"This Resource is Not Currently Available On This Device" - Logos Bible Software 8.6 on m

178294z Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

My desktop program gets the error "This Resource is Not Currently Available On This Device but here's a preview" when I try to open resources from my library. I am running Logos 8.6 on macOS system fully updated. 

Any thoughts? 



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    178294z said:

    Any thoughts?

    Newer versions of L8 introduced "cloud resources." A strong following of users have requested the ability to download only parts of their library. It appears that you have some resources "in the cloud." 

    Go to preferences and see what your settings are for "use internet." 

    You will need to make sure to use the right settings for your preference. You will then need to download manually any resources which you want downloaded which were not previously downloaded. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    178294z said:

    My desktop program gets the error "This Resource is Not Currently Available On This Device but here's a preview" when I try to open resources from my library.

    See this wiki article for ways to find and download "cloud" resources.

    In Program Settings, check that Download New Resources = YES (else they are in the "cloud").


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Darren Loechel
    Darren Loechel Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

    Did either of the two solutions below help you? I had the same trouble running on a PC, but under the 'About' heading on the help drop down, I noticed that my version wasn't the same as yours. I told it to do an application update. This didn't help. Pressing the 'Download now' button didn't help either.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Please give us a screen shot of your “use Internet “ settings 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Based on your settings, you will only be able to get updates between 10 PM & 6 AM. Is that when you are trying to get the updates? It will only work during those hours.

    Also: If for some reason your settings got changed and there was a period of time where new resources didn't download, you might have to manually download those that didn't. Sort/Filter your library for those resources. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    Based on your settings, you will only be able to get updates between 10 PM & 6 AM. Is that when you are trying to get the updates? It will only work during those hours.

    Hmmm. I would read those settings as meaning that Logos will automatically download resources only within that time period, but that I could still manually download whenever I want.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025


    Your resources will automatically download between those hours, provided Logos is running (and your computer may need to be awake; not sleeping). However, the metadata can download and make it look like the resource is available; but you get the "not currently available" message instead. So manually download them as I indicated earlier.

    You could change the Auto Download setting to NO, and start the download when you are ready e.g. before you go to bed!


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Darren Loechel
    Darren Loechel Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

    Thank you all very much. Changing those settings meant it downloaded straight away. I thought it would download automatically during that time, and didn't realise Logos had to be running.

    I will thank you personally in heaven!


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    I would read those settings as meaning that Logos will automatically download resources only within that time period, but that I could still manually download whenever I want.

    I can understand the confusion, but that isn't what FL means. For the record, I think the behavior should conform to how you view it. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Joe Hicks
    Joe Hicks Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    I have been having so many problems since 8 and this wiki now explains why.  in my library window on the filter pane it says i have 740 books on "this device" and 4434 books "not on this device.  My miseries were accentuated by a PC failure and then a reinstall on a new PC.  How do I tell logos to download all those books at one time so I don't have to download them 1x1?  thanks in advance.  

  • Joe Hicks
    Joe Hicks Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    nevermind.  duh.  hilite them all, rightclick and download all.

    this thread has been so helpful....  thanks!!!

  • TYA
    TYA Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Help!  I just purchased Marcus Jastrow's Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature, and when I search for it in my library, and then click on it, I'm given the option to "Download" it, but the download button doesn't work.  I read in replies up above that the Internet preferences are important in Logos, so mine are,

    "Use Internet": YES

    "Automatically Start Downloads": NO

    "Click to Download Available Downloads (263MB)" ***I DON'T WANT THESE UPDATES--ONLY THE 2 MODULES I JUST PURCHASED***

    "Download New Resources": YES (but I also tried NO, and that still didn't let me manually download the modules)

    So why in the world can't I download this resource.  I keep clicking the "Download" button 100 times and nothing happens--no message, no error, nothing.  This is beyond frustrating.  (I'm new to Logos, but I've wasted a whole hour trying to get 2 resources I just purchased downloaded!!!)

