Scrolling through "Bible Book" Notes

I really appreciate the new ability to sort my notes for each Bible Book by Reference. It is so helpful to have all my notes and highlights for say, Genesis 13, grouped together.
Here's the challenge I'm facing --
Most of my notes for Bible Books number in the thousands. For Genesis, I've made over 4,700 highlights and notes. The only way I know of to look at all my notes for say, Genesis 13, is to scroll through all of my Genesis notes. When I scroll to the bottom of the scroll bar, it does not take me to my last note in Genesis but only to a note that is maybe 50-100 notes from the first note. It is a very time consuming and click-laborious process.
Is there another way to access notes within the Bible Book selection more quickly?
Paul Yeager said:
Is there another way to access notes within the Bible Book selection more quickly?
Right now at least, not a good way. If you have notes covering the book of Genesis from 1:1 to 50:26 and want to view the note for 50:26 it is a fairly easy to navigate without scrolling. Assuming you created the note on 50:26 last.
If you select the Genesis filter in the facet menu and sort by reference, it will start the list of Genesis notes at 1:1
If you switch to last created, it will start the list at 50:26. (assuming that was the last not you created.
However, if you want to view the note you made on 25:6, you will have to navigate to that note with scroll bar.
It would be nice if the search bar in the facet menu would search references.
An alternative would be the search bar at the top of the Notes Pane. If you were to type Gen 25:6, that note will appear as an option to select. Unfortunately, it will also present other options that may have text that fits the search criteria.
For me, I would seldom need to navigate to a note in a bible book without having that bible book open. Therefore, If I wanted to see the note on Genesis 25:6, I would just click that notes indicator in the resource and open it from there.
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Reuben Helmuth said:
Have you tried simply using the sidebar in your Bible ?
I keep forgetting about that. But tht is probably the best solution
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The challenge here is to be able to view all notes and HIGHLIGHTS for a particular passage. The anchor for all highlights is the entire highlighted text in the particular resource.
It would be wonderful if you could put a reference in the FIND box in notes and bring up every note you've made that includes the reference in the FIND box. So, if you typed in Genesis 13:2, you would get all notes that have the reference Gen 13:2 (including Genesis 13 and Genesis 13-14, etc.) Essentially, the ideal in my opinion would be that you could search for a reference in notes and bring up every note and highlight in your note database -- in some ways, it would work like the passage guide, in that it would bring up all references to the verse or verses you searched for.
In the meantime, the best approach (albeit a time-consuming one) I've thought of is to bring up all notes for a Bible Book by reference and then tag them by chapter -- so, Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Genesis 3, etc. The downside to this approach is that some notes pertain to multiple chapters. Also, it requires extensive tagging for all future notes made on a passage.
It would be wonderful if someone from Logos could weigh in. Again, I'd love to be able to easily view all my notes and highlights that I've made across commentaries for a particular verse or range of verses.
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Reuben Helmuth said:
Have you tried simply using the sidebar in your Bible ?
Thanks so much for mentioning this! I never noticed that I could switch from "table of contents" to "notes and highlights" in a book tab. It's great! I thought I could only see my notes and highlights in the notes tool.