Touch Screen/ Pen Support Improvements?
When I was looking at buying Logos, I noticed what many others have noticed: that pen/touch support was lacking. I decided to buy it anyways, thinking that surely a Logos would not neglect such a basic Windows feature. To me it seemed like a relatively simple from a programming standpoint - the UI didn't need to change, they just needed to add pen/touch events in addition to the normal mouse events.
At the time, I noticed that the handwriting panel did not work in Notes. This was important for me since I like to use my computer as a tablet, without the keyboard. I find it allows me to use a computer in Bible study setting or lecture without being as conspicuous.
I recently began classes at seminary and I bought as many books as I could through Logos. I take all my notes on my computer in tablet mode with a pen, and many times in class I switch quickly to Logos to read a textbook on Logos or make a note on a resource or a Bible passage. This is a perfect example why pen/touch support is so important - I can't exactly turn my computer around, attach the keyboard, and start typing every time I want to do this!
To my surprise, I can now use the handwriting input panel in Notes! My question is, did something change? Is Logos beginning to work on some of this behind the scenes? Anyways, thank you! You have made the Logos/Seminary experience much more usable and enjoyable!
I will also add, that reading and highlighting my course books in tablet mode with a pen has been hugely enjoyable. I can use the pen to highlight text, and the new highlight tool makes it really easy to highlight. There is no need to right click, which is difficult with a pen. It really seems like they are trying to make pen/touch support improvements? I also love the user defined highlight palettes. I was able to recreate the method I use for marking up paper books - underlines, bars, stars, question marks, exclamation points, etc. I now get all the benefits of the highlighting system I like, with re-flowable text! Another thing I appreciate is that the visual filter "Show Page Numbers" which makes it possible to follow along with the class, which has print copies. When they say to turn to a page, I am able to see where they are. It even works on my phone - I can type "Page ##" to go to the correct page. This also makes it possible to do assignments, where they ask us to read a certain page range. Finally, I have found "Reading Mode" another very helpful feature. All these things have come together to make it possible for me to use Logos in class and invest in Logos versions of the course textbooks.
Thank you Logos for all the work you have done making this possible!
I am thankful for any and all improvements designed to make Logos Bible Software more touch and pen friendly. I have long complained that this was a major problem with Logos, especially to users of the Windows interface.
Thanks Faithlife. And thanks, Robert, for pointing this out.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Michael Childs said:
I am thankful for any and all improvements designed to make Logos Bible Software more touch and pen friendly.
I agree.
Two years ago I bought a Windows 10 laptop with the touch screen and pen and I love it, and I look forward to more improvements.
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11