    Please, DON"T tell me that I just purchased some kind of "Cloud-only" resource that I can't save on my own computer.  I don't need a glorified Kindle reader.  I want resources on MY computer.  What won't these 2 modules download?

    Thanks for your help.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,565

    Welcome to the forums.

    What time frame have you set for downloads?

    How long are you waiting for the download to start? If you keep pushing buttons without giving time for the download to start you may be canceling one command by initiating another.

    BTW Logos terminology is resources not modules ... and not Jastrow is not a cloud-only resource. Cloud-only is generally reserved for large databases driving specific tools.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • TYA
    TYA Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    MJ, thank you for your response.

    "What time frame have you set for downloads?"

    I had set none, as a brand new user, and someone who *doesn't* like any software downloading updates of any kind without my permission.  As noted above already, I had "Automatically Start Downloads" set to NO, so there was no option showing to set a time range.  But after reading your post, I went and turned it to YES, and two things happened as a result: 1) all the hundreds of downloads / updates that I didn't want came pouring into my system; 2) I finally had my 2 purchased resources automatically download.

    Result: I'm not happy.  (Yes, I'll live just fine with this initial round of downloads, but don't tell me that I *have* to download everything Logos wants me to, just in order to get what I actually bought and paid for).  Again I ask, why, with the settings I specified up above, did the "Download" button not work on my two purchased modules?

    "How long are you waiting for the download to start? If you keep pushing buttons without giving time for the download to start you may be canceling one command by initiating another."

    I was a former technical support agent.  Thank you for your concern, but I wasn't having a contest to see how fast I could repeatedly press the "Download" button.  I understand these things.  The option to download simply didn't work.  I closed Logos, reopened it, changed "Internet" settings in the "Program Settings," and tried everything a competent computer use would naturally do.  The option to download simply didn't work.  The problem that I would submit as feedback (while still wanting to know *why* it didn't work) is that Logos should provide a notification or error message.  But instead, nothing, nada, zilch happened.  That is a problem.

    Again, after reading your post, and then going into the "Program Settings," I couldn't find any "time range" set for downloads (again, because I don't like the idea of an app on my computer constantly connecting to the internet), and that is when I tried turning "Automatically Start Downloads" to YES, and then my modules (along with everything else I don't want) got downloaded.

    Please, if you (or someone else) can, explain why I couldn't just download my desired resources without the hundred other updates.  Thank you.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,565

    TYA said:

    Please, if you (or someone else) can, explain why I couldn't just download my desired resources without the hundred other updates.  Thank you.

    Others with more knowledge of the inner workings can give you a more precise answer and seeing the list of updates applied would give you a more accurate picture but the short answer is "some of the indexing within a resource is dependent upon the software" (a recent example was a Bible reverse interlinear being held up until a software change was made). And "some features are dependent upon the updating of databases on your PC" (a systematic theology index is a current example) which Faithlife rolls out with regular updates which are announced in the forums.

    FYI - backup and recovery as well as syncing between installations in Logos is dependent upon internet connectivity.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,106 ✭✭✭✭

    TYA said:

    ... someone who *doesn't* like any software downloading updates of any kind without my permission.  As noted above already, I had "Automatically Start Downloads" set to NO, so there was no option showing to set a time range.  But after reading your post, I went and turned it to YES, and two things happened as a result: 1) all the hundreds of downloads / updates that I didn't want came pouring into my system; 2) I finally had my 2 purchased resources automatically download.

    We just passed our tenth anniversary of this issue! You do NOT get to buy a book without Logos-pain (along with ignoring your ownership of your computer ... but you ARE a Christian, so they can do that). Smiling.

    I finally got enough books, and pulled my Logos off the net. Life is quiet, easy-going, and I read any new purchases on the mobile. No constant this and that.

    And Jastrow is good. They also have Strack/Billerbeck (in german).

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • TYA said:

    But after reading your post, I went and turned it to YES, and two things happened as a result: 1) all the hundreds of downloads / updates that I didn't want came pouring into my system; 2) I finally had my 2 purchased resources automatically download.

