Introducing the New Logos Notes
First I want to say thank you... your true compassion for my question (problem) is evident, thanks again !
With your help, I have figured out how to assign a key (U in this case) to blue-underline text with a short cut key. However, my preference would be to do two separate things with one (or if needed two) keys.
When I "add" a note to a notebook... I highlight the text to be added and a pop-up box appears with what looks like a "default" YellowBox, indicating a note on the original text..AND a corresponding yellow over text highlight. My preference would be a REDbox indicating the note... but a subtle blue underline of the actual text.
Do you know of a way to make my preference My DEFAULT? Or a 2nd alternative to define a shortcut key to do the same)?
So far, I have not been able to find where this can be done.
Thanks for your help with this... I do appreciate your caring heart.
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good idea, I think that might help.... will try it out, just would rather separate my wife's highlights from mine in the actual book/bible/commentary from mine...
I guess we both could use different bibles/commentaries/etc but it would be helpful to just separate the two, which by the sounds of some of the responses is unlikely... or impossible.
Thanks for the idea
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not funny,
not helpful
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Bill & Gail said:
Do you know of a way to make my preference My DEFAULT?
Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment.
It is item #16 on the list of Upcoming Features at but I'm afraid I have no information regarding timescales
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Does anyone at the Corporate and Sales Levels know about all the complaints about the New Note System?
Many people have emailed them with NO RESPONSE.
We hate to complain, but this is HURTING our ministries and research.
I have been with you for OVER 10 Years and I have upgraded 2 times.
I have loved the program and have referred many people to it, until now.
The new NOTE System is Boken and I cannot refer anyone else nor upgrade to any new versions until the NOTES copy the links to citation Resources as it used to... This HUGE lost feature almost ruins the note system for many of us.
That was the most efficient and powerful aspect of the NOTES in my opinion.
NOW IT IS GONE and the work has become 10 times harder to do than before.I have ALREADY contacted the programmers, but I see no improvement.
Does anyone in corporate office or the sales team care that customers you have had for over 10 years are extremely disappointed and will no longer Upgrade nor refer new customers?
I hope this gets resolved soon.
I know many others who are HURT by this so-called improvement.
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Levi Price said:
Does anyone at the Corporate and Sales Levels know about all the complaints about the New Note System?
Many people have emailed them with NO RESPONSE.
We hate to complain, but this is HURTING our ministries and research.
I have been with you for OVER 10 Years and I have upgraded 2 times.
I have loved the program and have referred many people to it, until now.
The new NOTE System is Boken and I cannot refer anyone else nor upgrade to any new versions until the NOTES copy the links to citation Resources as it used to... This HUGE lost feature almost ruins the note system for many of us.
That was the most efficient and powerful aspect of the NOTES in my opinion.
NOW IT IS GONE and the work has become 10 times harder to do than before.I have ALREADY contacted the programmers, but I see no improvement.
Does anyone in corporate office or the sales team care that customers you have had for over 10 years are extremely disappointed and will no longer Upgrade nor refer new customers?
I hope this gets resolved soon.
I know many others who are HURT by this so-called improvement.
Yes they are aware. Yes, they HAVE addressed it here on the forums. Yes they ARE working on a whole list of things and have even made a way for people to use the old system until the new is up to their idea of a standard.
That being said, it makes no sense not to refer people because they wouldn't know what the old note system was like to not like the new system and for MANY people, myself included, we are fine with the new note system as it is while they work on reimplementing some things.
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well, maybe I can still refer people to the program. I will just have to warn them that at the next UPGRADE they may have the rug pulled out from underneath them, so don't get used to any of the functions in the NOTES too much because NEXT time it may all be totally different and you may have to wait a year for them to fix it. Peace to you always. [:D]
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Hi Phil,
Please forgive the length of this message...
I'd like to describe how I have used Notes for the past 20 years and how the new Notes Tool has wrecked my 20-year old system (almost 3,000 notes). Perhaps I was using notes in a way it was never designed to be used, but it really worked well for me. It was also the feature used the most apart from the Passage Guide.
I had several different notebooks (My Commentary, My Messages, General Quotes/Illustrations, My Topical Bible, etc). Some of the notes were anchored, some were not. If I clicked on an anchored note in any Bible, it opened that notebook and gave me a large window in which I could easily read the note - even if it was an entire sermon (I love having my messages anchored to a specific text so I can access it immediately from the text without having to do a search of any kind). Imagine trying to read an entire sermon in the tiny window now reserved for notes!
