Logos 7 versus Logos 8

I have just "upgraded" to the free basic L8. I do not care for it for 3 reasons:
1. My Notes which I frequently use & depend upon are no longer listed by verse but by the beginning of the sentence of each note. This is not useful to me & takes up too much real estate.
2. My font default settings no longer work.
3. The logistics of the program at the top take up too much real estate.
Tho I know I may lose some functionality of the new upgrade, I would like to return to Logos 7. Can anyone help me, please? Thank you.
Hi Angela
Angelia Ulrich said:I would like to return to Logos 7. Can anyone help me, please?
To return to Logos 7 you would need to:
- Completely remove Logos from your system
- Download a V7 version
However I'm aware I don't know how I would do the second. With the availability of Logos 8 Basic I don't know how to get hold of a Logos 7 download anymore. It may be possible but I don't know where it is. Someone may have a link
To comment briefly on the points you made:
Angelia Ulrich said:1. My Notes which I frequently use & depend upon are no longer listed by verse but by the beginning of the sentence of each note. This is not useful to me & takes up too much real estate.
The current beta version of Logos 8 supports sorting notes by reference as per the screenshot below
This is expected to ship to the stable channel on the 4th March. If this restores what you are looking for, are you able to wait till then?
Angelia Ulrich said:2. My font default settings no longer work.
There have been various discussions over font issues but I haven't really followed them. What specific issues are you having?
Angelia Ulrich said:3. The logistics of the program at the top take up too much real estate.
Please expand on what you mean by this
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GM & thanks, Graham. I don't know how to obtain your screenshot on my machine. In fact, somehow my listing of notes according to Notebook is now grayed out & I can't get back to it.
Regarding the real estate issue
Just the "blocks" alone which list the resources is much too large. The "Search" is always up & thus takes up valuable space.
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I think I understand what you mean by the blocks that list resources. Are these the tabs at the top of each pane? If so, a lot of people have mentioned that and hopefully it will change.
To post a screenshot you can use the paperclip icon in the forum editor. It would be helpful to see what you are describing
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Angelia Ulrich said:
My Notes which I frequently use & depend upon are no longer listed by verse but by the beginning of the sentence of each note
Angelina, Graham will give you good help so I don't need to add to that. It is possible to use the old notes system in Logos 8. You can find out more on this page. I am not sure that is what I'd do if I were you since L7 will eventually no longer be supported, even if you can find a way to reinstall it. I'm trying to get adjusted to the new notes system and am glad that it is constantly being improved on. However, this is one feature of Logos 7 you can retain if you want.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Thank you. I'm going to look at Mark's page about getting the notes back the way I like them. Have a blessed day.
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Thank you, Mark. I'll have a look at that page. I understand your comment about no support for L7 in the future. Always something new
Have a blessed day & coming Sunday.
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Angelia Ulrich said:
Thank you. I'm going to look at Mark's page about getting the notes back the way I like them. Have a blessed day.
Please be aware that any notes you have created using the new Notes Tool in Logos 8 won't be visible in the Logos 7 notes environment if you do switch back to it.
Any notes you create in the Logos 7 environment should be available in the Logos 8 Note Tool when / if you switch back to it.
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Thanks again. Support just wrote me that my L7 notes are gone forever bc they've been converted to L8. I'm greatly disappointed! I'm glad I did not pay for this "downgrade." I'm going to try to use a L7 on an older laptop to get around this. This should NOT happen.
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Angelia Ulrich said:
Thanks again. Support just wrote me that my L7 notes are gone forever bc they've been converted to L8. I'm greatly disappointed! I'm glad I did not pay for this "downgrade." I'm going to try to use a L7 on an older laptop to get around this. This should NOT happen.
Angelina, I believe you received the wrong information from the support people. No conversion has occurred to your L7 notes. (EDIT: by that I mean you have not lost your L7 notes. Conversion occurs to use them in L8, but it is not a destructive conversion. They still exist in L7 format.) If you try the command Set Prefer Notes Tool to No you will find (after restarting Logos) that your L7 notes appear under the Documents drop-down. To go back to L8 notes, type Set Prefer Notes Tool to Yes in the Command bar and restart Logos.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Angelia - apologies for misspelling your name earlier.
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Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Not a prob w my name! Thanks
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GM. A blessed Sunday to you preaching today. When you get a minute, I can find no "Set Prefer Notes Tool" in my program. Please advise where it is. Thank you.
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Angelia Ulrich said:
GM. A blessed Sunday to you preaching today.
Thanks Angelia - appreciated
Angelia Ulrich said:When you get a minute, I can find no "Set Prefer Notes Tool" in my program. Please advise where it is.
