Sermon Guide--Words per Minute adjust?

Thanks for letting me know.
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Bruce Junkermann said:
Is there a way to adjust the words per minute in the Sermon guide?
I find when I actually preach the sermon I'm taking about 2x as long as the estimate. How about you?
Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).
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David Thomas said:Bruce Junkermann said:
Is there a way to adjust the words per minute in the Sermon guide?
I find when I actually preach the sermon I'm taking about 2x as long as the estimate. How about you?
I find it quite accurate
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I find that if it says 20 minutes, it usually takes me around 25 minutes. But that is primarily because of what what I add to the message from the pulpit. If I stuck just to the content, it would probably be fairly accurate.
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Fredc said:
But that is primarily because of what what I add to the message from the pulpit. If I stuck just to the content, it would probably be fairly accurate.
I think that many of us can relate to that. I know that I sure can. [:P]
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Without easily made adjustments for personal style, this is a largely symbolic feature. I find that I can READ a 3,000 word manuscript in about 20 minutes, but it takes me 35-40 to PREACH that same manuscript, because I don't read it word for word, but use it as a map for the sermon.
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Pastor Greg said:
this is a largely symbolic feature.
Thank you to each who has responded. It confirms that the timer is like the MPG (MPL in the metric world?) on a vehicle sticker. It always has the disclaimer "Your actual mileage may vary"
Honestly, my final product in the Sermon Guide is a "detailed outline" more than a "manuscript". I am convinced that a preacher must be prepared in heart and mind before preaching, but that the act of preaching is a human/divine exercise if it is to be transformative so I don't fret if I go off script. I would guess this explains the variance.
So to the OP of the thread. I don't know how a computer could calculate a more accurate timer for many of us. I guess experience will teach the homiletician to mentally adjust the data to his/her personal situation.
Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).
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It would be cool if the Timer feature in Preach mode was logged to automatically adapt the estimated minutes to the user. It would be something of a smart learning system, where it gets more accurate as it collects more data about how long it actually takes you to get through them.
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It would be cool if the Timer feature in Preach mode was logged to automatically adapt the estimated minutes to the user. It would be something of a smart learning system, where it gets more accurate as it collects more data about how long it actually takes you to get through them.