If I was reading a scripture and wanted to add a note to My Commentary, I simply right clicked and was given the option of creating a new note in that particular collection, automatically anchored to the text in which I was creating the note. Under the new system, my only option for creating a new note is simply to "Add a Note" with no ability to specify that it be included in the My Commentary collection.
If I want to find a quote in my "General Quotes/Illustrations" collection (which has a separate note for each topic in my system with each note containing several entries), I have to open notes, create a filter, and then try to read it in a tiny column that only displays about 1 sentence at a time. I understand I can open it in a floating window, but now I've lost the ease and simplicity of having it open in a full-size window with a single click that allows me to see both the note and my other windows at the same time.
Also, with my General Quotes/Illustrations and Topical Bible collections, I had my notes alphabetized by topic with many entries under each topic.If I want to find a quote on "Forgiveness" in the new system, I have to create a filter to narrow it down to General Quotes/Illustrations only to find that my old notes are no longer alphabetized by topic but ordered with only two options: date created or date modified. I could search for "Forgiveness" but now I've added another step to the process that was so simple and easy under the old system.
I could go on and on with examples of how my very simple system of creating personal content in notes just got immeasurably more difficult to use. Again, I LOVE LOGOS and use it every day, but this change has had huge consequences for me personally. I'm sure I would love many of the improvements if I could actually find a way to reclaim my old system of creating, collecting and accessing notes. For now, I am grateful for the option of changing back to the old system, but I pray you will find a way to keep the improvements without destroying the basic functionality of the old system.
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Keith Cowart said:
Imagine trying to read an entire sermon in the tiny window now reserved for notes!
Welcome to the forums. This should not be a problem if you resize the pane. I tend to keep notes in a floating window so they are not constrained by the size of my open resources.
You can select the notebook from a drop down menu on the note itself:
To select a notebook, rather than selecting in the Documents panel, one selects in the filters panel. It may take longer to find it in that there are many more options now but in principle, it is still just a click.
Keith Cowart said:General Quotes/Illustrations only to find that my old notes are no longer alphabetized by topic but ordered with only two options: date created or date modified.
To the best of my knowledge, this function was lost ... and is an ongoing topic of discussion as to how best to adjust.
How close to what you need do these features get you?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I understand I can open it in a floating window, but that requires an extra step that didn't exist before. But quite frankly, that's the least of my worries. It's no longer possible to create notes in a specific notebook. It's not easy to get to what used to constitute one of my old notebooks and if it contains unanchored notes (My Topical Bible) the only way to organize them is either by date created or date modified. My entries are in alphabetical order by topic. My hope is that Logos will find a way to maintain the functionality of the old system while incorporating the best of the improvements.
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Keith Cowart said:
I understand I can open it in a floating window, but that requires an extra step that didn't exist before. But quite frankly, that's the least of my worries. It's no longer possible to create notes in a specific notebook. It's not easy to get to what used to constitute one of my old notebooks and if it contains unanchored notes (My Topical Bible) the only way to organize them is either by date created or date modified. My entries are in alphabetical order by topic. My hope is that Logos will find a way to maintain the functionality of the old system while incorporating the best of the improvements.
Organizing by reference will be here in just a couple of weeks. It works great in the beta version right now.
You can add notes to a notebook if the notebook you are wanting to put it in is already open.
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Keith, if the extra step is of concern, you can resize it in your layout. From the drop-down menu in the add note function, you can place it in a specific notebook. That changes when/where you choose the notebook so I'm being a bit dense on where the problem lies. My notebooks all came across the conversion intact so the only difference I see is in where I make the selection. The loss of the title is the only problem I see where what you did in the past isn't readily possible in the new system.
I see your workflow for creating a note something like:- Optionally select anchor text
- Add note to open an "empty" note - from Context Menu is anchored; from note panel if not anchored.
- Select notebook from filter column
- Add note content
Does this match what you are doing or am I totally misunderstanding?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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That's helpful, but I also noticed that Logos currently has no plans to restore note titles. Some of my notebooks are organized alphabetically by title. If the titles are gone that will leave those notebooks in chaos. Any idea why they are set on removing titles?
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That last reply was in reference to David Taylor's reply. I'm going to check out MJ Smith's reply to see if that helps overall, but as you point out, it doesn't help with the loss of titles.
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Keith Cowart said:
Any idea why they are set on removing titles?
