Filter Inductive Highlighting or Auto-Apply a Tag to Highlights?

Scott David
Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The great thing about Inductive Highlighting, is the ability to apply it with one click -- and later find every note with that inductive Topic. However, the searches are massively cumbersome from the stand point of typing in the coding (e.g. {Highlight Highlighter Pens/Orange Highlighter})... and furthermore, if you want to search your entire library, it's basically untenable (I've let it run as long as 20 minutes without results).

In the Notes Tool (i.e. Notebooks), I'd like to instantly see all my highlights from a particular highlighting (e.g. one of the inductive).

Here are 3 methods I've tried (unsuccessfully):

Notes Tool > Filters > Type > Highlights - This is a great filter in the Notes Tool, but unfortunately it doesn't expand to the different highlights from the Highlighting palettes. This would be ideal to instantly access all notes with a particular inductive highlighting.

Highlighting Tool > Edit Highlighting > Labeling > Attributes - So I was playing around with this, hoping I could have a Tag auto-applied (since Tags are one of the available Filter Fields in the Notes Tool) when applying a highlighting style -- if it's possible, I can't figure it out.

Highlighting Tool > Edit Highlighting > Labeling - I could resort to Labels (they can be auto applied when a highlighting style is applied) -- but unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to add "Labeling" as a Filter Field on the Notes Tool's Filters.

Does anyone know any way to instantly access all highlights with a particular inductive highlighting? I've searched and read but I can't find any help on this. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.



  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Welcome to the forums, Scott!

    Filtering both by note icon/color/style and by labels is something that is planned to be added at some point (hopefully sooner rather than later!).

    Auto tagging based on highlight style is a great suggestion and one that I heartily support! 

    The best way to currently achieve quick filtering capability would be to filter a closely as possible (possibly simply by your Bible and type:Highlights), then use Shift/Ctrl+click to select multiple notes. The bulk edit pane will open on the right and allow you to add a tag(s) to all selected notes at once.

    Sorry I can't tell you that a better way is already possible!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    Highlighting Tool > Edit Highlighting > Labeling > Attributes - So I was playing around with this, hoping I could have a Tag auto-applied (since Tags are one of the available Filter Fields in the Notes Tool) when applying a highlighting style -- if it's possible, I can't figure it out.

    Highlighting Tool > Edit Highlighting > Labeling - I could resort to Labels (they can be auto applied when a highlighting style is applied) -- but unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to add "Labeling" as a Filter Field on the Notes Tool's Filters.

    These both apply to Labels in user-created Highlighting palettes. But you would have to use a {Label label name ....} search because label Attributes are not note Tags.

    the searches are massively cumbersome from the stand point of typing in the coding (e.g. {Highlight Highlighter Pens/Orange Highlighter})

    You can use {Highlight Orange Highlighter} if the style is unique i.e. you don't have a user palette with that style name.

    furthermore, if you want to search your entire library, it's basically untenable (I've let it run as long as 20 minutes without results

    If {Highlight Orange Highlighter} is taking 20 minutes, then restrict the search to a collection of resources that contain highlights, or to a specific resource.

    {Highlight *} will find al your highlights


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Hi Reuben! It's great to hear that more features will be added to filtering at some point in the future; I think I'll continue to use my custom created inductive highlighting palettes in anticipation of a future ability to find / filter them. Right now, I'm manually applying a tag, every time I apply a highlight.

    Regarding auto-tagging via highlighting -- I would assume someone has previously suggested that? Do you know if there's someplace I can recommend that -- or perhaps someplace it already exists as a suggestion and I can perhaps vote upon it?

    Regarding your recommendation about non-contiguous / contiguous selection (and bulk editing) -- I didn't quite follow. Are you saying open a bible, and do an inline search? As an FYI -- in case this is helpful -- my bible has many hundreds (or 1000's) of highlights crossing many dozens of different highlighting styles.

    Thanks for your time and help Reuben!

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Hi Dave! Thanks so much for your reply. Because I have so many highlights in so many different inductive styles, it seems to take forever -- even if I'm searching just one bible.

    Furthermore, some of my custom inductive styles simply won't work at all with searching -- some of them simply always yields 0 results (bizarre -- I've tried everything).

    However, I guess one thing that would / should work (in theory), is doing a custom search like we're talking about, but in the Notes Tool (instead of Inline Searching or the Search Tool). It's possible to search inductive styles in the Search Tools (e.g. {Highlight Solid Colors/*}) -- but do you know if there's some other way to code a search in the Notes Tool to find all highlights from a particular "Palette/Inductive Highlighting"?

    Thanks for your help. Blessings, Scott

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    I suggested the auto-tag feature here:

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    Furthermore, some of my custom inductive styles simply won't work at all with searching -- some of them simply always yields 0 results (bizarre -- I've tried everything).

    They should work, so provide a screenshot of your Search and of the Highlighting tool showing your custom styles.

    It's possible to search inductive styles in the Search Tools (e.g. {Highlight Solid Colors/*}) -- but do you know if there's some other way to code a search in the Notes Tool to find all highlights from a particular "Palette/Inductive Highlighting"?

    As stated above, there is no other way than using the facet for all your Highlights, or restricting them to a Resource


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Here's a screenshot of two "Abba Daddy" highlights applied to the ISV:


    Here's a screenshot of a search for that highlight style (i.e. with 0 results). FYI: if the highlighting is attached just to the ISV, then the search works. But 99% of my highlights are attached to a generic reference (to all bibles) -- that's when the search fails:

    {Highlight SDS INDUCTIVE/Abba Daddy}


    Thanks Dave!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    if the highlighting is attached just to the ISV, then the search works. But 99% of my highlights are attached to a generic reference (to all bibles)

    When you highlight, it is applied only to that resource. What do you mean by 99% are attached to a generic reference?