It's a command box option
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Amazing!! How grateful I am to you for your help! Thank you, thank you! Now that this is in the Forums maybe it will help others too.
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Just an update. I'm endeavoring to learn the new notes system for L8. We have no alternative. Now I just need to be sure the notes from L7 actually got into L8. Thanks for everyone's help.
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Angelia Ulrich said:
Now I just need to be sure the notes from L7 actually got into L8
I don't remember seeing any reports of them not coming across so hopefully you will find everything as you expect!
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Thanks, Graham. I wasn't clear. I have to be sure the notes I put in the last 2 days in the old notes get written in the new ones bc they do not transfer. That's the reason for having to go into the new ones. It is a learning curve, but I will do it. Have a blessed day.
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Hi Angelia
Angelia Ulrich said:I have to be sure the notes I put in the last 2 days in the old notes get written in the new ones bc they do not transfer.
Are you saying that notes you created in the old notes system in the last two days aren't transferring to the new one? If so that's a problem as they should be!
If that's the case, please provide some more details ideally with some screenshots showing what isn't coming across
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This is what I rcvd from Logos Support. I read the article, & that's what I understood it to mean. Am I wrong? I did notice that highlighted text in a cmty under L8 was not highlighted in L7. I had to re-highlight those passages.
"Though what your fellow-forum person wrote is correct, there are risks associated with running this command. We have a guide that goes more into depth regarding how to use this setting here: https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018336332. We highly recommend following the guide to avoid loss of sync data.
"Following this command will visually revert your notes back to Logos 7, but your account will still have been converted to Logos 8. Reverting the notes will not make it possible to downgrade to Logos 7."
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Angelia Ulrich said:
I did notice that highlighted text in a cmty under L8 was not highlighted in L7. I had to re-highlight those passages.
Yes - that's because notes sync is a one-way process:
- Logos 7 style notes sync into the Logos 8 environment
- Logos 8 style notes don't sync back into the Logos 7 environment
Angelia Ulrich said:"Though what your fellow-forum person wrote is correct, there are risks associated with running this command. We have a guide that goes more into depth regarding how to use this setting here: https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018336332. We highly recommend following the guide to avoid loss of sync data.
There are potential risks but Adam (Logos 8 product manager) helpfully clarified this at https://community.logos.com/forums/p/178008/1034390.aspx#1034390
If you take note of the caveats Adam mentioned you should be fine
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GM. That is reallly helpful. I think Adam's post should be highlighted in red! It wasn't something readily available when I searched the Forum's. I probably just didn't find it. So reassuring. Thank you so much for clarifying this. I will continue to learn the new notes system though!
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New question: My notes will not conform to my default in Settings. Is there anyway to correct this? In L7 there was also a button to convert text to my set up default; I don't see it in L8. Also, comments I copy from a cmty don't highlight the source. If you'd rather I'd set this up as a new item in the Forum, please let me know. I am sure you are busy. Thank you.
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Angelia Ulrich said:
My notes will not conform to my default in Settings. Is there anyway to correct this?
Are you referring to fonts or to something else?
Angelia Ulrich said:Also, comments I copy from a cmty don't highlight the source.
If you mean providing a link to the source as shown in the screenshot below, this was added in 8.3 beta 4 (we expect 8.3 to ship to the stable channel on 4 March)
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I'm sorry. I was unclear. Yes, the font - style & size - set in my Settings does not work. At least in L7 we could click on a button & change it to what we set as default. I just wish when I copied/pasted from a resource that it would paste in my default font style/size setting as it did in L7.
I'm glad they are bringing back the links for resources. This makes study so much easier than having to open the resource & try to find what I had highlighted.
Thanks again.
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Angelia Ulrich said:
Yes, the font - style & size - set in my Settings does not work. At least in L7 we could click on a button & change it to what we set as default. I just wish when I copied/pasted from a resource that it would paste in my default font style/size setting as it did in L7.
Yes - setting default fonts in notes is on the list of things to be added in.
It's #7 in the upcoming features list at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016616512-Notes-FAQ
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Angelia Ulrich said:
I have just "upgraded" to the free basic L8. I do not care for it for 3 reasons:
1. My Notes which I frequently use & depend upon are no longer listed by verse but by the beginning of the sentence of each note. This is not useful to me & takes up too much real estate.
2. My font default settings no longer work.
3. The logistics of the program at the top take up too much real estate.
Tho I know I may lose some functionality of the new upgrade, I would like to return to Logos 7. Can anyone help me, please? Thank you.
You can find the Logos 7 installer from your Logos 7 order. You can also use the direct link such as this for macOS: http://downloads.logos.com/LBS7/Installer/LogosMac.dmg