Some conjectures but no real information.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Please JOIN US as we raise awareness to LOGOS and the developers that there are many UNHAPPY people since the NEW NOTE SYSTEM.
It is an outrage in my personal opinion that many of the Features are no longer available.
Join our You-Tube Channel and help us call for ACTION as we post our opinions about the Logos Bible Software.
Here is a link to the channel.
Hang in there.
Maybe they will FIX - RESTORE the Logos 7 Note Features.
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Wayne levi Price said:
Please JOIN US as we raise awareness to LOGOS and the developers that there are many UNHAPPY people since the NEW NOTE SYSTEM.
It is an outrage in my personal opinion that many of the Features are no longer available.
Join our You-Tube Channel and help us call for ACTION as we post our opinions about the Logos Bible Software.
Here is a link to the channel.
Hang in there.
Maybe they will FIX - RESTORE the Logos 7 Note Features.
They are bringing most of the features back (several are already on the current beta) and while you wait you can always use the old system. They are taking action.
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We must continue to Make our complaints heard until they Fix these issues.
With LOVE, of course, we must demand that they bring back the features that we paid for already, Logos 7 Notes were more practical.
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Wayne levi Price said:
We must continue to Make our complaints heard until they Fix these issues.
With LOVE, of course, we must demand that they bring back the features that we paid for already, Logos 7 Notes were more practical.
But they are fixing them so why keep complaining when they are already working on it? If they weren't doing anything and showing no progress I could understand....
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Besides the loss of Note Titles, we lost many functions. I want to hover my mouse over the Note in the bible and see what notebook it is, I want to click the note and have it open the entire notebook. I want HYPERLINK Citation back.
All these things and more have been an upgrade nightmare, to say the least.
It is extremely cumbersome to search for the notebook by typing in the name when all we had to do is Click it.
I upgraded 3 times but will NOT upgrade again until they fix these issues.
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Wayne levi Price said:
Besides the loss of Note Titles
I'll grant you this one.
Wayne levi Price said:I want to hover my mouse over the Note in the bible and see what notebook it is,
They said, I believe, this is being worked on.
Wayne levi Price said:I want to click the note and have it open the entire notebook.
What do you mean open the entire notebook??
Wayne levi Price said:I want HYPERLINK Citation back.
You will have this on March 4th. It is already working in the beta.
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Nothing has changed with what we are complaining about in 3 months now.
Not one feature that I am aware of, that was with Logos 7 Notes that was lost, has been restored.
If it has let me know.
3 Months and NOTHING.
how about at least ONE of the old Logos 7 features.
Besides, if you do not continue to PRESS from time to time, they will not realize how much WE NEED the features we were using and already paid for.
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Wayne levi Price said:
Nothing has changed with what we are complaining about in 3 months now.
This is not factually true. See my previous post.
Wayne levi Price said:Not one feature that I am aware of, that was with Logos 7 Notes that was lost, has been restored.
Currerntly in the beta on my machine I can sort by reference, have citation links, have labels and label searching. I can also set the default font.
See aboveWayne levi Price said:3 Months and NOTHING.
Wayne levi Price said:Besides, if you do not continue to PRESS from time to time, they will not realize how much WE NEED the features we were using and already paid for
But they do realize them and ARE actively working on them and we have them in our hands for those of us who install beta versions. And, to be fair, you didn't pay for the notes features in L7. Those are part of the free engine.
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My dear brother, do you not remember how we used to click a note in the bible passage and the entire NOTEBOOK would open. Now it only open 'one little note' in the entire notebook.
We are forced to manually go and type in the notebook name and physically search for it now. This is extremely time-consuming.
I am glad to hear that hyperlink are about to be restored. If that is true I will be very happy indeed.
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Wayne levi Price said:
My dear brother, do you not remember how we used to click a note in the bible passage and the entire NOTEBOOK would open. Now it only open 'one little note' in the entire notebook.
I see. You are talking about note files. Notebooks did not exist before L8. So what you are wanting is the option to make the notebook active when a note is clicked?
Wayne levi Price said:I am glad to hear that hyperlink are about to be restored. If that is true I will be very happy indeed.
It's not just true, I used it not less than 5 min ago [:D]
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Wayne levi Price said:
We are forced to manually go and type in the notebook name and physically search for it now. This is extremely time-consuming.
Er .. ah... I'm only forced to go to the left panel and click on the correct name ... maybe we Verbum users did get something in the upgrade. [;)]
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:Wayne levi Price said:
We are forced to manually go and type in the notebook name and physically search for it now. This is extremely time-consuming.
