Dead Sea Scrolls Hebrew Language product in Logos?

Jeremiah Member Posts: 399 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've searched for this and am unsure which product does what I want.

I want to be able to read transcriptions into Hebrew for the various Hebrew DSS Sectarian documents. 

I.e. transcribed like את הזה אקרא במחשבתי not like ʾt hzh ʾqrʾ bmḥšbty

I was looking at The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition: vol. I: 1Q1–4Q273–vol. II: 4Q274–11Q31 but there's no preview or "look inside" button, or screen shots of the text available so I can't tell if the transcriptions are with Hebrew letters or not. I'll be getting the Biblical DSS database soon, so it'd be fantastic if there is an add-on for the sectarian manuscripts to that, or some sort of similar product.

I tried filtering on "Hebrew language" in my search but kept getting texts in English.  

Thanks in advance, 


Dead languages are my mid-life crisis

