Table of contents on a personal book, please help.

Hi all,
I have a polish translation of Bible. Everything seems to be formated as per instructions on formating for table of contents, but somehow the table doesnt show in L8. I tried to contact tech support but didnt get any answer. Are you able to see whats wrong with the file? Below/attached a screen shot of first couple of werses.
Hi Tim, Sorry you are having troubles. I don't see any screen shot attached to your post. You need to use the little paper clip on the menu line of a post to attach an image.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Tim said:
Below/attached a screen shot of first couple of werses.
Screen shot is in thread => Personal Book Missing Table of Contents, please help.
FYI: more than one forum thread for one topic is challenging. Better is one topic per thread (so a reply to this thread with screen shot would have been better than creating another thread). Logos wiki includes:
- Using the Forums for friendly discussions about Faithlife stuff
- Personal Books
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