Tagging not working in Exegetical summaries

Just lost my POST!
So I'll make this short
Tagging or links not working in most of my exegetical summaries!!
I'm not clear what is or isn't working for you but my hunch is that it will be solved by this thread: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/148119.aspx
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Thanks for the thread.
Some are working and some not. I called FL this morning and they too could replicate the issue and they/she assured me that they were working toward resolving the issue.
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Well Milkman they still are not linked. Most (I would say over half) links just tell you the name to the title, they are not even linked to the book much less the article. I did check a couple of other threads and this has been a problem for sometime now. But on the website it still states:
All references to commentaries and lexicons are linked to your digital titles.
I don't know what that means to logos, but they are supposed to be linked to my books!!! Maybe they have a different definition for "all".
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
Most (I would say over half) links just tell you the name to the title, they are not even linked to the book much less the article.
Isn't that just an indication of when they were last updated? The oldest resources show no indication of a link unless there is a specific active link, the middle aged resources shown the resource only when there is no active link, the newest resources tend to have the most active links because very little has been added since they were indexed. Or do you have examples of ancient resources - in place before the Exegetical summaries - that are not linked?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Exegetical Summaries series is quite useful. No matter the ancientness, updated tagging and better linking would be very helpful--I think that is the point in question.
Are you suggesting that re-indexing would update these links?
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MJ do you own these resources?
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OK MJ, It took a few minutes but I see what you mean. And I went and checked with that same paragraph and I think that is the problem. The titles that came up when you hover are outdated titles. Thanks MJ.
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But one more comment, as the titles are updated you will be losing more and more as time goes by??
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
But one more comment, as the titles are updated you will be losing more and more as time goes by??
No, you will get improved links. But in the oldest resources, the links still missing may become more visible.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Just wondering if we keep getting updated books how can they connect to a book you no longer have??
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
Just wondering if we keep getting updated books how can they connect to a book you no longer have??
Logos is built on the assumption that if they once published a book, it will always be in the library of those who bought it. Whether or not you actually own a book makes no difference to whether or not it is connected. The connection is made by a "milestone" or a "headword" or page number or ... A headword link is used for things like dictionaries where the link is a dictionary identifier and the headword. If you don't own the dictionary, a preview (and option to purchase) pop-up; if you own the dictionary and there is an entry for the word, the entry will show; if you own the dictionary and there is no entry for the word IIRC you are placed near where it would be in the dictionary. The same principles apply for Bibles except the headword is replaced by "milestone" which is book id, chapter, verse. Or it applies to early church fathers where the "milestone" often is author, work, book, chapter, paragraph. ...
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ by that rational why do I have abbreviations with no links to books or to articles.
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
MJ by that rational why do I have abbreviations with no links to books or to articles.
Because at the time the resource was processed, Logos had not created the required identifier and milestones for the resource pointed to. Logos did not define the milestones/resource identifiers in advance but rather creates them when the resource pointed to becomes a Logos resource. Then they have to go back and convert all references to that resource that exist in the library already. In addition to fixing typos, etc. these updates are a big part of the downloads we get.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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But lets say resource B gets added to the logos library but it is a 2006 updated version and the book in question quoted the 1983 edition. Would they link the updated version to the updated book?
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
Would they link the updated version to the updated book?
I recall that the user community was pressuring them to do so ... I believe they ended up with a dual link solution but I'm not certain.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I would be all for it!!!
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
Well Milkman they still are not linked. Most (I would say over half) links just tell you the name to the title, they are not even linked to the book much less the article. I did check a couple of other threads and this has been a problem for sometime now. But on the website it still states:
All references to commentaries and lexicons are linked to your digital titles.
I don't know what that means to logos, but they are supposed to be linked to my books!!! Maybe they have a different definition for "all".
Could you give me an example? I've spot checked a few and I'm not sure what you're seeing.
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This is from page 11 on
Greenlee, J. H. (2008). An Exegetical Summary of James (2nd ed., p. 3). Dallas, TX: SIL International.Just to show you what I am looking.
DISCOURSE UNIT: 1:1 [AB, BKC, EBC, GNT, Hb, HNTC, ICC, Lns, NBC, NIC, NIGTC, NTC, TG, TNTC, Tsk, WBC; NAB, NIV, NJB, TEV]. The topic is the address and greeting [AB, BKC, HNTC, Lns, My, Tsk, WBC; NJB], the salutation [EBC, Hb, ICC, NBC, NIC, NTC, TNTC], the introduction [NIGTC; TEV].Greenlee, J. H. (2008). An Exegetical Summary of James (2nd ed., p. 11). Dallas, TX: SIL International.The first one AB I do not own, but when hovering over it I get this, and clicking on it.Reicke, Bo. The Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude. The Anchor Bible, edited by W. Albright and D. Freedman. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1964.Is suppose to show an article??The second one is BKC, it refers to a 1983 edition and I have 1985 edition. But when hovering over this I get this, and clicking on it.Blue, J. Ronald. James. In The Bible Knowledge Commentary, edited by John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck. Wheaton, Illinois: Victor Books, 1983.Greenlee, J. H. (2008).When hovering over EBC I do not own But I get a piece of it from the book. Can't copy it. It just quotes the verse no commentary. Same with clicking.When hovering over GNT Not sure if I own, but same as above It just quotes the verse, no commentary and clicking on it.When hovering over and clicking on it I get this. I do not own. HNTCLaws, Sophie. A Commentary on the Epistle of James. Harper’s New Testament Commentaries, edited by Henry Chadwick. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1980.When hovering over ICC I get commentary and I own the book.When hovering over Lns I get commentary and I own the book.When hovering over and clicking NBC. I have a book by that title but different edition and author it claims is not listed on the book.Ward, Ronald A. James. In The New Bible Commentary, Revised. Edited by D. Guthrie and J. A. Motyer. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.When hovering over NIC I get commentary and clicking on it brings up the book.When hovering over and clicking NIGTC I get this and I own the book.Davids, Peter H. The Epistle of James. The New International Greek Testament Commentary, edited by I. Howard Marshall and W. Ward Gasque. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982.When hovering and clicking on NTC I get this but I own the book.Kistemaker, Simon J. Exposition of the Epistle of James and the Epistles of John. New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986.When hovering over and clicking on TG I get this. I do not have this book.Bratcher, Robert G. A Translator’s Guide to the Letters from James, Peter, and Jude. London, New York, Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, 1984.There is a few examples. Let me know what to expect? What is expected of this resource? You only get info when you own the book and sometimes when I own it I still get no info and clicking on it does not even open the book.Sorry when I typed it out it was all spaced!!0 -
Thanks Matthew
AB: this is an abbreviation for a book that we do not carry. The link is functioning as expected.
