Is there a way to search hortatory subjunctives?

I am not sure if they have tagged that type of construction in logos does anyone know? Thank you all for the help.
I don't see a way for a search; but you will find hortatory subjunctives in the 'grammars' section of the passage guide (if you possess 'greek grammar beyond the basics' or 'reading koine greek')
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It is true that this syntax search will find clauses with a 1st personal plural subjunctive. But the clause could be a deliberative or purpose or result clause. It does not appear that the function of the subjunctives is tagged in the Lexham Syntatic Greek New Testament.
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If you have the Speech Acts dataset, then it may be possible. Here is the documentation:
Basically: @V??S WITHIN {Section <SpeechAct = Oblig: Direct >}
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
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