Thank You Faithlife for Denominational upgrade bundles and Fundamentals gift opportunity!!



  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Kiyah said:

    My NETS hasn't arrived either. How is it that some people have it already and some don't?

    If you buy NETS as part of an L8 base package, it downloads immediately. Otherwise, it ships when the pre-pub order gets fulfilled.

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

    Kiyah said:

    My NETS hasn't arrived either. How is it that some people have it already and some don't?

    If you buy NETS as part of an L8 base package, it downloads immediately. Otherwise, it ships when the pre-pub order gets fulfilled.

    I did buy it as part of a base package, but it has not downloaded.

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    I am wondering if it was an accidental release since it is clearly only partially done. Or it might be keyed by a specific package family only. Ie those who pursed denomXX library 8. Just speculation but it is not a finished product do not worrry I am sure you will see it ASAP. 


  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,037

    We have not shipped our edition of NETS; it's still under development.

    For those who have it, is it possible you're looking at a PBB version? What is the resource support info?

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,037

    I'm guessing you might have built your own copy from (which clearly states it's missing TOC, introductions, footnotes, and other items you said were absent).

    The Logos edition of NETS will be much higher-quality when it's released.

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Bradley it turned out to be a PBB. I had completely forgotten about the PBB and only after hearing mention of the upcoming release and seeing I had ordering an 8 pack with it did I go out looking for it, also hearing another person mention they had just downloaded it to their system the thought that it was a PBB never occurred to me.


  • Cynthia in Florida
    Cynthia in Florida Member Posts: 821 ✭✭

    Yes MJ, but what is the intention? proselytism? of course not.

    You never talk theology, but the few times you hint at some key point, it illuminates persons, without knowing you edify the Body of Christ.

    The problem is not theology per se or its discussion, the problem is the arrogant attitude of some persons, that think they have absolute truth down, when any true believer knows that only God is the absolute orthodox Being in the universe.

    The fruit of the Spirit is clear, most persons that do not show that fruit in the exchange of theological information, are clearly not mature in that fruit. (so right there I would not follow them).

    Any person that is not willing to seriously look at the actual worldview from which he/ she is operating when studying theology is just joking around and possibly  being just part of an indoctrination game by some particular group.

    MJ wrote: "... people state positions that I believe to be logically impossible to be correct".

    This is key MJ.

    1 Human reason is a fit aid to the Holy Spirit guidance. Human reason and logic is not the ultimate measure for finding truth. Human reason guided by the Holy Spirit is a very valid means of arriving to truth. 

    2 Your opinion is very respectable and very credible, but you must understand that you are not God, so not binding when talking about people's salvation.

    3 there is a lot of controversy in theological studies, and that is because we all come from a particular contextual situation.

    The context most traditions do not talk about is the context of the Holy Spirit, (the real author of the Bible), and it just happens that He transcends any ethnicity, language, era, contextual situation, etc. That is why Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will guide you to truth, He never mentioned synchronical original language with human reason alone as the way. This is key and has to be clarified.

    In the end each person has the right to choose what they decide to believe. It is a God given right. But is unethical to try to rule out other views just because they are in the minority or because they are in the fringe of the orthodoxy envelope.

    If God confronts me as to my inquiry travel with the rationality He gave me, I can say I explored most, checked to see if things were so, and came to conclusions on my own as expected, and not just because I inherited a particular tradition, or because a human authority affirms that is the correct one.

    Careful analysis of things of Theology is an undelegable task each one of us has to perform.

    I have never said I have ultimate truth. But I get very glad when I meet persons that take theology serious and want to get to the truth. There are key topics to explore in that regard and is up to them to choose what they think is God's message.

    We come from very different backgrounds. I was born in a Catholic environment. That is why I can relate to much of the good it has to offer. But being where I live exposed me to other traditions, and then I understood I needed to get serious and analyze what I believe to check it is so with respect to God's revealed truth.

    Logos is a wonderful tool for that. Honesty in key prolegomena topics is of utmost importance, and transparent, well intentioned believers without an occult agenda, have to make that patent.

    Kind regards.

    Hello Hamilton:  I find this fascinates me.  I have a few questions.  Can you please email me?  I would have contacted you via message but I don't see how to message you.



    Romans 8:28-38