Logos 7 Notes Functionality Is Coming Be Patient
Karl Flentje said:
Can someone tell me how to revert to the Logos 7 notes system?
Use the command "set prefer notes tool to no"
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Hi Graham
does that command really revert to Logos 7 note files, the whole system, without any risk of conflicts?
(and it is possible to switch back later if or when logos 8 or 9 notes suit working methods? ?)
best wishes
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Michael Perry said:
does that command really revert to Logos 7 note files, the whole system, without any risk of conflicts?
It does revert back to Logos 7 behaviour but it isn't recommended as a longterm option, specifically it's not recommended as a good way of creating notes.
For Faithlife's guidance on this please see https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018336332
I don't fully understand the implications behind this.
I do know that notes sync only works one way - notes created in the Logos 7 context are automatically migrated to the new Notes Tool but it doesn't go the other way. So, for example, notes you have created using the Notes Tool in Logos 8 won't be visible in Logos 7.
There are warnings in that article about sync issues. My guess is that this applies if you are creating / updating notes in both contexts.
If you were thinking of using it for some time, and intending to create a lot of notes in it, I would recommend getting some clear guidance from someone at Faithlife first.
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David Taylor Jr said:
There is a difference between making an issue known and whining. It is the latter that I get fed up with. It is fine and reasonable to make a complaint. But when people start griping over the same thing over and over, then accusing FL of bad motives or "counting on our Christian-ish niceness to lessen the concerns raised" then that is not longer complaining about features or making issues known. To me, that is something entirely different that has no place here or anywhere in a Christian's life.
I think you are too harsh. The problem is that when Logos 8 came out, the the new features were being broadcast far and wide. The limitations of the new version were not. It takes a while to find the page that lists the limitations. For most people, upgrading means I get what I have now and more. In this case it was more and less. Had Logos delayed the launch until some time before Easter most people would not have complained. And if you hear a lot of it (whining), it means a lot of people were unhappy which reflects more on Logos' business decisions rather than the users (who were pretty happy with what they had). It is not the first time Logos made some decisions and then Bob, being the stand up guy that he is, had to admit the errors and clean up the mess. It sounds to me like one of the most important features in Logos 8 was not ready for showtime.
This nonsense with features being removed and being brought back in should not have happened. The Logos list of these features lists eighteen items. Logos knew they would be missed and still decided to go ahead and release the new version.0