Match Logos Note System with Print Bible System
I'm looking to develop a note taking system where my notes in my print Bible will match with the notes I create in L8 and vice versa. I know the notes won't miraculously go from one source ot the other. But, what I need some guidance on is how to organize the notes in L8. How would I put something like the following in L8? Say I want to take John 1:47-49 and have a note for Theology Proper and the attributes of God. Here I want to mark Chrst's omniscience. In my print Bible, say I have something like THTPA - Christ is omniscient. My code is TH = theology, TP = theology proper, A = attributes of God. What is the best way to port that into L8? Would I create one notebook for Theology and then have everything under that? The end result in L8 I would like to see the "THTPA - Christ is omniscient" in a note symbol around John 1:47-49. Please let me know if I need to provide more details. Any suggestions, videos, etc. that could get me going on this is very much appreciated. Thank you and Lord bless!
Hello, I have not transliterated this over to Logos/Verbum yet. But, if you keep a system like this: you could simply put a note in Logos at the same place in the Bible with your Journal reference. That way you can use both electronic and paper together. In Logos, you may want to give a brief description of your Journal insight so as that your thought ends up indexing and therefore can be included in future searches. I hope this helps. God Bless, Pete
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Another idea. You can create an Index and save it as a Personal Book. For example: Lets say you have a Journal (or even a note in a Bible). You can either start with an Excel Spreadsheet or a Word Doc. Either way you want to end up with a docx file. Let's say you start with an Excel document. The first column can be your Journal location (or a specific Bible with location of note) Second Column would be the Book, Third would be Chapter, Fourth would be verse. Once finished you can now get all your verses in order using Excel. Once this is done transfer this to a Word docx as a Table. Merge the Book Chapter and Verse columns so that Logos picks it up. Now build your PB. Once you have this index it should be searchable and I even think the Cited by and Passage Guide will pick it. Keep both docs in the same place on your hard drive and as you add to your index you can simply update the PD in Logos to the latest copy. I hope this helps. Once again God Bless, Pete
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Take a note, anchor it to the reference, then put your codes that you use in your print Bible as tags in Logos.