said:- I might be missing it, but I still don't see a way to add tags to notes? How about an inline #tag option?
Tags aren't yet supported on mobile, but are on the roadmap.
Chris Lane said:- Some notes are not displaying the entirety of my note text. I have to swipe left or right to a different resource and then swipe back into my notes, and then the rest of my text will usually appear.
If you could post a screenshot of this, might help clarify the issue to help us investigate.
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Thanks for the response Todd.
Todd Diehl (Faithlife) said:When you say anchored notes, you mean attached to a verse, correct? If so, we had that feature in 8.0.8 but observed a few crashes and so remotely disabled the feature while we fix that issue.
I am primarily not referring to notes attached to a verse. The majority of my highlights are in monographs and non-biblical texts.
Todd Diehl (Faithlife) said:If you could post a screenshot of this, might help clarify the issue to help us investigate.
Will try to do this below.
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Todd Diehl (Faithlife) said:
If you could post a screenshot of this, might help clarify the issue to help us investigate.
Sometimes, when holding the iPad vertically, the some of the note text is cut short:
When swiping left or right to a different workspace/pannel/window and then swiping back to the note the full text appears:
I have found that even beginning to swipe, so that the notes workspace is moved, and then releasing the workspace is typically enough to bring the rest of the text back.
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Thanks for the screenshots, I see what you are saying, and can replicate. We'll fix that.
Regarding the missing highlights in resources, if you want to "Report a Problem" and send logs we'll take a look (also helpful to let us know which resource/s). You might also try entering "Update anchors" in the passage/search box on the Home page and waiting a bit.
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Hi Todd
Regarding the missing highlights in non-downloaded resources please see discussion at
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Sorry, I understand now. The preview of the highlight text is currently only supported for downloaded resources. That has not changed in the most recent update.
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Sorry, Todd & Graham, I thought I had responded to thank you for your help; I must have misunderstood the release notes. So, thank you both for your time and help.
If I may (tangentially) deviate from the OP, are either of you privy to knowing why some really helpful features exist on one platform but not another? For instance, on iOS devices, having a definition of an original language word when it is highlighted is very helpful & functional, while conspicuously absent from Android devices. On the other hand, my Android phone shows all of a note's highlighted text, even for non-downloaded resources, a feature which would make iOS much more functional for those researching & writing on the go (or while doing so in certain locations overseas). I would assume that seamless usability across platforms & devices is a goal of the mobile apps and that identical features/functionality would be a huge step in achieving such a goal. Are there any insights that either of you are able to offer as to these platform discrepancies?
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Hi Chris
I across that consistency across the mobile platforms would be good.
But i’ll need to leave it to Faithlife to make any definitive statements about why this isn’t the case at the moment.
I assume some of the differences are due to different capabilities of the underlying platforms but beyond that I don’t know