Jude and 1 Enoch...

Milkman Member Posts: 4,880 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Does FL carry a monograph or something that speaks to Jude's use of 1 Enoch or any other Jewish literature?




  • Tom Reynolds
    Tom Reynolds Member Posts: 1,458 ✭✭✭

    I did find this bibliography in a Logos resource:

    • On 1 Enoch and Jude, and in addition to relevant sections in the standard commentaries on Jude, see:

      BAUCKHAM, R.J. “A Note on a Problem in the Greek Version of 1 Enoch 1:9.” JTS 32 (1981). 136–138.
      VAN BEEK, L.H. “The Letter of Jude’s Use of 1 Enoch. The Book of Watchers as Scripture.” Diss: South Africa, 1998.
      BLACK, M. “The Marantha Invocation and Jude 14, 15 (I Enoch 1:9).” Christ and Spirit in the New Testament. In Honour of Charles Francis Digby Moule. Edd. B. LINDARS and S.S. SMALLEY. Cambridge, 1973. 189–196.
      CANTINAT, J. Les Épitres de Saint Jacques et de Saint Jude. Paris, 1973. 270–276.
      CHARLES, J.D. “Jude’s Use of Pseudepigraphical Source-Material as Part of a Literary Strategy.” NTS 37 (1991). 130–145.
      CHARLESWORTH, J.H. “1983 (Canterbury; University of Kent): 1 Enoch, Jude, and the Canon.” The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament: Prolegomena for a Study of Christian Origins. Cambridge, 1985. 137–141.
      COX, S. “Enoch’s Gospel. Genesis v.21–24; Hebrews xi.5, 6; Jude 14, 15.” Exp 7 (1884). 321–345.
        p 390  DAVIDS, P.H. “The Pseudepigrapha in the Catholic Epistles.” The Pseudepigrapha and Early Biblical Interpretation. Edd. J.H. CHARLESWORTH and C.A. EVANS. JSPSup 14, SEJC 2. Sheffield, 1993. 228–245.
      DEHANDSCHUTTER, B. “Pseudo-Cyprian, Jude and Enoch: Some Notes on 1 Henoch 1:9.” Tradition and Reinterpretation in Jewish and Early Christian Literature: Essays in Honour of Jürgen C.H. Lebram. Edd. J.W. VAN HENTEN, et alii. SPB 36. Leiden, 1986. 114–120.
      FOSSUM, J. “Kyrios Jesus. Angel Christology in Jude 5–7.” NTS 33 (1987). [=“The Image of the Invisible God.” Essays on the Influence of Jewish Mysticism on Early Christianity. NTOA 30. Freiburg (Schweiz)/Göttingen, 1995. 41–69 at 51–55]
      HEILIGENTHAL, R. Zwischen Henoch und Paulus. Studien zum theologiegeschichtlichen Ort des Judasbriefs. TANZ 6. Tübingen, 1992.
      LAPERROUSAZ, E.-M. “Le testament de Moïse (généralment appelé ‘Assumption de Moïse’). Traduction avec introduction et notes.” Sem 19 (1970). 51–58.
      LAWLOR, H.J. “Early Citations from the Book of Enoch.” JPh 25 (1897). 164–225 at 165–166.
      OSBURN, C.D. “The Christological Use of 1 Enoch I, 9 in Jude 14–15.” NTS 23 (1976–1977). 334–341.
      ———. “1 Enoch 80:2–8 (67:5–7) and Jude 12–13.” CBQ 47 (1985). 296–303.
      PHILIPPI, K.F. Das Buch Henoch, sein Zeitalter und sein Verhältnis zum Judasbrief. Ein Beitrag neutestamentlicher Isagogik. Stuttgart, 1868.
      REIMER, D.J. “The Apocrypha and Biblical Theology: The Case of Interpersonal Forgiveness.” After the Exile. Essays in Honour of Rex Mason. Edd. J. BARTON and D.J. REIMER. Macon, GA, 1996. 259–282 at 263–265.
      ROBERT, C. “Le fils de Dieu et les filles de l’homme.” RB 4 (1895). 340–373, 525–552 at 525–528, 546–580.
      ROWSTON, D.J. “The Most Neglected Book in the New Testament.” NTS 21 (1974–1975). 554–563.
      RUBINKIEWICZ, R. Eschatologia Hen 9–11 a Nowy Testament. Lublin, 1984. [=Die Eschatologie von Henoch 9–11 und das neue Testament. Trans H. ULRICH. ÖBS 6. Klosterneuberg, 1984. Esp. 128–133]
      SIBINGA, J.S. “Pseudo-Cyprian, Jude, and Enoch. Some Notes on 1 Enoch 1:9.” Tradition and Reinterpretation in Jewish and Early Christian Literature. Essays in Honour of Jürgen C.H. Lebram. Edd. J.W. VAN HENTEN, et alii. SPB 36. Leiden, 1986. 114–120.
      VAIR, R.J. “Jude’s Use of 1 Enoch.” In “The Old Testament Promise of the Land as Reinterpreted in First and Second Century Christian Literature.” Diss: Berkeley, 1979. 83–86.
      VANBEEK, L. “1 Enoch among Jews and Christians: A Fringe Connection?” Christian-Jewish Relations through the Centuries. Edd. S.E. PORTER and B.W.R. PEARSON. JSNTSup 192, RP 6. Sheffield, 2000. 93–115 at 103–106.
      VANDERKAM, J.C. “The Theophany of Enoch 1,3b–7,9.” VT 23 (1973). 129–150.
      VOLKMAR, G. “Über die katholischen Briefe und Henoch.” ZWT 4 (1861). 422–436.5 (1862). 46–75.
      WICKER, J.R. “An Analysis of the Use of Noncanonical Literature in Jude and 2 Peter.” Diss: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1985. 53–100.
      WRIGHT, W. “Two Epistles of Mar Jacob, Bishop of Edessa.” JSL 10 (1867). 430–433, 1*–27* at 430–431.

    Lorenzo DiTommaso, A Bibliography of Pseudepigrapha Research, 1850–1999, vol. 39, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha (Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001), 389–390.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 4,880 ✭✭✭

    That's pretty helpful. Now to see if FL carries any of them.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,065 ✭✭✭✭

    Milkman said:

    That's pretty helpful. Now to see if FL carries any of them.

    Good luck on that. The closest you'll come, is a commentary. Then you have to decide how wild you want to go. Even the middle of the road ones get busy. I remember Word tries to use Targum Jonathan. My eyebrows went up on that.

    The problem is Jude seems to be a nexus of just about any of the 2nd Temple group, and from all angles. I looked at my notes; they arrived from pieces of different monographs, journals, and commentaries. Even Reversing Hermon, if I recall.

    You'd of had far more success with the gospels (vs Enoch). Many choices. My present one is managing to dig (literally) around Galilee for Enoch. Wow.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.