BKC: We carry the 1985 edition and this is a link to the 1983 edition. Because they are different editions we do not "open" the 1985 resource and treat it like an abbreviation.
EBC: This opens the Expositor's Bible Commentary
GNT: This opens the Greek New Testament
Hb: Same scenario as BKC.
HNTC: We don't carry this edition so it functions as an abbreviation.
ICC: Opens the ICC commentary volume
Lns: Opens the commentary
NBC: We don't carry the commentary so it functions as an abbreviation
NIC: Opens the commentary
NIGTC/NTC: We missed this one. It should have been tagged.
TG: We don't carry this title so it functions as an abbreviation
With the exception of NIGTC/NTC it appears everything is functioning as normal. We can certainly get those two updated easily.
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Thanks Kyle, but you failed to answer my question. What should we expect from this commentary? So if you don't own that book no commentary. I think on your website you should note that because it says:
All references to commentaries and lexicons are linked to your digital titles,
And I guess as time goes by their will be less and less of the linking.
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And also Kyle on this one
GNT: This opens the Greek New Testament
When I click on it it says I don't have the title but when it takes me to logos it says it doesn't have that title?
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
When I click on it it says I don't have the title but when it takes me to logos it says it doesn't have that title?
Doesn't that simply mean that you don't own a title that was previously available but is no longer sold by Logos?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
And I guess as time goes by their will be less and less of the linking.
I'm having trouble figuring out how you get here. For a given resource, the references that are contained should never change. A second edition would be a new resource.
- those references that exist in Logos are linked when the resource is first released
- as new resources are added to Logos that contain references that are unlinked references in the given resource, updates to the given resource are released.
- if new editions of referenced resources are released, it has absolutely no effect on the given resource because the given resource doesn't refer to them.
I don't see where you think links are getting dropped.
Mathew Haferkamp said:All references to commentaries and lexicons are linked to your digital titles,
I think this means to say that all references and commentaries are linked to the corresponding Faithlife digital title, if one exists.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Still waiting on a response from Kyle. But MJ as resources are updated then the old is not for sale usually. Go back and look at Kyle's response, he said that all the one's that you don't have in library (the exact one, same edition) then their is no piece of an article shows up. I noticed that the books I was missing were quite old, and everyone I checked out has an updated version, so if logos is going to carry it someday in the future I would assume they would use the updated version and as it is not the exact same book it won't be linked.
As best as I can figure, still waiting on Kyles response.
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Whether or not a book is still for sale has no effect on it's being linked. If you owned the book, you still own it and it is still linked. You are correct that over time your ability to purchase books for which there are newer editions in Logos will decrease; this decreases your ability to activate links in your personal library unless you can find the old edition on the used market.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Please MJ that's what I said (still waiting on confirmation from Kyle) if you do not have the exact book in your library then it will not link to it and also it will not show any part of article. For me yes the ones I have should stay, I was just saying it for new people, they should be better warned that that series will not help you much unless you already have a pretty good library.
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
I was just saying it for new people
The "new people" is what I was missing in order for your comments to make sense.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
Thanks Kyle, but you failed to answer my question. What should we expect from this commentary? So if you don't own that book no commentary. I think on your website you should note that because it says:
All references to commentaries and lexicons are linked to your digital titles,
And I guess as time goes by their will be less and less of the linking.
I'm not sure I'm completely following you but I'll do my best.
There is nothing unusual about the linking for this series. It is consistent with how we do linking for every resource in our library.
If, at the time of production of a Logos edition, a title makes a reference to another title that we carry in our library we make a link. If anything, the Exegetical Summaries series goes beyond our normal tagging standards. We typically don't provide links to specific editions of Bibles or infer references like we do in this series.
Whether or not a link we create opens to a resource or not depends on whether or not a user owns a license to the resource or not. If its a title that we're still selling, it should open an interface to give the user an option to purchase the title.
Generally speaking we don't pull titles from sale. When we do its at the publisher request and is rare. We'd much rather sell everything.
Mathew Haferkamp said:And also Kyle on this one
GNT: This opens the Greek New Testament
When I click on it it says I don't have the title but when it takes me to logos it says it doesn't have that title?
This is an example of what I was talking about above. Currently we are not allowed to sell this.
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So if you don't own that specific title you don't get anything but a reference to a title that links to nothing? I just want to make sure.
And by reference I mean you get the title, author, publisher, and date of publishing.
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Mathew Haferkamp said:
So if you don't own that specific title you don't get anything but a reference to a title that links to nothing? I just want to make sure.
And by reference I mean you get the title, author, publisher, and date of publishing.
If it is a title we have never carried in our library, the link functions as an abbreviation.
If it is a title we have carried it will either allow you to open the title in your library or take you to a landing page on logos.com