Ipod Touch Question

Rev. Michael L. Burns
Rev. Michael L. Burns Member Posts: 246 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I presently do not own an Iphone or Ipod Touch but and looking to get a Touch in the not too distant future. I was told that the Ipod Touch can to sync my mail and contacts with MS Outlook on my desktop. Is this true? If so, when configured to check the same email account from the Touch, can it be configured to leave the mail on the server so that when at home I can download all my mail to my desktop.

I ask this question because I currently use a tabletpc and a desktop, both using Outlook. If check my mail on my tabletpc the mail downloads to it. Thus, I end up with some mail on the desktop and some on the Tabletpc. Often the email I'm looking for is on the other computer. I wouldn't want to further complicae matters by haveing mail in three locations. Ideally I would like the desktop to download the mail from the server, with all other machines reading the mail but leaving it on the server until downloaded to the desktop. Just curious.




  • Rev. Kelly Todd
    Rev. Kelly Todd Member Posts: 273

    Michael, the answer is yes you can configure your touch to leave your mail on the server so that your desktop will get everything.  What you can not do as I see it (maybe I missed something) is to have it delete your mail from the server so that you only need to read it once.  Now in my case, that is not a issue since my desktop is my filing cabinet.  I use Windows mail for my mail, but I also use outlook for my calendar.  The Itouch is nearly as good as notebook computer, except that it si smaller so you can carry it around... but it is also a bit small for typing as well! LOL An Ipad is way to big to carry with me to the hospital, but the itouch fits in my pocket.  yesterday, I was at the hospital for several hours while a member had surgery, I service last night and so I was working on my sermon, making edits and such as I waited... the apps are a true blessing!

    I liked my 32 gig itouch so much that this past weekend I bought a 32 gig Iphone.  Now I need to put my Itouch up on ebay and sell it! 

  • Rev. Michael L. Burns
    Rev. Michael L. Burns Member Posts: 246 ✭✭


    Thanks for the quick reply. Sounds like just what I'm looking for.

    I'm hoping to get a 32gig Ipod Touch when my daughter (in Maryland, I'm in Wisconsin) gets her income tax refund. I'd have one now but for  my medical expenses. Been hospitalized 30 plus times in the last 7 years, 7 times last year, so as you might imagine, funds are few and far between. Often have to rob Peter to pay Paul as they say, to see who gets paid this month. No matter how hard I try, $1240 per month doesn't stretch far.

    Becuase of my ongoing medical problems, mostly heart related, I will be retiring at the end of July but will continue to study and do pulpit supply. my daughter told me on Sunday that she will be scouring ebay and craig's list when she gets her check for the best prices on new and/or used Ipod tocuch devices.

    Sorry, didn't mean to bore you with my problems. Thanks again for answering my questions. I would ask you to remember me in your prayer time though.

    Tahnks again,


  • Robert
    Robert Member Posts: 196 ✭✭

    Hello Rev Michael L Burns, I want to send you a private message, but don't see a way to do so or to email you. If you don't mind, would you send me an email to RobNewsgroup@gmail.com? (This will forward to my normal address and I will reply from there.)



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