    Here's a screenshot of a search for that highlight style (i.e. with 0 results).

    I think you'll find that 'Abba' is part of the inserted text, so the Search should be {Highlight Daddy} --> Edit the style, and the name will be in the top box.

    Remember, the palette name isn't necessary


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Regarding your recommendation about non-contiguous / contiguous selection (and bulk editing) -- I didn't quite follow. Are you saying open a bible, and do an inline search?

    Sorry for not being more clear! I was talking about doing this in the Notes tool itself. Open the Notes tool and expand the left sidebar if necessary using the ≡ menu button. Select the facets tab in order to filter to only the highlights in only a particular resource.

    Let me know if you'd like further clarification, and I'll post screenshots.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

     When you highlight, it is applied only to that resource. What do you mean by 99% are attached to a generic reference?

    Every time I highlight in a bible I: 1) Attach a tag to it with the name of the highlighting 2) Change the reference so it shows up in all my bibles.

     I think you'll find that 'Abba' is part of the inserted text, so the Search should be {Highlight Daddy} --> Edit the style, and the name will be in the top box.

    For some reason, my highlights look strange on the palette -- but 'Abba Daddy' is the actual name (and the search works for highlights that are anchored to just one bible).

     Remember, the palette name isn't necessary

    Oh right! That's great; thanks!

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Regarding your recommendation about non-contiguous / contiguous selection (and bulk editing) -- I didn't quite follow. Are you saying open a bible, and do an inline search?

    Sorry for not being more clear! I was talking about doing this in the Notes tool itself. Open the Notes tool and expand the left sidebar if necessary using the ≡ menu button. Select the facets tab in order to filter to only the highlights in only a particular resource.

    Let me know if you'd like further clarification, and I'll post screenshots.

    Okay, I got you. Thanks. I know about that but I'm trying to find every particular inductive highlighting (e.g. "Abba Daddy") in every single book in my library (2,700 resources). Thanks so much Reuben!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    Every time I highlight in a bible I: 1) Attach a tag to it with the name of the highlighting 2) Change the reference so it shows up in all my bibles.

    How/where do you "change the reference". This could be the reason for the {Highlight} search not working


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    I change it in the notebook it stores in -- just as I would a note.

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Every time I highlight in a bible I: 1) Attach a tag to it with the name of the highlighting 2) Change the reference so it shows up in all my bibles.

    Scott, are you aware of "Corresponding Notes and Highlights"? Changing a highlight's anchor to a reference range anchor is extra work and has a couple major (IMO) disadvantages. 1) Changing to a reference range anchor, will highlight the entire verse(s), even if you had only highlighted on phrase or sentence. 2) This will affect all versified resources, not just Bibles, so the entire text of a commentary (where it intersects with that reference) will also be highlighted. I really don't think that's what you want!

    Using "Corresponding Notes & Highlights" allows you to highlight in one Bible and display in your other* Bibles.

    *The one limitation is that this only works with Bibles that have RI data.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Reuben, I'm so thankful for you right now... you just saved me from a world of chaos.

    1) I've been using the same bible translation since 1996 - my Preferred Bible

    2) I just purchased a new translation that I am now using for my new Preferred Bible

    3) Unfortunately, all my highlights from the last 20+ years don't show up in my new translation (because they were anchored to my previous translation)

    4) So I started going back through all my highlights and changing the anchors -- and YES, sure enough -- I just opened my commentaries and they're a disaster. Luckily, you sent me this before I got to far in to changing all my anchors

    5) No, I didn't know about "Corresponding Notes & Highlights" and I'm going to check into that right now.

    Thank You!

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Hi Reuben,

    I found an article on how to do Corresponding Notes and Highlights (

    So I followed the instructions:
    1) Open 2 bibles that are interlinear
    2) Highlight one of them
    3) In the other > Visual Filters > Check "NOTES AND HIGHLIGHTS (CORRESPONDING)"

    VOILA!!! I can't believe I never realized this -- THANK YOU FRIEND.

    Ironically, the new bible I just purchased to be my new Preferred Bible -- unfortunately isn't an interlinear.

    BUT -- thank God -- The bible I've been using since 1996 is an interlinear -- so all the highlights will transfer over to my other interlinear bibles. Whew.

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Glad to be of help!

    the new bible I just purchased to be my new Preferred Bible -- unfortunately isn't an interlinear.

    That is unfortunate. Of course, there's always the chance that an interlinear would be added sometime in the future. If that isn't imminently likely, however, I would personally refrain from note-taking in that version. If I were in your situation and didn't want to reconsider my preferred Bible, I would likely do the following: Set up a secondary "preferred" bible that has an RI as a Multi-View resource with my primary Bible. MVR can be toggled on/off with a single click, allowing you to quickly display/hide your secondary Bible in parallel with your primary one. I would then display the secondary Bible whenever I wish to create a note/highlight and do it in that one.

    Are you familiar with MVR? You are, of course, free to choose your own path!

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Here's a post with a list of some of the English interlinears Logos has (i.e. Corresponding Notes & Highlights will work):

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Are you familiar with MVR?

    I am; I've bumped into it in Logos Mobile Ed Courses... it's incredible! Unfortunately, I don't have that tool. It's a phenomenal suggestion though.