Copy Bible Verses on iOS

Steve Robertson
Steve Robertson Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I do not see the Copy Bible verses option in iOS. I realize that you can highlight copy paste small blocks of text. Is there another way to get the functionality of the copy bible verses tool for larger passages or even whole chapters?



  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    You can select large blocks of text that extend beyond one screen by turning on scrolling view, selecting what is visible, scrolling down, and then continuing with your selection, repeating the process until you have selected all the text you want. It takes a little bit of getting used to but is possible - I use same method for creating notes to attach to a range of verses. A Copy Bible Verses tool in mobile app would be nice though.

    I do not see the Copy Bible verses option in iOS. I realize that you can highlight copy paste small blocks of text. Is there another way to get the functionality of the copy bible verses tool for larger passages or even whole chapters?

  • MWW
    MWW Member Posts: 427 ✭✭

    [Y] Copy Bible Verses is a must for iPad productivity!!!

  • Coach Small
    Coach Small Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    I agree. I've been waiting for this basic feature for a long time!

  • Randy Mlinek
    Randy Mlinek Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    The upgrade to Logos 8 still does not have this basic tool.

    When can this be expected?

  • Kevin Thompson
    Kevin Thompson Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I just purchased Logos 8 after putting it off since version 4 for a desktop application. I was hoping that the crossover to iOS would be good by now with this version, but it's not. Olive Tree is still by far the king of iOS when it comes to Bible apps. I need to copy and past into other apps in order to be productive for what I do, and Logos is just not there yet when it comes to iOS. For the price I paid for Logos 8 Platinum, they need to come around, pronto!!

  • Samuel
    Samuel Member Posts: 172 ✭✭

    I just purchased Logos 8 after putting it off since version 4 for a desktop application. I was hoping that the crossover to iOS would be good by now with this version, but it's not. Olive Tree is still by far the king of iOS when it comes to Bible apps. I need to copy and past into other apps in order to be productive for what I do, and Logos is just not there yet when it comes to iOS. For the price I paid for Logos 8 Platinum, they need to come around, pronto!!

    A lot of us have been hoping for this for a very long time. As more and more of us move towards the iPad being our primary computing device it's a bit surprising Logos has remained a basic reader rather than a more functional Bible study tool. I'm really hoping Logos will develop a solid copy Bible verses tool, solid keyboard shortcuts, and decent offline functionality (not the full feature set of course) in the very near future. Right now Logos is about the only app I regularly use that's not designed for productivity on the iPad. 

    I really wish they could not only add copy bible verses, but also make copy bible verses type functionality available to iOS Shortcuts. That's the way of the future on iOS and would be a huge help for my workflow. 

  • Agustin Vargas
    Agustin Vargas Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    To copy the whole verse on IOS (without highlight) choose the verse - click the three dots - click share -click copy. And is already on your clipboard, and can be paste anywhere

    I hope this help you. I been looking this for long time

  • William D. Newton
    William D. Newton Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    It sounds good, but does not copy the text of the verse. It only gives you a link to the verse.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi William - and welcome to the forums

    It sounds good, but does not copy the text of the verse. It only gives you a link to the verse.

    I've just tried selecting a portion of text in the iOS app, choosing the Copy option (not the share one) and it correctly copies the verse allowing it to be pasted elsewhere.

    However, this is an old thread in a discontinued forum.

    If you are having issues with copying text in the iOS app please start a new thread in the mobile forum at and we will try to help / advise