    Welcome [:D]

    Download message shows total size of stuff to be downloaded while lacking user friendly way to see what will be downloaded. After download completes, can click Notification (number in upper right of main application window) to see what stuff was downloaded (Resources, Datasets, Program Update, ...)

    TYA said:

    (Yes, I'll live just fine with this initial round of downloads, but don't tell me that I *have* to download everything Logos wants me to, just in order to get what I actually bought and paid for)

    For initial Logos OR Verbum application installation on Windows OR macOS, can choose minimal set for initial download instead of everything. FYI: the upper case OR reflects search syntax convention implemented by Faithlife developers so OR is a boolean operator.

    My demonstration Faithlife account (order total of $ 0.00) has a number of resources not downloaded to device (so clicked Download button in Library Resource Information for 15 recently "purchased" resources).

    Program setting "Automatically Start Downloads" can be set to No. Clicking Download in Library resource information causes size to appear in download message (along with automatically downloading resource for me using on macOS 10.15.4). If clicking Download does not begin download when connected to the internet, please start a new forum thread (suggest title begins with BUG); awesome would be attaching diagnostic log files for application session where download did not start. Logos Wiki has => Diagnostic Logging – PC & Mac

    By the way, Marcus Jastrow's Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature has a resource size of 29.6 MB (31048869 bytes).

    With application connected to Internet, search example (for one of the character names in Pilgrim's Progress) shows results in downloaded resources, library resources not on device (Cloud), and resources available for purchase (Bookstore):

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    TYA said:

    "Use Internet": YES

    "Automatically Start Downloads": NO

    "Click to Download Available Downloads (263MB)" ***I DON'T WANT THESE UPDATES--ONLY THE 2 MODULES I JUST PURCHASED***

    "Download New Resources": YES (but I also tried NO, and that still didn't let me manually download the modules)

    The settings above are correct. However, you will have to allow the download of 263 MB before you can get any further. It will include the two resources you purchased and probably some resource updates. It may also include a software update (which is roughly 190 MB). There isn't an option to restrict downloads to new resources.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • TYA said:

    "Use Internet": YES

    "Automatically Start Downloads": NO

    "Click to Download Available Downloads (263MB)" ***I DON'T WANT THESE UPDATES--ONLY THE 2 MODULES I JUST PURCHASED***

    "Download New Resources": YES (but I also tried NO, and that still didn't let me manually download the modules)

    The settings above are correct. However, you will have to allow the download of 263 MB before you can get any further. It will include the two resources you purchased and probably some resource updates. It may also include a software update (which is roughly 190 MB). There isn't an option to restrict downloads to new resources.

    Automatic software updating can be disabled by using command:

    Set Update Channel to Manual

    Since the "Manual" channel does not exist, software will not automatically update. When want to update, can manually download & install current stable application release from install pages => https://www.logos.com/install OR https://verbum.com/install OR change update channel back to automatic:

    Set Update Channel to Default

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • TYA
    TYA Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I want to thank you *all* for your kind and helpful replies, although I must admit that (certainly because of my own newness, and ignorance with Logos), I didn't understand them all.  So far, (and correct me if I missed something in your replies), there *isn't* a way to download *only* the 2 books I just purchased, *without* getting everything else Logos wants me to download.  Is this correct???

    Someone replied up above, "This is the 10th anniversary of this, Logos-pain".  What exactly does that mean?  What are you talking about?  Is this your way of saying that I can't just download the 2 books I purchased--again, *without* the other downloads?

    While I am new to Logos, I am a BibleWorks, Accordance, and e-Sword user.  In *all* of these other programs, I can easily download the resources I purchase.  I am not forced to download *anything* that I don't want.  Thus, you can understand my expectation that Logos would allow me to simply download the 2 resources I just purchased.

    Hopefully, you can understand my bewilderment and frustration when I clicked the "Download" button, and nothing happened.  Again, I wasn't even given a message or notification or error explaining anything.  It was a total dead-end.

