Work Flow on Womens Ordination

I was going to ask... for all the study that has been done in the area of womens ordination and a few other, issues, I would think at least some of that work would have been done within the Logos platform... could it be formulated into a study or a work flow so that the church could use it?
Given the other recent post, asking why there is no activity here... the answer being... not very many adventist are using the program...
Which I find interesting because I run into other people on Facebook and that I know personally that are using it.
Perhaps, perhaps having a really nice logos package and the time and mental space to explore it... is a little like going from the Oakwood University Library to the Harvard University Library. You may find information that challenges what you think
Though you could create workflows on specific topics, that is not really what they are designed for. There is a workflow for studying "a" topic, but not . specific topic. You would use the Topic Study workflow to study any topics you desire. There are probably many articles and resources that discuss the topic mentioned in your post. I would suggest beginning your research with your own library. Others may be able to suggest Logos resources that discuss this topic.
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Paul Watson said:
Given the other recent post, asking why there is no activity here... the answer being... not very many adventist are using the program...
I could wax lyrical on that subject but would probably be completely up the creek!
I have just compared our SDA forum with the other denominational ones by the number of total posts in each one. Only the catholics appear to have more posts than SDAs. I suspect that we SDAs are fairly typical in that most of us spend our time using Logos rather than socialising. Who knows?
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JohnB said:
I suspect that we SDAs are fairly typical in that most of us spend our time using Logos rather than socializing. Who knows?
That's my situation. I use Logos every single day for my studies, and I have a quite good number of books, but I am not used to this forum.
This may be a good time for us to interact and share resources.
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I didn't realize you could share resources. I am a lay person, so I dont use logos as much as I should. Socializing might be a good thing but there are facebook groups for that.
We're both Adventist, adventism was founded on study. Perhaps, I could assert, that now, it leans more towards culturally biased opinions, that are sorta substantiated by commonly held views on the bible.
Given the resources that we have access to in logos, we could have discussions that are way more theologically sound, than most sda's would want to be... but they could be some really good discussions
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Discussion is good. Sadly, too often it turns into name calling and hurling insults. A good discussion sharpens the mind.
Unfortunately, I spend little time on hardly any social media platform. I am more or less forced to with WhatsApp.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.