Er .. ah... I'm only forced to go to the left panel and click on the correct name ... maybe we Verbum users did get something in the upgrade.
lol that's all I have to do in Logos as well.
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Keith Cowart said:
Any idea why they are set on removing titles?
It was an attempt to simplify the user interface. Most people didn't use note titles. But we're discussing bringing them back.
Even if we don't, we do plan to support sorting notes alphabetically. We'll just sort by the first letter of the first word in the note content.
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
It was an attempt to simplify the user interface. Most people didn't use note titles. But we're discussing bringing them back.
I never used note titles before, but I'd really like them now.
Especially, when I'm completing a workflow, I'd like the workflow question placed into the note (ideally as a title). Thanks to workflows, I have at least half-a-dozen notes on many verses, and without the context of the workflow, it's hard sometimes to know what the note refers to.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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What did you try five minutes ago? - [8-|]
The function of opening up the entire NOTEBOOK by clicking the individual note inside a Bible resource did exist before Logos 8, Now you can only open up a single note in the notebook and we are forced to manually search the notebook out.
What did you use 5 minutes ago? Hyperlinks or opening the whole notebook while clicking a note file in your Bible resource.
I just tried both and neither are working. [*-)] [:)]
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Thanks for all your hard work. I hope I am not being Mean or rude [:D] - I love you guys. I just miss the Note features I had for 10 years.
Now, about your comment:
If we have multiple monitors, how will organizing them alphabetically help? I may not want them to appear in an order like that, but by TOPIC on the monitor in front of me and not have my note on a different monitor because of an alphabetical mandate. This could be a huge problem if not done right. - I imagine sometimes trying to solve ONE PROBLEM will lead to MANY MORE unseen issues.
Unless each monitor and floating window can have its own alphabetical order this will not work.
We still have the issue of IDENTIFYING the NOTE in the Note TAB.
It just seems like an easier solution to IDENTIFY the NOTE by some kind of ICON at least, on top of the NOTE TAB - note sure why that is so hard to give us. Yes, MANY PEOPLE actually do need to identify, 'by the note tab', WHICH NOTE they are looking for. I am surprised that the developers, who once 'SAW A NEED' to give us this feature, now do not recognize the efficiency of such a feature?
Perhaps, if we can color the Note tabs or put a number on them or an icon, ANYTHING will help identify the notes better than NOTHING at all.
It is EXTREMELY annoying to keep guessing where my notes are and having to click on each note tab every time I open up an older Workspace. Or even the one I am currently working on for that matter.
We love you guys and are patient as possible. Keep up the good work. We know you are working hard and appreciate you, regardless of all the complaining.
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They gave them to use before and I hope they Return them to use again.
They are extremely useful.
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Wayne levi Price said:
They gave them to use before and I hope they Return them to use again.
They are extremely useful.
Wayne, I'm not sure whether you know this, but if, when replying, you click on Quote it adds the message you're replying to into your message, as demonstrated above. That makes it much easier for others to follow replies. If you're only replying to part of a post, you can select that part before you click Quote.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:Wayne levi Price said:
They gave them to use before and I hope they Return them to use again.
They are extremely useful.
Wayne, I'm not sure whether you know this, but if, when replying, you click on Quote it adds the message you're replying to into your message, as demonstrated above. That makes it much easier for others to follow replies. If you're only replying to part of a post, you can select that part before you click Quote.
Did I do it right? lol
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Mark Barnes said:
I'd like the workflow question placed into the note (ideally as a title).
Mark, we are working on a different approach to this problem for 8.4. I started a new thread to respond:
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Wayne levi Price said:
The function of opening up the entire NOTEBOOK by clicking the individual note inside a Bible resource did exist before Logos 8, Now you can only open up a single note in the notebook and we are forced to manually search the notebook out.
Hi Wayne,
It sounds like you are describing the issue I discussed here:
The response to my query was that Faithlife is aware of that issue and is working on restoring it.
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Michael said:Wayne levi Price said:
The function of opening up the entire NOTEBOOK by clicking the individual note inside a Bible resource did exist before Logos 8, Now you can only open up a single note in the notebook and we are forced to manually search the notebook out.
Hi Wayne,
It sounds like you are describing the issue I discussed here:
The response to my query was that Faithlife is aware of that issue and is working on restoring it.
Yes it seems they will be fixing these things.
I appreciate your response.