Logos 8 Link Set Icons In Tabs

How do I remove the link set icons in the tabs - they are taking up way too much room?
There is not currently a way to change the tab behavior for link set indicators. Here is another thread discussing this: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/173835.aspx
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Corby Amos said:
How do I remove the link set icons in the tabs - they are taking up way too much room?
You're not the first person to say that, but it's not possible at the moment, I'm afraid. (Other than removing the tabs from the linkset, of course.)
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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This is a huge problem for me visually. Takes up way too much space and looks terrible in my particular application.
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What do you think would look better? Smaller? Nothing at all?
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I think that it should be able to be set to show links when you hover over a resource tab. It works for the close X why not the link. It would look much better, use less space and still provide the information some people would like. Just a thought.
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John Fidel said:
I think that it should be able to be set to show links when you hover over a resource tab. It works for the close X why not the link. It would look much better, use less space and still provide the information some people would like. Just a thought.
The real problem is that the close X takes up space whether or not it is visible, and it is the one icon that isn't needed. The target icons should be visible so that we don't have to guess which tabs were set.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I vote for a toggle, and vastly prefer nothing at all. Wow does this blow up my workspaces.
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I haven't loaded Logos 8 in maybe a month -unusual for me! When I did today I was shocked by how much larger the link-set icons are. I had everything arranged where all my loaded resources in each of my four columns were pretty much visible, but this change is just unwieldy. LOGOS, if you are reading this, please "put it back" the way it was, or enact the good suggestions being made here on how it could be done better.
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What about a small Green Dot in the upper right corner of the tab? No green dot, not linked, green dot, linked. There could be diffrerent colours for different link sets.
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Mark Henzler said:
There could be diffrerent colours for different link sets.
FWIW, the different linksets already have a different color icon so something like this could be quite simple to implement.
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The colours would have to be more distinct, though
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Another vote for removal of the link set icon and slimming down of the tab space. A "hover to reveal" would be great, and if the programmers want to offer an option to have a durable icon, that's okay. This is the single change so far that most makes me want to revert to 7 and nullifies a lot of the benefits of 8. Had I known this I would not have upgraded.
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I like the colored tabs idea, showing the links. The letters are taking up way to much space. Shalom!