    So, would someone kindly confirm for me.  I am using Logos 8 (fully downloaded and installed) on a Windows 7 PC: can I, or can't I download *only* the resources I pay for in Logos, without downloading other things that Logos says are "ready to be downloaded"?

    Thank you.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    TYA said:

    there *isn't* a way to download *only* the 2 books I just purchased, *without* getting everything else Logos wants me to download.  Is this correct???


    TYA said:

    Someone replied up above, "This is the 10th anniversary of this, Logos-pain".  What exactly does that mean?  What are you talking about?

    In a very old version of the software, users could get the resources only without updating the software. Usually by CR-ROM. [:O]

    I agree with your desire. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • TYA
    TYA Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Thanks all, and Dave, and JT, your answers were nicely to the point.  That answers it for me.  Thanks again.  Pardon my frustration.  As I noted, I use 4 other Bible software's, and so I found this situation with Logos less than ideal.


  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,106 ✭✭✭✭

    In a very old [and best] version of the software, users could get the resources only without updating the software. Usually by CR-ROM

    Libby, Libby, Libby on the Label, Label, Label! (minor edit above)

    Our 6-feet world allows frisby-golf. Libby's helping out!  Also skeet-shooting too.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Donnie Hale
    Donnie Hale Member Posts: 2,036 ✭✭✭

    TYA said:

    there *isn't* a way to download *only* the 2 books I just purchased, *without* getting everything else Logos wants me to download.  Is this correct???


    Could you elaborate on this? Given that downloading any individual purchased resource is now optional, why must he download all of the other items? I understand that if they are updates to existing downloaded resources, they would need to be downloaded - that would be implicit for any downloaded resources before the new functionality was released.

    But if they were all new resources, could he not mark them all as "do not download" (or whatever the verbiage is) and they get removed from what Logos thinks it needs to download?



  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,565

    Given that downloading any individual purchased resource is now optional, why must he download all of the other items?

    By "other items" think "other than new resources" i.e. dataset updates and, depending on settings, software updates. You are correct that the download of new resources can be controlled by the user.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    But if they were all new resources, could he not mark them all as "do not download" (or whatever the verbiage is) and they get removed from what Logos thinks it needs to download?

    If you specify NO to the Download New Resources setting you could achieve this, and you can delay any other download with the Automatically Start Downloads setting = NO. It isn't exactly what TYA was requesting, because you have to allow the download at some time!


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • TYA
    TYA Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Dave Hooten is correct.  The bottom line for me is that I don't like being forced to download or update things that *I* don't want.  I use 4 other Bible software's (fairly proficiently, I will add), and none of them force updates on me.  I'm not judging Logos, but just giving my feedback that I don't appreciate being forced to download hundreds of updates that I simply don't want.  Period.

    And again, I will also leave this feedback that--if you aren't going to let me hit the "Download" button in order to download those 2 resources I just purchased--you need to at least provide a message explaining why.  Thanks to your lack of communication, a solid hour of my night was wasted; and believe me, I had plenty to do.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    TYA said:

    And again, I will also leave this feedback that--if you aren't going to let me hit the "Download" button in order to download those 2 resources I just purchased--you need to at least provide a message explaining why.

    Given the circumstances you described (which I just reproduced), the Download button should not have appeared i.e. it is a bug (which I will report).  If you have resolved the situation by allowing the large download, then you could adopt the following strategy:-

    • set Download New Resources = NO
    • set Automatically Start Downloads = NO

    After you have ordered new resources, you can check if they are available by looking at Devices > Not on This Device in Library:

    I have 1 new book available to download, despite 203 MB also being available. Click the button to display the resource, then right-click to download it. This worked for me, and I can download the others when I'm ready.

    NOTE: this assumes that you have all other resources on This Device (the 2240 in my screenshot). Otherwise, sort the resources by the Last Updated column to easily identify your new resources.


    Windows 11 & Android 13