Mark 9:12 Speech Act and Sentence tagging, correct or wrong?

Maybe I don't see the obvious? Why is the last sentence in Mark 9:12 tagged seperately?
({Section <SpeechAct = Info: Quest>} AND {Section <Sentence ~ Interrogative>})
Sentence ~ Interrogative: "And how is it written of the Son of Man that he should suffer many things"
Speech Act = Question: "and be treated with contempt?"
Isn't the complete sentence Interrogative and a Question?
Not a tag-amist, but two prophesies, if I remember right?
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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PJ said:
Isn't the complete sentence Interrogative and a Question?
The tagging is done against a Greek bible (SBLGNT), where the last part (Speech Act) is only two words, but the two parts are separate clauses. Nonetheless, it is one sentence (or quote), so we need Faithlife to respond.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Nonetheless, it is one sentence (or quote), so we need Faithlife to respond.
Thanks Dave, I also checked the Greek for this and tried to understand why it was tagged this way but couldn't get much insight.
I'm only worried that a lot of information is lost when a search is made with AND, WITHIN or INTERSECT as it will produce different results in this case.
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PJ said:
I'm only worried that a lot of information is lost when a search is made with AND, WITHIN or INTERSECT as it will produce different results in this case.
The operator you use depends on what you want from the Search! AND is perhaps the most ambiguous, as it requires both terms to be in the same passage (Bible Search) or same chapter (Basic Search), whether or not they overlap.
If you want overlapping terms, WITHIN says the first term must be wholly within the second term, whilst INTERSECTS requires that they overlap partially or wholly.
And you can get information from a requirement like {Section <SpeechAct = Info: Quest>} NOT INTERSECTS {Section <Sentence ~ Interrogative>} i.e. the first term does not overlap the second term.
===Windows 11 & Android 13