Prefered Bible didn't sync

On my laptop I had NASB set as prefered bible and then rated the
Christian worship lectionary (3yr) highest to set it for lectionary
(which I don't use at all and would rather remove, but that's another
The lectionary choice did sync over to my desktop but not my prefered Bible choice. Hmm.. That doesn't seem right.
*Laptop | Pentium 4 @2.4 Ghz 384MB RAM | Windows XP Home SP3, all patches.
* Desktop | AMD X64 3800+ dual core | 4GB RAM | Dual 22" widescreen monitors at 1680x1050 | Nvidia 7300 GS 256MB video RAM |500 GB Raid Mirror. | Windows 7 RC 7100 - all patches.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
Dale also reported this problem yesterday:
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Dale didn't mention that the Prefered Bible didn't sync.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Dale reported that his prioritised list of resources didn't sync. This is where the information re preferred bible comes from.
As I'm in Australia, and am not willing to change my system clock, I cannot sync my resources so cannot verify this.
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Damian McGrath said:
This is where the information re preferred bible comes from.
Ah, well that' s another story. I missed that bit of information telling us that the priority list held the preferred bible.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.