My logos 8 screen is active but the screen is all white

Is anyone experiencing the same problem? Logos 8 loads, and the cursor shows the screen as being active, i.e. highlighting various hypertext. However, the screen is completely white. I have removed the software and re loaded, but to no avail, help please!
What platform are you running on - Windows or Mac?
What version of the OS?
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Hi Graham, I am using a surface pro 4 with windows 10. I have run a check and am being told all the drivers are up to date. The latest update was the 17th of this month when the problems appear to have started.
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Hi David is talking about a similar issue. You may want to try some of the things suggested there
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Thanks bro, tried what was related but disnt work for me, but really appreciate the effort 😁❤
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Try switching from Tablet mode to Desktop
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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same issue for me. Did you ever get this resolved? Just got a new computer, loaded logos, let it update, closed it, relaunched and still nothing loads. Help!
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Welcome Rocky,
If your issue is with Logos 9, please start a new thread in the Logos 9 forum where it will receive more attention. Also state whether Mac or PC
===Windows 11 & Android 13