Subject: Jesus Verb: Touch*

Would someone be so kind as to help me construct the following search query?
I'd like to be able to find every incident in the NT of when Jesus physically touched someone.
I'm thinking something like
Subject = Jesus + Verb = "Touch [all forms]" = ____________________________??? (Hits)
Would you be so kind as to show me how to set this up properly (Mark 7:33) sparked this question.
Thank you.
Jeremy L
Graham Criddle said:
Try a Clause search for "subject:Jesus verb-lemma:ἅπτω"
Clause search can be expanded some by using parent sense
subject:Jesus verb-sense:touch
Bible Sense Lexicon for touch shows derived from to cause to touch that has a parent sense: to cause (to happen)
subject:Jesus verb-sense:to cause (to happen)
Noticed Mark 1:31 in parent to cause (to happen) verb sense where Jesus raised up by taking hold of her hand (while other causation verbs lack physical touching).
Keep Smiling [:)]