Monthly free resources...

Paul L. White
Paul L. White Member Posts: 208 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I must admit that I look forward to the first of every month like a child looks forward to Christmas...because I know that Logos is going to give me several new books as gifts.  And I have found each one to expand my knowledge and awareness rather greatly.

I hope I am not expressing greed here, but I have to admit that I was rather shocked to discover that, for March, I already owned not only the free book for, but also the other two which came along with it for a reduced price.  They belong to a set that you receive when you purchase the Bronze collection.

Is there any way to very politely, and gently, suggest that the free books be chosen among those that very few people already have?  I am very honored to say that I received my free book from Verbum just fine, and there was one in Vyrso as well.

I was voted male bookworm of my senior class in high school, so I hope that explains some of my enthusiasm.  And I certainly don't want to sin by complaining.

I can tell you that the free books do definitely benefit, as I have read several all the way through, and have purchased, more than once, companion books to the free ones, just because they were so interesting.

So free books do make Faithlife money!  Big Smile

Thank you for your time.

Paul L. White

Satisfied Logos User since 1.6

