How to create a new notebook

Dear all,
Do I miss some features? I would like to create a new notebook, but it seems as if I miss some buttons. Could somebody help me?\
Piet Huttenga said:
I would like to create a new notebook, but it seems as if I miss some buttons.
You switch from Notes to Notebook view, then there's the one button you need, a plus sign in a circle:
hope this helps!
Have joy in the Lord!
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How can I switch to notebooks view?
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Piet Huttenga said:
How can I switch to notebooks view?
sorry if I was not fully clear: when in the Notes tool, you click on the notebook icon to the right of the filter icon - I put a red box around it in my above screenshot.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thank you very much for your reply. Sorry, but I do not get these buttons and an untitled notebook. I have the impression that Logos 8 did keep my old notes, but does not give me the possibility to add new notes, since I did not pay for all the new features. Could that be right?
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Piet Huttenga said:
I have the impression that Logos 8 did keep my old notes, but does not give me the possibility to add new notes, since I did not pay for all the new features. Could that be right?
No. If you have Logos 8, you can create new notes. Do you have the Notes tool open?
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Piet Huttenga said:
Thank you very much for your reply. Sorry, but I do not get these buttons and an untitled notebook.
You asked about creating a new Notebook. It's new and therefore untitled - until you give it a title (Logos will also focus the cursor within the title field edit box: you can simply type away the title you intended it to have). Basically that's how everything on your computer works that creates a new object of something: it gets a generic title and you name it yourself.
It's also empty - but once you have created it, you can assign notes to it - new and old.
Piet Huttenga said:I have the impression that Logos 8 did keep my old notes, but does not give me the possibility to add new notes, since I did not pay for all the new features. Could that be right?
No, not at all. Creating notes is a basic feature of Logos which you don't pay for.
There are various ways to create notes, but the most basic one is to just click "New Note" on the top right corner of the Notes toll tab (red box top right). Since we just created a new notebook, Logos will use this as the default for the new note, but you can reassign the note to another notebook (or reassign other notes to this notebook) with the notebook selector that appears on top of a note (red box in the middle):
I have created a new notebook as shown in my prior post. I have given the name "0-NEW TEST NOTEBOOK" to the new notebook (that was "untitled" immediately after creating it).
I have created a new note and Logos has assigned it to the new notebook. Now the notebook shows as containing one (1) note - see red arrow.
Does this help a bit? Do you see different when you try to follow my steps?
If it doesn't help, can you tell me what you want to do with the notebook, and how you want to create notes for it? I'll be happy to try and show you, if I can.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hi Mike,
I am able to create new notes, but not a new notebook. I noticed that the starter features which I could buy for Logos 8 do contain an update for the notes. I think that the buttons you have for creating a new notebook come with that update.
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I tried to insert a screenshot, but was not able to. What kind of picture should it be? Is jpg ok?
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I tried to send a picture, but was not able to. Should it be a jpg file or are there other requirements?
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Hi Mike,
For some mysterious reason, I now can create a new notebook. I do not know what I have done, but it works. Thank you for your help so far. I think I may need some more!
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Piet Huttenga said:
For some mysterious reason, I now can create a new notebook. I do not know what I have done, but it works. Thank you for your help so far.
Glad to hear it's working now for you!
Piet Huttenga said:I think I may need some more!
No issue at all, just come to the forums and ask.
NB: Regarding the screenshot: This works counterintuitively in this forum editor. You can't simply paste or drag the picture into your post (even if you do and it is displayed, it won't show after you posted). You need to save the screenshot as a file and attach the file to the post with the paperclip icon:
It will then be displayed as a picture in your post. Weird, but that's how it works.
Edit: The jpg format is okay, png or even bmp would work as well. There's a size limit of 5 MB, if I'm not mistaken.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Piet Huttenga said:
I tried to send a picture, but was not able to. Should it be a jpg file or are there other requirements?
Glad to see—from a later post—that your problem is solved, but for future reference click the paperclip in the toolbar. Select the item you want to import and then click insert.
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Hi Jack,
Thank you very much. It works. I had given the picture a name with two dots in it. Now it worked fine!