Shortcut Key to Copy Bible Verse(s) to Clipboard in Citation Style

Currently, I have to manually copy the selected verse in my preferred style. On the Mac, I can use Option-Command-B to invoke the Copy Bible Verses tool, but then I have to manually select the text in the window and copy it to the clipboard.
I am looking for a keyboard shortcut that will automatically copy the selected text to the clipboard in my preferred citation style. Is this available?
By the way, I am using Logos on a Mac.
Hi Mike,
There is not keyboard shortcut to copy a styled verse to the clipboard. I think that would be a great addition to Logos' keyboard shortcuts. But for now, I find the quickest and easiest way to get a styled verse to the clipboard is by using the selection menu or right clicking on a word and using the context menu to copy a styled verse to the keyboard. (See screenshots below). Also, if you are in a word processor or other Mac program and want to paste a verse in, you can type the passage, select it and then use the service menu shortcut Shift-Command-E to insert a verse directly into the program with out leaving the program. I hope this helps.
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Thanks! Yes, that is what I am doing now. I was just hoping there was a keyboard shortcut for it, since I use it so much.
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The beta of 8.8 has added a popup selection menu (or was it 8.7?). When you select text, the menu pops up which allows you to copy the verse(s) that enclose the selected text.
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That's also in the current stable version. That's what I am using now, but, again, there's no shortcut key. I''m trying to avoid using the mouse. Thanks.
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Michael Hyatt said:
there's no shortcut key. I''m trying to avoid using the mouse.
My, how times have changed. When the Mac was introduced in 1984 the mouse was the tool to use. Now, everyone is searching for d-CON [:|]
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Crazy, right? If there was a way to access it from the main menu, I could program my own shortcut key using something like Keyboard Maestro, but, alas, there's not.
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Michael Hyatt, you probably already found the answer to your question. I think you were looking for the hotkey to use within a word processor which imports the verse or passage directly and immediately without leaving the document. The feature has been available apparently since 2011. I'm a newbie but definitely went looking for this feature.
You can type your reference:
joh 3:16
Select it, and press ⇧⌘E. Then you get:
ESV John 3:16 — “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
The format depends on your choice in Copy Bible Verses. Here is the link to read about how to set it up in your Mac Services:
I use Keyboard Maestro to select it and invoke the hotkey. Super fast.