Error in B90 reading plan

There is an error in the Bible in 90 Days reading plan. Day 72 ends with Mark 15:20, but Day 73 begins incorrectly with Matthew 15:21 instead of Mark 15:21. No wonder I was having such a hard time getting past Day 73, and feeling like I was retracing my steps!
Could you give me your reproduction steps? I'm not sure what I'm looking for quite yet. Are you using the Courses tool?
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It's one of the predefined reading plan documents.
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It's only January 12th and you're already on Day 73?! [:D]
I see the problem and we'll get it fixed up.
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This is fixed for all new Bible in 90 Days plans that are started. I don't know if it's possible to edit your existing plan to fix the reference; you may just have to ignore it.
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Thanks, Bradley!
The truth is that I did the B90 program with my congregation this summer, but only made it 3/4 of the way before life got the better of me. I'm wrapping up those last two weeks of reading on the better-late-than-never theory.